Four Rotary Clubs Hold Joint Installation

July 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

The four Rotary Clubs of Bermuda held a joint installation ceremony at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club on Friday [July 19].

A spokesperson said, “On July 19th 2024, Rotarians, a packed room filled with Rotarians, invited guests, friends and family gathered together at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club to witness the installation of the four Rotary Clubs of Bermuda. This event marked the first time in many decades that all four clubs conducted a joint installation ceremony to welcome their new leadership teams and evidence the start of the new Rotary year.

“Antoine Lightbourne was installed as the 24-25 president of the Rotary Club of Sandys. Antoine is a barrister and attorney currently employed as the Assistant Tax Commissioner for Stamp Duty in the Office of the Tax Commissioner.

“Cathy Bassett was installed as the 24-25 president of the Rotary Club of Hamilton. Cathy Bassett has been a Rotarian for almost 20 years. She has been an Educator in the Bermuda public school system since 1982 as a teacher, mentor, Deputy Principal and Principal of two Primary Schools. She is a Member of Girl Guiding Bermuda, having led two Brownie Packs for 42 years.

“Shammara Simmons was installed as President of the Rotary Club of St. George’s. Shammara Simmons is employed at EY Bermuda Ltd. She became a part of Rotary in 2018 as an Advisor for the Hamilton Interact Club and later became a member of the St. George’s Rotary Club in 2021.

Rotary Clubs Joint Installation Ceremony Bermuda July 19 2024_2

“Barbara Harris-Edwards was installed as the President of the Rotary Club of Pembroke. Barbara joined the Rotary of Club of Pembroke in 2002. She served as the Youth Exchange Student Program [Inbound & Outbound] Student Coordinator for 2 years. Barbara previously served as a Rotary District 7230 Leader becoming District Governor in 2015 and currently serves on the District 7320 Ethics & Resolution Committee.

“In addition to witnessing the installation of the four club presidents, attendees of the event, were also treated to live entertainment from the Violin Sisters [Sari and Naphisa Smith] and Maurice Clarke, a saxophonist from Bermuda School of Music.

The four clubs jointly presented a token of appreciation to former Executive Director of KBB, Traci Burgess in recognition of the strong and fruitful working relationship enjoyed between KBB and Rotary.

“The Rotary Clubs of Bermuda take this opportunity to thank our donors, sponsors, community volunteers, school volunteers, Interactors and advisors for their support and collaboration in the Rotary year which ended on June 30th 2024 and look forward to jointly serving Bermuda in the current Rotary year and beyond.

“The Rotary year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. Persons who are interested in taking part in community service projects and or joining a Rotary club in Bermuda are encouraged to reach out via email for more information.

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change- across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

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