HRC Extends Survey On Disability Inclusion

July 4, 2024 | 1 Comment

The Human Rights Commission has extended the public survey on disability inclusion in Bermuda. The deadline for responses is Friday July 12 at 5pm.

Lisa Reed, Executive Officer of the Human Rights Commission stated, “The objective of the consultation is to understand the experiences of people with disabilities, and the barriers they may face while navigating life in Bermuda. This includes accessing public spaces and services, housing and accommodation, the workplace or when seeking employment.

“Disability is part of being human; anyone can become disabled at any point in their life and not all disabilities are visible or obvious. Examples of unseen or invisible disabilities include neuro divergence, learning differences, visual or hearing impairments, autism, use of prosthetics, traumatic brain injury, mental health disabilities, bipolar disorder, diabetes, ADHD, arthritis, Dementia, anxiety sleep disorder, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, and many others.”

Ms. Reed concluded, “The electronic survey will take about fifteen minutes to complete. We encourage all people in Bermuda to participate. Everyone’s perspective is important in addressing barriers and creating a more inclusive Bermuda.”

The spokesperson said, “The survey can be found on the Commission’s website: consultation-disability-inclusion-in-bermuda/. It can also be completed in person at the Office of the Commission at 32 Victoria Street, Milner Place, Ground Floor, Hamilton or over the phone by calling 295-5859.

“The last day to complete the survey is Friday July 12 at 5:00 pm.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Disability is part of being human”

    But apparently being gay and wanting to marry your gay partner is not “part of being human”!

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