Portuguese School Opens Registration

July 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Portuguese Cultural Association of Bermuda advised that registration for the Portuguese School of Bermuda for the upcoming year is open.

A spokesperson said, “More information about the upcoming year can be found online at portugueseBDA.com. The registration form is on our website. Alternatively, you can navigate directly through to the form at https://forms.gle/pb7W58AjRyWpSRHR6.

“Thanks to the generosity of anonymous donors who wish to support expanded access to Portuguese instruction, our minimum donation of has been temporarily lowered to $250, for those children who previously took part in the Portuguese School, or $300 for everyone else.

“Our donors have also set aside some additional funding for a bursary programme for the parents of children who cannot afford instruction. This is to help us abide by the public benefit requirements under the Charities Act 2014. Please email us for more information on info@portugueseBDA.com.

“Payment will need to be made by Friday, 27 September 2024 to confirm your child’s attendance. Alternatively, you can split payment into two, with the first instalment of $125 or 150 by Friday, 27 September 2024, and the second by Friday, 10 January 2025.

“Classes are expected to start on Monday, 23 September 2024 and will be held in person at the Portuguese School classroom on the ground floor of the Vasco da Gama Club [51 Reid Street, Hamilton].

“The School is run as an afterschool programme, holding classes for primary-school aged students across 6 grade levels. The Portuguese School delivers its classes in accordance with the Quadro de Referência para o Ensino Português no Estrangeiro, which is the official framework for teaching Portuguese as a foreign language, sponsored by Camões – Institute of Cooperation and Language, I.P. ["Camões, I.P."]. This is the institution dedicated to the worldwide promotion of the Portuguese language, Portuguese culture, and international aid, on behalf of the Government of Portugal.

“We also take this opportunity to remind the public that the Association has become affiliated with Camões, I.P. What does this mean for us?

Richard Ambrosio, Chairman of the Association, states, “We will be working with Camões, I.P. to examine every aspect of our teaching, including, but not limited to, the curriculum, continual professional development for the teacher, and the number of contact hours with students. In the longer term, we will work to develop a form of international recognition for certificates of completion, which may include working towards sitting older students for their GCSE in Portuguese.”

The spokesperson said, “Finally, please note that as a registered charity [#385], we critically depend on the generous support of members of the public to keep our programme active. If you are interested in donating, you do so at any time via our BNTB Bank Account: number, 20006060707516100; name ‘Portuguese School of Bermuda’. Every little bit helps!

“If you have any questions about the School, our adult programme or making a contribution, feel free to get in touch with us at any time via info@portugueseBDA.com.”

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