Top 10 Most Viewed Videos For July 2024

July 31, 2024 | 0 Comments

During July, Bernews posted over 100 videos on our website, various social networks and on our dedicated video website Bernews.TV, and the most viewed videos for the month included Glenn Jones interviewing Flora Duffy, Emma & Jack Harvey training for the Olympics, Police Passing Out Ceremony Recruit Foundation Course 83, Emancipation Cup Match Walkabout, a quick look around Eastern County Cricket Game, St George’s Cup Match Extravaganza, Picton Castle Tall Ship arriving in Bermuda, and the Premier’s Address to Bermuda.

As far as Facebook videos, the most viewed for the month was Dame Flora Duffy’s arrival in Paris, on Instagram the most viewed for the month was Dame Flora Duffy’s arrival in Paris, and the most watched Twitter video was Bermuda Newsflash for Tuesday.

#1 – Glenn Jones Interviews Flora Duffy, July 26

#2 – 636lb Blue Marlin Caught On Debaitable, July 6

#3 – Emma & Jack Harvey Training For The Olympics, July 15

#4 – Police Passing Out Ceremony Recruit Foundation Course 83, July 20

#5 – Emancipation Cup Match Walkabout, July 13

#6 – A Quick Look Around Eastern County Cricket Game, July 21

#7 – St George’s Cup Match Extravaganza, July 21

#8 – Picton Castle Tall Ship Arrives In Bermuda, July 3

#9 – Bermuda Newsflash For Monday, July 8

#10 – Premier’s Address To Bermuda, July 23

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