Minister Attends UK Labour Party Conference

September 26, 2024 | 2 Comments

Minister Jason Hayward attended the UK Labour Party Conference in Liverpool this week.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Hon. Jason Hayward JP, MP, Minister of Economy and Labour attended the UK Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, United Kingdom this week supported by the Government of Bermuda London Office.

“The Bermuda Government delegation focused upon strengthening cooperation with the UK Government at a political level in the areas of sustainable economic growth and development, cooperation for investment, trade opportunities and developing skill sets for the workforce.

Minister Jason Hayward UK Labour Party Conference Bermuda September 2024 (2)

“The Minister had high level engagement with the following:

“Stephen Doughty MP; Minister of State for Europe, North America and Overseas Territories where he reinforced matters of interests relating to Bermuda ahead of the Joint Ministerial Council in November.

“Minister Hayward joined an event facilitated by ‘Labour in the City’ addressed by The Lord Spencer Elliot Livermore; Financial Secretary to His Majesty’s Treasury, focused on how the financial services industry can partner with labour governments to stimulate economic growth.

Minister Jason Hayward UK Labour Party Conference Bermuda September 2024 (4)

“The Minister took time for meaningful discussions with UK Minister Gareth Thomas MP; Minister for Services, Small Businesses and Exports at the Department for Business and Trade. The Ministers discussed economic cooperation opportunities where it pertains to small enterprises and entrepreneurship.

“As part of the Minister’s economic development priorities, he held productive discussions with UK Minister Justin Madders MP; Minister for Employment Rights, Competition & Markets at the Department for Business and Trade. These discussions included expanding rights pertaining to workers, highlighting the need to continue to progress workers’ rights, supporting the expansion of trade unions and exploring opportunities for further collaboration between the Government of Bermuda and the UK Department for Business and Trade. We are encouraged that the UK Department for Business and Trade is keen to enhance engagement with the Government of Bermuda through the London Office.”

The Minister stated that, “The Government of Bermuda and a new Labour Government share a set of core values centred around people-first governance; social protections and well-being; and ensuring economic opportunities are created so that citizens may prosper leading to a greater quality of life.

Minister Jason Hayward UK Labour Party Conference Bermuda September 2024 (1)

“The Government’s attendance to the Labour Party Conference is a key opportunity to promote Bermuda’s value proposition internationally; reinforce our partnership with the UK; highlight our growth and development; and leverage strategic partnerships globally for the progression of Bermuda’s business and people.”

The Government spokesperson said, “Minister Hayward acknowledged the importance of nurturing existing relationships. As such, the Minister held a meeting with The Rt Hon. the Baroness Hodge of Barking DBE to reinforce Bermuda’s good standing regarding financial transparency and The Government of Bermuda’s commitment to tackling illicit finance and anti-corruption.

“As part of Diplomatic outreach, Minister Hayward took the opportunity to further foster Middle East engagement, meeting with Bahrain Ambassador H.E. Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, to explore avenues for enhancing economic cooperation and dialogue. Together they emphasized the importance of collaboration in unlocking new opportunities for growth.

Minister Jason Hayward UK Labour Party Conference Bermuda September 2024 (3)

“Through relationships already established, the UK Representative for the Government of Bermuda Ms. Kimberley Durrant, presented the Head of The Palestine Mission to The United Kingdom, H.E. Dr Husam Zomlot, to Minister Hayward. His Excellency briefed the Minister directly on developments impacting Palestine.

“On the invitation of the Labour Party, the Government of Bermuda was welcomed to hear directly from Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner MP; and Luke Pollard MP, Minister for Defence in a private closed setting designed for foreign diplomats and government officials to hear about the UK Government’s foreign policy agenda. This setting afforded Minister Hayward the opportunity to hold bilaterals with foreign governments and the wider Diplomatic Corps.

“The delegation led by Minister of Economy and Labour The Hon. Jason Hayward JP, MP, included Ms. Kimberley Durrant, UK Representative for the Government of Bermuda and Brandon A. Sousa, Deputy UK Representative. To gain experience through the London Office internship programme, Mr. Sergio Griffin Jr & Ms. Isabelle Perry accompanied the delegation.”

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  1. What! says:

    Was interesting to discover that the PLP are not a left of centre labour party , but they are very much a right wing party in their decisions and actions. They are further right than the Conservative party in the UK ! !

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    “he Bermuda Government delegation focused upon strengthening cooperation with the UK Government …”

    No. No. NO! The PLP Government hates everything British! Why do people keep forgetting that?

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