Registration Opens For Youth Climate Summit

October 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] announced that registration for the Island’s 4th Annual Youth Climate Summit taking place November 18th-23rd is now open.

A spokesperson said, “The Youth Climate Summit [YCS], a weeklong event for students ages 13-22, engages and educates young people on global climate issues and is the foundation for a year of youth-led activities focused on local climate matters. Throughout the week, students will connect with local and global climate and environmental experts, leaders, and young activists in areas concerning Conservation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice.”

“The YCS is not just an event; it’s an opportunity for Bermuda’s youth to learn directly from global experts, to be inspired, and to join a growing community of young people committed to protecting the planet. Most importantly, it is an event that gives students the tools to act and the hope that their efforts will create real, positive change,” said BUEI CEO Karla Lacey.

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The spokesperson said, “Founding Partners, AXA XL and HSBC Bermuda, have continued to support the vision of the Youth Climate Summit since its introduction in 2021. HSBC’s global ‘Net Zero Transition Plan’ includes strategic areas of focus that support the global transition to net zero through acceleration and scaling of low carbon technologies, addressing barriers to finance mobilization, advance climate innovation and nature-based solutions. Locally, that translates to incorporating sustainable strategies in its own operations; supporting initiatives that foster community engagement in environmental sustainability projects and supporting customers in their respective climate transition journeys through the provision of energy efficient financing solutions.”

Louise Twiss West, HSBC’s Head of Wholesale Banking commented “HSBC Bermuda is honored to continue sponsorship of this important educational initiative as a Founding Partner. Every year we look forward to supporting the Youth Climate Summit’s new cohort of student-environmentalists. Their passion and efforts towards progression in Sustainability, Climate Justice and Conservation in Bermuda is impressive and crucial to move our society toward a more sustainable future.”

The spokesperson said, “As one of the world’s leading re/insurance companies, AXA XL has several robust climate-based initiatives underway, ranging from commitments around underwriting and investment to managing the company’s own emissions associated with its operations.”

BUEI Youth Climate Summit Bermuda October 2024 (1)

Andy MacFarlane, AXA XL’s Head of Climate, said, “As highlighted in the recently published 2024 AXA Future Risk Report, climate change remains the biggest challenge we face as a society. At AXA XL, we have a robust program of training for our colleagues covering the myriad of climate-related issues as we believe building awareness is one of the first steps to making meaningful change. Similarly, the YCS aligns with our ambitions. It builds young people’s awareness, encourages them to think about potential solutions, and empowers them to use their voice and constructive actions to protect the earth for present and future generations.”

As hurricanes become more frequent and devastating year after year, and our oceans continue to warm in temperature and affect local wildlife, Bermuda is by no means free from the threats of climate change. Our Island’s unique ecological and geographical positioning and our experience in fields like that of re/insurance however places us in a position to make a great impact and lead on changing climate initiatives. The Youth Climate Summit is just one of the lasting ways that this change can be achieved. “This year, we hope to continue to make an impact on our local community and continue to show the world how change can be made effectively with young people at its heart,” said Lacey.

The spokesperson said, “In addition to our Founding Partners, the Youth Climate Summit is supported by returning Visionary Partners Aspen Bermuda, Renaissance Re and Deloitte along with returning Inspire Partners Conduit Re, Chubb Bermuda, Axis Specialty Limited and Neuberger Berman among other valued organisations.

“For more information on the 2024 Youth Climate Summit, visit”

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