Roche Bermuda Donates $100K To BioQuest

October 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

Roche Bermuda announced a $100,000 donation to BioQuest to support local genomics research and the conservation of Bermuda’s coral reefs.

A spokesperson said, “Roche Bermuda, today proudly announces its $100,000 donation to BioQuest. This crucial funding will significantly enhance BioQuest’s infrastructure, and support its essential initiatives, including protecting Bermuda’s coral reefs, which are critical natural defenses for the island and its residents.

“BioQuest employs advanced genomics to study biodiversity, starting with Bermuda’s signature and critically endangered species. By performing all genomics locally, this enables biologists and citizen scientists to study species close to home, instead of sending samples to centralized, often overseas, locations for sequencing.

“One key project of 2024 focuses on coral reefs that protect the island from rising sea levels and severe weather. This donation will significantly strengthen BioQuest’s initiatives to safeguard endangered species while advancing research into the critical connections between biodiversity and human health. Dr. Carika Weldon, co-founder and Director of Research, leads the research studies, with co-founder Mr. Jean-Pierre Rouja serving as the Executive Director of BioQuest.”

“At Roche Bermuda, we are committed to enhancing the well-being of our island,” stated Ms. LaRondie Harrell, President & General Manager of Roche Bermuda. “This donation represents a vital investment in preserving Bermuda’s environment for future generations. By partnering with BioQuest, we address pressing environmental challenges while fostering a healthier, more sustainable community for all Bermudians.”

Jean-Pierre Rouja, Executive Director of BioQuest, shared his excitement, “Our focus on coral reefs is not just about preservation; it’s about safeguarding the intricate ecosystem that sustains our island. Roche Bermuda’s significant donation enables us to harness innovative genomic technology for impactful conservation initiatives.”

Dr Carika Weldon, Director of Research, echoed her gratitude, “We at BioQuest are fully committed to ensuring science equity in previously underrepresented regions for sustainable natural resource management. The excitement from local scientists that we can now do this all in Bermuda really makes it all worth it. Roche’s support is paramount in allowing us to serve our fellow scientists with the latest technology close to home for a safer environment.”

The spokesperson said, “This partnership exemplifies Roche Bermuda’s unwavering commitment to advancing personalized healthcare and environmental sustainability, emphasizing the essential link between ecosystem health and the community’s well-being. Roche Bermuda is proud to champion initiatives that will benefit both current and future generations of Bermudians.”

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