Study On Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Collisions

November 30, 2024 | 5 Comments

A study aimed to investigate prevalence of substances consumed by individuals involved in road traffic accidents who sought treatment in the Emergency Room from May 2023, to April 2024 revealed that out of 167 participants, 119 individuals, or 71%, tested positive for substances.

In providing details on a recent meeting and report, Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said, “Dr. Celeste Maycock, an emergency room physician, presented a collaborative initiative between the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the Department for National Drug Control.

“This anonymous study aimed to investigate the types and prevalence of substances consumed by individuals involved in road traffic accidents [RTAs] who sought treatment in the Emergency Room from May 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024.

“Key findings revealed that out of 167 participants [16% female, 84% male, aged 16-90 years], 119 individuals, or 71%, tested positive for substances. Among these, 53 participants [32%] had only alcohol in their system, 32 [19%] had only drugs, and 34 [20%] had both alcohol and drugs in their system.

“The positive drug tests identified substances such as THC, cocaine, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, and/or opiates. Notably, 20% of accidents occurred on Fridays, followed by Saturdays, and a significant proportion of the RTAs were single-vehicle incidents [62%], predominantly involving motorbike riders [81%].”

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    Oh goodie, another committee is being formed. Another group of people willspend months sitting around a table discussing what is already well known.

    At the end they will produce a report listing what is already known and, what is that overused word everyone in Government likes to use these days? oh yes, a strategy. Everything is a strategy these days which translates into more talk, no action.

  2. puzzled says:

    Well that’s a no brainer.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    Can we have a study about what would likely happen if the Bermuda Police Service enforced traffic laws?

    • Hilarious says:

      That would be a short study followed by an even shorter study of why certain government employees never pay parking tickets.

  4. Gerald says:

    What a joke please!! Now days we can fill up a car or fill up a stomach with alcohol at the same place!! No one cares, its all about money!!

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