National Violence Reduction Strategy
“Be it resolved that this Honourable House supports the report entitled the ‘National Violence Reduction Strategy,” was the motion discussed in the House of Assembly last night [Dec 6], with the motion moved by Minister of National Security Michael Weeks.
In a discussion that spanned hours, MPs from both sides of the aisle spoke in support of the motion as well as on the importance of reducing violence in the community,
The Violence Reduction Strategy states that it “aims to address anti-social behavior and violence, particularly gun and knife violence, by promoting sustained reduction rather than total eradication. It focuses on redemption rather than punishment, offering opportunities for individuals to reintegrate into society without stigma. This approach includes policies for relocation and support for those seeking a better social and economic environment.”
“The Bermuda Police Service has recorded 107 murders since 2006. The most common weapon used in these murders is a firearm [57 cases], followed by knives or other bladed weapons [33 cases]. The remaining cases involve other forms of violence or are classified as unknown due to various circumstances.”
“The Ministry of National Security has devised eight strategic goals:
- Goal 1: Enhance Early Intervention and Community-Based Initiatives for Violence Prevention
- Goal 2: Strengthen Community Resilience and Support Systems for Gang Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Goal 3: Facilitate Conflict Resolution and De-escalation through Negotiation
- Goal 4: Promote Reintegration and Restoration
- Goal 5: Strengthen Enforcement Measures
- Goal 6: Improved Collaboration
- Goal 7: Policy Advocacy for Violence Reduction
- Goal 8: Improved Public Awareness Campaign
The document states, “Addressing violence anti-social behavior is an urgent priority for the Bermuda community, and our National Strategy serves as a vital tool in our collaborative efforts to combat this pervasive issue. Recognizing that isolated actions are insufficient, we must demonstrate collective responsibility in addressing these issues.
“Through unity and collective effort, we can effectively counter violence and anti-social behavior. By implementing strategies focused on prevention, intervention, mediation, and relocation, we can significantly reduce its prevalence, leading to a safer Bermuda of which we can all be proud.
“The Ministry of National Security is committed to implementing the Violence Reduction Strategy with diligence and dedication, and as previously mentioned, to continuing our collaboration with private and public stakeholders at every step of the journey.”
The full National Violence Reduction Strategy report follows below [PDF here]: