110 Candidates For The 2025 General Election
The 110 candidates for the 2025 General Election have all been announced, and according to the official nomination list, the PLP have 36 candidates, the OBA have 36, the FDM have 10 and there are also 27 Independents running, and one person is running under the Emperial Group name.
The full Nomination Announcement follows below [PDF here]:
For full coverage of the 2025 Election and past elections, visit the links below, with comprehensive coverage available on our network website BermudaElections.com, the leading source of data and election videos.
- All: Our coverage of the 2025 General Election here
- 2025 Candidates: List of the 110 candidates here
- Constituencies: Data/past results of all 36 constituencies
- Videos: 200 videos spanning multiple elections here
- Official: The Government’s election website here
- Comprehensive: Our BermudaElection.com website here
Just goes to show how poorly the PLP have governed that all these people want to stand against the.
Absolutely correct, although the PLP will probably hold on to power because of the system. In 2020 they won with around 33% of the vote, this time I can see this dropping to around 20%, which would be a damning indictment.
One could equally argue that it shows dissatisfaction with the OBA as an Opposition, and thus people looking for an alternative. As is, I commend everyone that has put their name forward – it’s not easy stepping up and becoming a target!
Also reveals that these same people refuse to be part of the new OBA/UBP.
Thank you Fahy for returning to bury the oba/UBP.
Remember it’s a great deal of black UBP members that left and joined the PLP. Which is why the OBA//UBP keeps getting defeated.
OBAUBP all the way, all the way OBAUBP into the sea!
Please do not use my name for your political propaganda
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Joe. At least their posts show clearly it’s not you. It’s also amusing that it’s now 2 people who are braindead and unable to think for themselves. Just following orders I guess.
No more black Tokens for you. Pack up the tent feb 18.
You can change your name the same way the UBP changed it’s name to OBA.
More like oba//UBP all the way into the fire.
Is the PLP so terrified of the truth that it feels the need to send trolls to post false and misleading information in my name?
There is no shortage of people who are more than capable to serve the country.
The problem is !
Are they willing , do they fit in , or being popular , or can they do so , or even wanted ?
Could it be not every body is interested in party politics or much care .
However there was space for them as an independent.
PAC MAN, I have to ask why any responsible person would want to enter politics in Bermuda anymore. A white person who does not support the PLP will be accused of being a racist and a black person who does not support the PLP will be branded a surrogate and an Uncle Tom.
If you need proof of the lies and deception being practiced by the PLP just look up at the post that some PLP troll made in my name.
So you think it’s ok for a 96% white political party aka OBAUBPERS to use black surrogates as candidates just for more VOTES?
Thank you for proving my point.
You’re a little late to the party.
Everyone knows that a white organization is using black men as candidates for more votes.
I doubt that there will be any change from the past few years as the future will be more the same” biding time”.
It may take the new people at least a year to get their feet wet , time we do not have.
The Trump administration will turn their back on us as they have had their fill of the rest of the world also .
there is one more I hesatate to mention.
The UK has burnt their toast.
I do remember telling you all to plant food above and now below ground.
Other destination have upped their game while we have played the “wait and see” .
it is the same old story .
” He who hesitates is lost. ”
” A stitch in time save nine. “.
” Nothing ventured nothing gained”
” Charity is a wonderfull thing till the money runs out”