2025 Election Results: Graphics By Constituency

February 19, 2025 | 3 Comments

The graphics below show the results of the 2025 Bermuda General Election, which saw the PLP retain the government by winning 25 constituencies and the OBA earn 11 seats in the House of Assembly, with the overall voter turnout at 54.99%.

Out of the 36 constituencies, the majority retained the incumbent MP, with only nine seats making any form of a change; four constituencies moved from the PLP to the OBA, and five constituencies voted for the same party, but there will be a change of MP.

The nine new MPs will be the PLP’s Paul Wilmot, Pastor Leroy Bean, Alexa Lightbourne, and Owen Darrell, as well as the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson, Robin Tucker, Michael Fahy, Dr Douglas DeCouto and Linda Smith.

As a super simplified summary, the PLP came into election 29-7, so lost 4 seats, all of which the OBA won, as the FDM and Independents did not win a single seat. We will have significantly more coverage and data analysis of the election results in the coming days, and in the meantime a photo gallery showing the winning candidate in each constituency is below.

C1 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTP32421354325243H)

C2 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTP32421354325243H

C3 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YT33453425PH

C4 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate Y34524353TPH

C5 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH sized (3452345342)

C6 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate Y34543252TPH

C7 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate Y435r2435TPH

C8 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate Y3454235234TPH

C9 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate 53454YTPH

C10 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YT4r543252345PH

C11 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTP34525234H

C12 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTP3452452452H

C13 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YT323452435PH

C14 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YT345235234PH

C15 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate Y345r2435432TPH

C16 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTP324352435H

C17 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTP342352435H

C18 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate Y345r2345243TPH

C19 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YT234235r234PH

C20 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTP35234524H

C21 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH454643534

C22 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH35452345

C23 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH 3045234

C24 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C25 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C26 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH523453425

C27 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C28 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C29 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH34r3425234

C30 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH34543252

C31 OBA Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C32 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH

C33 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH (1) 2025

2025 C34 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH (1)

2-25 C35 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH (1)

2025 C36 PLP Bermuda Election Candidate YTPH (1)

line divider Bermuda Elections 3 copy
For full coverage of the 2025 Election and past elections, visit the links below, with comprehensive coverage available on our network website BermudaElections.com, the leading source of data and election videos.

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Comments (3)

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  1. Gerald says:

    I am very shocked about Sandys North Central, they need a recount , i just know Brangy got in!!

  2. Roger says:

    And if all independent/fdm wasted votes had pulled against PLP…it would have been 18-18.

    Congratulations Marc Bean et al, you want to change things but actually you have succeeded in the opposite.

    You and Jarion need to agree a single path, Bermuda is too small for 3 parties, unless you want another 20 years of PLP misery.

    • Misery all over says:

      Travelling widely and almost every country I have been to you hear about the cost of living. In the UK they don’t want foreigners and feel they are taking over like we feel in Bermuda. In Usa what are they experiencing and Canada and South America I hear the same thing. Maybe Cuba is better or Jamaica or Trinidad. Oh Guyana with its new oil wealth. Name a country?

      Only country with No misery is St. David’s and that’s a fact.

      You forgot to ask how could the most analytical writer who beat up viciously on the Plp since he shot himself in the foot, Rolf Commissiong, get just 52 votes.
      52 52 52 52 52 52 unbelieveable. All those long articles. 52 votes.

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