Photos: Candidates Arrive For Nomination Day
[Updated with video] Dozens of political candidates made their way to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church on King Street this morning [Nov 29] for Nomination Day, with Independent Kim Swan first at the door.
Both the Progressive Labour Party and One Bermuda Alliance walked to the Church together, with their candidates decked out in their respective party colours. The Premier arrived in the PLP-themed mini-van along with some of the other PLP candidates.
Anthony Richardson arrived, confirming that he will replace Makai Dickerson as the PLP’s candidate in C#12.
The already declared Independent candidates showed up, as well as additional Independents including Albari Assalaam, Gershwyn ‘Shiloh’ Smith, Leyoni Junos, Cornell Fubler and David W. Burch
Photos by Bernews & Chia Brewin, click to enlarge:
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- Premier Cox: ‘Proud Of Our Candidate Team’ | | November 29, 2012
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1. Nandi Davis
2. Nandi Davis
3. Toni Daniels
4. Susan Jackson
5. Patrice Minors
6. Leah Scott
Sorry our other Model Politicians did not make this round
love ballad – when i see you smile oh oh do do wap wap ohhhhhhhhh
You obviously haven’t seen the young Ms Cannonier.. She takes the top three spots
I agree with you on that… She is FIRE hot! Let’s face it… when it comes to looks… the OBA just wins hands down…OBA: One Beautiful Alliance
Let’s not be sexist
I’m a PLP supporter but lawdamercy Jeff Baron is sooooo fine he could make me a believer. Unfortunately for him I’m not in #21.
he’s a whole lot of yummyness!
a WHOLE lot of yumminess!!’!!!!!
The thirst in these comments is real.
Oh puuullleeeze…did they have to turn it into something looking like a BIU protest march?
Second thought, maybe that was appropriate. The PLP is not known for promoting freethinking among its members. It is ‘do as I say, put your hand up when told to or suffer the consequences.’
You people are mad, have you seen Mrs.(Miss? hopefully) Hamza? Shes successful too? Wayasayin girl, im single, completely irresponsible, avoid commitment at all costs, unemployed(I preferre to call it temporary retirement)….shes like the yin to my yang lol. She makes me want to leave town and move up west just so I can see that face on my ballot. Theres no way shes single though. The Premier isnt getting my vote and sorry to say oba, but Glens not my type.
Glen, Come Correct? Surely you mean PLP’s Glen Blakeney? Or am I forgetting some other Glen running for OBA. I am known to make mistakes. I recently thought Alexis Swan was debating Larry Scott, when she was actually debating Lawrence Scott. Apologies to both, especially since Lawrence is my cousin. Comes from not having a television, cos I didn’t see the actual debate. I would have known the difference then.
Glen Smith is running for the OBA
I wasn’t the first to point it out, but I think it’s telling that, while the PLP team wore party pins, the OBA sported COUNTRY pins. That says a lot about each party’s priorities, I think.
One thing if the OBA doesn’t win, we sure look good! OBA! Time for change!
Jeff Baron’s got that Tom Cruise “Days OF Thunder” era vibe going on! Go ahead young Baron!!! OBA!!
Glad to see Alex Scott is supporting OBA…
LoL I was thinking the same thing…guess he didn’t get the memo he was suppose to wear a green tie…smh
High Priest Shiloh
He is the man get my vote