Column: Famous On Caricom, Politics & More

February 24, 2025 | 8 Comments

[Opinion column written by Christopher Famous]

It is of no surprise that certain organizations and political entities continue to attempt to cloud an issue that has previously been clarified.

So, for the sake of clarity let us repeat a few facts re Caricom.

  • Bermuda first obtained observer status of Caricom under the United Bermuda Party
  • Caricom is an association of 22 countries in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean; Bermuda, The Bahamas and Turks & Caicos Islands being the three island groups in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Of those countries, 15 are Full Members and 7 are Associate Members – Bermuda has been an Associate Member for over 20 years
  • Five of the British Colonies / Overseas Territories are only Associate members – Anguilla, Bermuda, The Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and The Virgin Islands

Facts vs Fiction

  • Regarding the claim that Caricom nations have to share each other’s finances – completely false. Each country’s financial affairs are separate. If that was the case, then member countries would be joint owners of Guyana’s 11 billion barrels of oil.
  • As we are British Colonies / Overseas Territories we had to first ask permission from the United Kingdom to even become an Associate Member. We further had to ask the UK government’s permission just to find out the requirements to become a full-time member.
  • Specifically, regarding the claim that Bermuda is signing / has signed up for Freedom of Movement of Labour – again completely false. Remember we remain a British Colony and they do not allow open borders.
  • Under the PLP, Bermuda has a stringent immigration regime in which qualified Bermudians must get preference for employment.


  • Annually, the 14 remaining British Colonies are required to travel to London to report to the United Kingdom Government. Yet, the critics do not complain about that trip. Why is that?
  • The biggest critics of Caricom are the supporters of making it easier for non-Bermudians to gain work permits.

The One Bermuda Alliance is committed to implementing a data-driven system that accelerates the work permit process…” – Ben Smith, OBA Deputy Leader, February 7, 2025.

In closing, you be the judge of why those who are so pro-immigration are so anti-Caricom.

- PLP MP Thomas Christopher Famous

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  1. Jeremy says:

    Chris, originally the government wanted to increase Bda’s population by 8K but that was later deemed too ambitious. what is the plan now? what is the plan to increase the island’s population and by how many?

  2. hmmm says:

    You still have not provided any benefits for Bermuda.

    Food security is a non-event. We have never had an issue with food security , even through the Pandemic.

  3. Mr. Apathy says:

    If you’re gonna be facetious in maligning those who think our immigration policy needs to be changed, at least do it in a way that makes sense + is consistent with the rhetoric your party has actively weaponised to shut down debate.

    Do you want immigration to Bermuda or don’t you, Chris? Which one is it?

  4. Mark says:

    Let me fill you in Famous. No one trusts you except the few you duped into voting for you. Your election and your party are not legitimate and you don’t represent even 1/4 of our population. We don’t want you and we certainly don’t want you dragging our country into caricom so you can mess us up even more. Stop with your nonsense and retire down there and leave us alone.

  5. Double s says:

    On 1 December 2023, Mr. Famous wrote a similar article lambasting critics and promising in his next piece that he will list all the benefits to be bestowed on BDA and her people by acquiring full membership. It has been 452 days since his that statement and I have yet to see him follow through on his promise. Must be a long list.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Come on, Double s, you cannot really expect a politician to live up to his or her promises!

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