Column: Paynter On Independents & More
[Opinion column written by independent candidate Tiffany Paynter]
They call us dreamers. They call us naïve. And some say Independent candidates have about as much chance “as a snowball in hell”. But I believe these are the comments of the few who have lost the battle to cynicism. As the saying goes, “Scratch any cynic, and you’ll find a disappointed idealist.” So let me speak to both the realists, who are doing the math, and the disappointed idealists who are trying to remind us to hope a little less.
I found Phil Perinchief’s op-ed so uplifting and timely that I sat down long after I should’ve been asleep to write this! He reminded me that we have elders who still remember what is possible. Elders who remember when Dame Lois Browne-Evans and other PLP leaders dismantled the two-vote system. A system where landowners had two votes which ensured that the wealthy (and mostly White) kept power in the hands of a few who thought “they knew best”. It was a system designed not just to govern, but to control the poor and hoard wealth.
And yet, here we are, decades later, staring at a new version of the same old game with people who may look like us but in the words of Kendrick Lamar, “They not like us.” The landowners of yesterday have become the “safe seat” holders of today—entrenched politicians who do not need to keep their word or earn the people’s trust because party politics guarantees them unchecked power.
What you have in many candidates such as Juanae Crockwell, Cire Bean, Omar Dill, Malachi Symonds, Eugene Dean, Suzie Arruda, Lauren Francis, and others is people who have been servant-leaders in Bermuda long before they stepped forward as an Independent or an FDM member or an OBA candidate. We have been serving in your nonprofits, in your classrooms, in your firehouses, in your gardens and in your court rooms long before we started asking for your vote. And many of us are sacrificing our livelihoods and income just to ask for the chance to prove we are ready, willing and able.
And if we are naive then then let us be naive enough to believe that leadership should be about service, not self-interest. If we are naive, then we are naive the way a seed is naive before it breaks through the earth. Or the way a river is naive before it carves a canyon. Or the way a snowball is naive before it gathers into an avalanche. Many of your Independents do not stand here empty-handed, waiting to be paid. We have been working, building, and planting, sometimes without credit, even when no one was looking. We stepped forward not because we are naive, but because we are ready. Ready to turn wisdom into law, sweat into solutions, and to serve something greater than our own safety. If believing in integrity, transparency, and results makes us dreamers, then let us dream big enough to create a Government that is brave enough to know better and do better.
Back to Uncle Phil. Can I call you Uncle? (I’m sure we must be related somewhere down the line) Thank you. I hear the frustration, the guidance in your words, and the warning that this system has long been stacked against us. I hear that the system we inherited is about protecting the same seats, the same voices, and the same conversations, while the people outside of it struggle to afford groceries, pay rent, or to choose a school that will give their child the best start possible. But I also hear something else: possibility. Because while some may sell the lie that a vote for an Independent is a wasted vote…that the system is too entrenched to be changed. That adults can not work together. You and I remember what they forget. History and physics. And that a snowball, when given the right conditions, can grow. And when enough of us gather, what starts as a single snowball can become an avalanche—one that reshapes the entire landscape.
So I’m asking the cynics and idealists, and the dreamers and realists to be that avalanche on Feb 18th. Because it’s going to take a force of nature for a snowball like me to make it.
Mr. Perinchief, thank you for placing your bet where it belongs.
My bet is on the avalanche.
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Unfortunately your snowball has already started to melt. You made a commitment to Somers Theatre a mammoth undertaking. You will be judge on that and how much work you do over the next 4 years. It all looks easy but not one independent has printed an action plan for absentee voting, gun violence or outdated laws. Which means lots of snowballs melting as this is NOT school girl or boy politics. We will be watching and waiting. We are also delivering boxes of tissues so you can greave and be ready the next day to show your commitment. We also hope to see all independents come to the House for the budget debate and stop looking at their cellphones it is not school but the real thing tomorrow. Please show them. And like we say in Bermuda after we have our say….have a Bermudaful Day.
I do not think the writer and friends have much of an idea what is required of a parliamentarian at this critical stage of the history Bermuda has the need to have people who are able to form a functioning government other than a fixation on hope .
Dream time is over ! we are now faced with many unsolved problems . stop te complaining .
I have said before this election is about MONEY !
Do not give us a message of hope tell us as we hear nothing . show us !
We are the taxpayers .
Even in good times the position of legislator requires ability and workable solutions in order to be able to restore Bermuda back to it former glory.
Bermuda needs answers dealing with the islands biggest check book from to day Bermuda balance of payment is not starting from a position of financial strength, regrettably we the people are barely surviving with the exact opposite.
Unfortunately , we have yet to hear any workable platform from any body, not even those who sit on the wall.
An independant thinking person carries the entire weight of the islands problems on their shoulders starting with lack of accountability, that being the first step on the yellow brick road.
Failure is not an option .
1) We all know of the several reasons that has contributes to our failure.
2) Our one piggy bank is empty. the ship the sea venture hit the rocks did we not learn from that .
3)Frugal integrality was cast to the wind never borrowe more tha 50 % of your money reserves in hand as front street did .
4) Never do business with a Elephant
5) He who we owes money to for Food; Power and Infrastructure to owns us .
6) If we had to lend what we owe we could all be wealthy.
7) What people hope for and what they get are more than likely two or more totally diferent things.
8) Luck is a rich man folly .
9) I order to be successful we have to be able to look over the horizon for our dependency.
10) An army of one never will never be success full agains an army of 35
11) Many countries even to day form alliances a look to our south will bear no fruit as they are the blind who leads to blind
12) Indepentants individuals with out power in the past have failed .
13) The odds will always be thirty five to one. are you the thorn in their side?
14 ) One mans dream is 35 mens nightmare.
15) Every decision in life come with reprocussions and they never saw it coming, or did they ?.
As we are a people who are all dependant on one another
A wife is so dependant on her husbnd and like wise .
if they part company from a meaningfull marriage there will be two broken hearts.
like wise if you abadon your country you too will have a long lasting broken heart.