Ministry Works To Resolve Water Issues
The Ministry of Public Works is “actively implementing a workaround solution to address the ongoing challenges affecting the Central Distribution System’s water supply.”
A Government spokesperson said, “Engineers have devised a plan that will improve the situation to a manageable level until one of the reservoirs undergoes temporary repairs and is placed back into service.
“This interim solution, expected to be completed by the end of the weekend, will allow for a more consistent supply to piped water customers and ensure that the Northshore water truckers outlet remains operational whenever possible.
Current Situation
“Below-normal rainfall levels are impacting Bermuda’s water supply, with total rainfall currently 2.52 inches below the seasonal average. A critical system failure has affected the infrastructure that delivers raw water to the Tynes Bay Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant [TBSWRO].
“Additionally, engineers have identified a major leak in the Prospect Reservoirs, which were built in the 1950s and have deteriorated structurally over time. The reservoirs are unable to hold a sustainable water volume, severely limiting distribution capacity.
“The Ministry had been using one of the lesser leaking reservoirs while conducting repairs on another. However, the in-service reservoir has since deteriorated further, worsening supply constraints.
“As a result, the Ministry cannot service all customers in the Central Distribution System simultaneously. The Eastern and Western distribution systems remain unaffected and are operating normally.
“The Government has also been working with the Bermuda Land Management Corporation [BLMC] to activate the mobile water truckers that was moved to South Side, St David’s, to help with eastern demand. The Government expects these truckers to be in place soon.
Actions Taken
“To address these challenges, engineers have developed a short-term workaround that will improve supply until repairs on one reservoir are completed.
“The Northshore water truckers outlet is being opened whenever possible to supply residents who have run out of water.
“The Ministry of Public Works is in contact with the Bermuda Water Truckers Association [BTWA] to keep them informed. The BTWA, in turn, will keep their stakeholders informed of the situation.
“The Ministry has also been working closely with Bermuda Water Works Limited, which has stepped in as a key industry partner, supplying supplementary water to help service essential customers and medical facilities on the Central Distribution System. BWTA has communicated the urgency of the situation to the Bermuda Government, and this has been acknowledged.
“This temporary solution will enable the Northshore truckers outlet to remain operational and ensure that piped water customers receive supply on a fair, rotating basis.
Impact on Residents
“Until normal service is restored, Government piped water customers are advised to order water from truckers. Up to two additional outlets are available for truckers further from the central parishes if needed to help maintain supply.
“The Ministry acknowledges the inconvenience caused and sincerely appreciates the public’s patience and cooperation as these issues are resolved.
“The Ministry’s top priority remains ensuring a reliable water supply for all residents, and we are working diligently to restore normal service as soon as possible.
“For further updates, please stay tuned to our official communication channels or contact the Ministry of Public Works Water and Sewage Section at or call 278-0570.”
Surely not another example of the PLP’s failure to maintain infrastructure? Maybe a change of Government would help as the present one has failed miserably since 1998 to learn that infrastructure needs maintenance and timely replacement.
Once again the PLP’s NEGLECT of the island infrastructure shows up. Roads, bridges, causeway, incinerator, roadside fences, parks , buildings, ferries, road crossings, lights, kerbs, vegetation overgrowth, debris in gutters……These are only the areas we see, what are the PLP hiding that we don’t see.
Where has all the money gone that previously went into required and necessary maintenance (maintenance increases lifespan of infrastructure and reduces overall cost to taxpayers/voters pockets, meaning more money available benefit Bermudians over time)?
Vote out the PLP, all their noise about what the plan to plan to plan to do needs to stop. All the fake promises need to stop, show them you are not falling for it anymore.
I understand that issues with reliable water supply for the truckers has been ongoing for sometime. What happened to the maintenance? What have all of these people on the payroll to do the maintenance been doing? Where is the oversight? Where is the Minister who is supposed to be ensuring that the managers are doing their jobs?
Everywhere you look, it is FAIL.
Their new motto, let it go to crap then the fof make out like bandits.
This is extremely disturbing. On an island with no natural freshwater sources other than rain, I would expect the upkeep and care of this infrastructure to be a top priority. Instead, they have left it to crumble while they fly around the world on extravagant trips. Where is the people’s tax money going? Summer is fast approaching, and we will be in serious trouble if this is not repaired. Imagine if this happened only a month or two from now during the summer months. Many of us would have been in serious trouble without access to additional fresh water.
With the upcoming election Bermudians need to take a long hard look at where our loyalties lie. Our island is at a critical point of needing extreme amounts of repairs and improvements. Think about your children and how this effects their future. The wrong choice at this point would have dire consequences to our communities and the future of the island. This is no longer about personal preferences and vendettas. When placing your votes have your communities in mind. Think about our island as a whole and who is going to do what is best for EVERYONE, not just your personal circumstances.