Minister On ‘Tackling The High Cost Of Living’
“I now have the honour of serving as Minister of Home Affairs, and I step into this role with clarity of purpose and urgency of action,” Minister of Home Affairs Alexa Lightbourne said in the House of Assembly on Friday [March 21]
Minister Lightbourne said, “Our Government has been clear – in its commitment to tackling the high cost of living— a burden that affects every household, every small business, and every senior on this island.
“This Ministry is now tasked with a singular mission: to bring down the cost of living. That includes the cost of food, the cost of energy, and the cost of essential goods.
“The country should feel comforted knowing the Ministry of Home Affairs has already begun its work. And we are inviting every stakeholder—every Bermudian—to join us in this journey.
“Because this is not just about governance. This is not just about policy. This is about people. This is about restoring fairness. Rebuilding trust. And ensuring that Bermuda is not only a place we live—but a place we all can thrive. And we remain unwavering in our commitment to build a fairer Bermuda—for us all.”
The Minister’s full statement follows below:
Mr. Speaker,
I rise this evening to make my first contribution to this Honorable House and deliver my Maiden Speech.
And I do so first with heartfelt gratitude… gratitude to the people of Constituency 14 – Devonshire North West, trusting me to represent on their behalf. Because politics Mr. Speaker as we know is at its core about the people.
And so, Mr. Speaker I am grateful to them for their confidence.
You welcomed me into your homes, you shared your frustrations, your hopes, and your desire for a representative who listens, acts, and delivers and I pledged to do that.
And so, Mr. Speaker, the recent election presented options, and I too commend the three other candidates who also offered themselves for service. Our democracy is stronger because of them.
At every doorstep, I pledged to be different—to lead with compassion, courage, and clarity. I came into politics not because it was a dream I chased, but because I could no longer sit on the sidelines feeling a sense of duty to service.
I am a proud daughter of Dock Hill, the granddaughter of Pommy Lightbourne—a barber, yes—but more importantly, a pillar in his community. He never ran for office, but his chair was a safe place. His legacy lives in me, and I stand here today with that same sense of duty to serve.
Mr. Speaker, I wish to also thank my father, his wife and my fiancé for their support while i was on the campaign trail.
As a mother it is also my hope to encourage my peers, especially women, to see what is possible.
Mr. Speaker, I now have the honour of serving as Minister of Home Affairs, and I step into this role with clarity of purpose and urgency of action.
Our Government has been clear – in its commitment to tackling the high cost of living— a burden that affects every household, every small business, and every senior on this island.
This Ministry is now tasked with a singular mission: to bring down the cost of living.
That includes the cost of food, the cost of energy, and the cost of essential goods.
Mr. Speaker, the current cost of living is unsustainable. It diminishes hope, restricts opportunity, and erodes dignity. The burden is not just financial, it is moral.
We recognize that these challenges are vast and interconnected. No single Ministry can resolve them alone.
That is why we are taking further steps to better understand the business operations of those in our ecosystem. And contrary to what many members in this house have suggested – facilitating greater clarity about the business operations is actually ok.
Because, if we think about the principals of real change it will only come when every part of our ecosystem is rowing in the same direction.
Mr. Speaker, the Opposition’s Throne Speech Reply suggested they want to “weather the storm.”
But to weather the storm, you first have to confront the winds that created it. And those winds, Mr. Speaker, are not accidental. They are the result of foundational and systemic injustices—injustices that underpin many of our industries, routes, food systems, energy markets in our very economy.
When there is only one option, and no diversity of access — that is not efficiency, it is economic exclusion. Creating a fair framework—where competition exists, local entrepreneurs can thrive, and consumers are protected—must be our unwavering goal.
And when we talk about “building a foundation to weather the storm,” we must acknowledge that some of the foundations we inherited were never meant to shelter all of us. They were meant to preserve privilege, not equity.
So yes, Mr. Speaker, we are building, but we are building people-first foundations.
If we are serious about creating a fairer Bermuda, then we must commit to building a new foundation, one that is inclusive, transparent, and people-first.
Because many of the foundations we inherited were never meant to shelter us all. They were designed to preserve privilege, not promote equity.
That is why our mission must be clear: to build systems that serve everyone. And yes, Mr. Speaker, that includes smart regulation—not as a roadblock, but as a safeguard.
Regulation is not the enemy of progress. It is how we ensure that our children never have to endure the inequalities and exclusions their parents and grandparents did. regulation protects people. It builds fairness, fosters competition, and ensures transparency. It is essential to building a Bermuda that is not only better—but more just, more stable, and more sustainable.
Mr. Speaker,
To meet this challenge, the Ministry of Home Affairs will drive forward action through four key pillars:
- Addressing inflation in the price of essential goods
- Stabilizing energy costs and advancing Bermuda’s clean energy transition
- Strengthening consumer protections across key industries
- Reforming regulatory oversight to ensure these gains are permanent
Let me begin with stabilizing energy costs and promoting a more sustainable Bermuda.
In 2019, the Integrated Resource Plan—developed in partnership with energy providers and the Regulatory Authority—and we must move toward the energy future. That roadmap is clear:
Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels
- Stabilize electricity costs
- Advance infrastructure development
- Educate our people on conservation
- Deploy new energy technologies
Transitions like this are happening across the world, and they must be tackled systematically. We recognise that Bermudians will not feel the change on day one.
And the instances of business who operate based on profit will hear the governments signaling its principle of fairness and do all it can to safeguard their earning.
We are working on behalf of the Bermudian people to ensure long-term stability for future generations.
To that end:
- We are amending the Electricity Act to ensure greater transparency and limit recoverable expenses.
- We are demanding efficiency and accountability from providers—because that’s what the people deserve.
Mr. Speaker, we are also strengthening consumer protections, because too often, Bermudians feel unsupported. Too often, they face monopolies, inconsistent pricing, and unclear rules. That must change.
So, we will:
- Expand the Regulatory Authority’s remit to include pricing oversight and fair competition safeguards.
- Advance legislation that enshrines consumer rights.
- And implement enhanced financial education programmes, so every Bermudian has the tools to make empowered choices.
Mr. Speaker,
This Government has already shown that progress is possible. Under PLP leadership, we have:
- Increased seniors’ pensions
- Introduced Bermuda’s first minimum wage
- Expanded the childcare allowance
- Reduced taxes for 86% of working Bermudians
- And built over 70 affordable homes
- But we are not finished. There is more work to do.
The country should feel comforted knowing the Ministry of Home Affairs has already begun its work. And we are inviting every stakeholder—every Bermudian—to join us in this journey.
Because this is not just about governance. This is not just about policy. This is about people.
This is about restoring fairness. Rebuilding trust. And ensuring that Bermuda is not only a place we live—but a place we all can thrive.
And we remain unwavering in our commitment to build a fairer Bermuda—for us all.
Mr. Speaker with your indulgence – I include a quote from Martin Luther King – who reminded us that
“As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.”
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
More hot air!
Meanwhile in other news the BELCO F.A.R. is set to increase on average by $14.00 a month.
Let’s hear it for this MASSIVE increase. It is similar to the MASSIVE payroll tax savings that the current government has bestowed on us, the general public.
This is really like high school politics where people tell you how honoured they are to ‘serve’ you but have missed the boat entirely on the fact that fashionable politics don’t get our cost of living down one cent!
Can someone point out to Alexa the election is over and that the PLP have had since 1998 to do most of the things she is mentioning. No wonder so many voters didn’t bother to vote in the last election.
The election is never over for the PLP, which is why Bermuda continues to suffer. Excelling at making promises, yet, abysmal in delivery and execution.
This is exactly what the electorate wants though (apparently).
No wonder the obaUBP is still a racist party that voters will never elect.
Sadly , you and many others still live i La La Land
“The country should feel comforted knowing the Ministry of Home Affairs has already begun its work. And we are inviting every stakeholder—every Bermudian—to join us in this journey.” Translation – another public consultation is coming because we have no more ideas. Seriously, “join us in this journey.” What the heck! Let’s all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
As to quoting MLK, a great man. When times were tough in the USA, I remember President Yimmy Carter saying (paraphrased) something like it was up to the consumers to spend more to bring the USA out of the economic mess that the government helped create. That and other things led to Ronald Reagan’s first landslide presidential victory. But the election is over, and Bermuda has no Reagan.
Perhaps the esteemed Minister has no idea that “Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels” (climate policies) drives up the cost of energy!
Stabilize electricity costs – how? BELCO bill is going up $14 a month.
Advance infrastructure development – major $$$
Educate our people on conservation – lower our standard of living
Deploy new energy technologies – major $$$
Perhaps the esteemed Minister should take note:
In the first major study of its kind, researchers from several European institutions analyzed 1,500 climate policies implemented (between 1998 and 2022) across 41 countries since the turn of the century. ONLY 63 WERE FOUND TO BE EFFECTIVE.
THAT MEANS 1,437 POLICIES (95.8%) WERE FUTILE & FAILED. A meager 4.2% success rate would put most companies or organizations out of business or get someone fired. Such low rates of return are troublesome, but somehow, governments can get away with it. – RealClear Energy, “Most Climate Policies Are Pointless But Costly” by Kristen Walker, September 23, 2024
Observed Results of policies:
Child labor for mining
Energy poverty
Environmental damages mining rare earths
Higher energy bills
Higher food costs
Increased cost of living
Increased housing costs
Inefficient energy infrastructure
Loss of agricultural land
Loss of forests
Shortages of resources
Strain on the electric grid
Wasted taxpayer money
Wildlife deaths – birds, bats, whales, dolphins, etc.
Can we please just STOP the BS talking and start DOING….the ridiculous cost of living is not a new issue….so “action and urgency” would have been greatly appreciated 20 years ago. Too late for me (thank you) I have been working by butt off since I was 14 and sacrificing and saving and prioritising and buying a home and saving and saving for retirement, doing all the right things, and I STILL CANNOT retire here in MY HOME.
This Ministry is now tasked with a singular mission: to bring down the cost of living.
And just how do you propose to fulfil that “singular mission”? The PLP Government cannot legislate lower prices. The PLP Government cannot effectively influence global economic trends. The PLP Government cannot effectively influence the cost of overseas manufacturing.
The obvious way I can think of for the PLP Government to “bring down the cost of living” in Bermuda is to subsidise prices in Bermuda, but that would mean more borrowing and greater debt for future generations.
A singular mission is merely saying they might do something, not they will do anything. Since Bermuda has no control over world prices, and local prices tend to be more, then their mission is doomed to failure before they try.
“Doomed to failure before they try”
Sounds like oba as a party that will never govern.
You and Truth are classic examples of the failed Education system, probably one of the unnamed “spokespersons” the PLP use.
By the way, the OBA did govern. Bermuda lost out when they were continually prevented from doing what needed to be done to bring Bermuda back from the disasters created, and now continued by, the PLP. Do you ever wonder why so many Bermudians have had to leave Bermuda? Do you even care?
“Do you even care?”
Why would a paid political troll care about Bermuda as long as he or she is getting paid?
Says the obaubpee TOP paid political troll. Now you both have jobs.
This is all about percentage mark up .
If the Government were to subsidise high prices here, that puts a further burden on the taxpayer to support the
misfortunes of others who did not do the school home work and who are living in a two tier economy.
We are actually playing in the the hands of the vendors to further increase their prices, saying ,” The money is there let us go after it”.
We can not leave our house these days unless we have $100 minimum in our pocket, plumber carpenters and
shoemaker get $100. / hour even for trasportation costs to the job sight costing $55. if you are lucky.
This inflation is a round about.,the only way to stop it is recession prices are coming down in the usa but not Bermuda.
does this work not so when people loose their jobs
For example
I as a 18 year young man even back then worked in a big department store in the city now busted, can remember , the department manager saying “what can we get for this” in his mind the sky was the limit , that puts price control back in the hands of the unsuspecting public,the same item goes on sale in the same store and the storeowner still make a profit.
There was a store in town where the standard mark up was 40% that was untill our visitor could buy the same article at a USA strip mall for less.
Now we know why front is known as (Beer street) .
They burnt their own bridges
Nothing has change even to day from the past. We are talking high PRICE MARK UP. here
Want a name for it ” PROFITEERING ” way back then the pirates raided to ships and sold skirts on Front street .
” They burt their bridges or did they? Import duty did that for the last 75 years or so,. U.B.P very cleaver as they had no choice .! Bermuda’s growing fast. !
Another clear example relates to a car coming from the East whichthen lands in Florida on the road for say $20,000 and by the time same car get to Bermuda having gone through all the channels winds up casting $45,000 on the road.
Most prices in Bermuda double that of other countries so what does that look like for Bermuda ? We are expensive, no ! overpriced or to way too expensive for us and our visitors and locals who chose to quit Bermuda and where some visitors do not get off the cruise ship . Are we all pirates in pirate land you better beleive its trickle down.
It took 75 years to take Bermuda apart piece by piece it will take 100 years to put Humpty Dumpty back together again .
Minister Lightbourn
Greetings welcome to the next 5 years of hard work.
I was hoping of taking a rest from commenting on ths page after the election that did not last much more the 5 minutes .
There is work to be done. i am not joking with you or want to sport with you feelings.
That prove the point we and you should never give up ever .
Bermuda is on the edge of a cliff ready to sink beneath the waves .
Governments take our money in taxes they leave us with nothing that in turn leave the Government with nothing .
Your speach is very eloquent but you have a job to do .
We are asking you to get on with it, starting yesterday!
On behalf the rest of our seniors who are hurting we do not get what you are highly paid to do we are are asking you to get on with it to day!
So when all our saving is gone to excessive profits and price gouging the business goes under prople go out of work that is a road to no where what are you going to do about that ? Infalation dows not work and never did .as it affect way too many people .
We all no doubt will be the subject to aditiona financiall pressure .
From the tax paying public small tokens do not help the sugar tax that is most unfair we say there is no cherry on top of the ice cream for you .
Please do not tell us what you are going to do …… just do it…….. no kick bact to us please !
Or better still tell us what you have done after you have done it. Government is is the same boat as us they are paying the price also
I and the rest of us are begining to think the Government does not want the general public to be smarter than they think they are .
We function on common sense.
Education of our young people is far from good enough . no more excuses please .
our over seas students did not get the chance to vote,that does not look good, and appears to be pre planned .
That is bad politics .
You all will not out live that.
Got to call t like it is .
We all thank you very nice speach from labor .
We are all laborers !
Ms . Lighbourne .
Do you really know what you have gotten youself into? you have the whole burden og this island on you back .
Please do not talk down the the public of this island through the media of Govermnment .
We all know what in going on here, we live it every day .
Ms Lightbourne
let me make amends for spelling you name by missing out the “e’ on my two posts back you deserve respect.
Allow me to give you sone very good advice
You job is going to be a masive undertaking, may I recommend you assemble no more or less that 9 people you are #10 for weekly and follow by monthly consultation to assist you.
Do no use our tax money for some body else party palace .
BHC builds them and the people rent and wreck them >>>>>>>>>>>> it is that bad .
No person can be asked to do you job alone .
Forget that you are P.L.P. you must think. B.E.R.M.U.D.A. you job refill bring you to tears with many sleep less.
You must not ever falter .
Ms Lightbourne.
Your message the other day says. “TRACKING THE HICH COST OF LIVING ” has caused a firestorm in the media and the public which may get worse with in the comunity.,as that intimates that you have been given a job in Government that you are not widely versed other than the fact that you your self are face with the same financial prroblem as we are, that is cause affordability a common word bantered around Bermuda recently that showed it face in the low vote count and voter apathy .
Here is the word a polatition is dreading hearing LACK OF CONFIDENCE.
Let me be blunt as an elderly genltleman , never the less facts are facts.
Bermuda he priced it self out of the market . those are stronh words never the less are very true .
The cost of living has exceeded to ability for the general public to pay what you may ask?
TAXATION , can’t blame all that on the U.B.P. they are long gone .
You must know that political in fighting is not healthy as it is a disease . an polutes the nation .
The fact is the people are no longer buying in to other peoples probems.
basically the PLP. GOVERNMENT has ” BROKE THE BANK “. it also supports social assistance to weather the storm .
INFLATION was caused by other countries and the Bermuda Government went along for the ride and did no stop it, as Bermuds spends more money over seas than it takes in ,using the benifit of overseas borowing to suport that. NOT A GOOD IDEA .
The UK has reached it loan limit and is looking to fight a war . with other people money that is a dumb idea .
Now where do we go from here ? we all know we have to pay taxes to support the government however we do not have to money to do so i an now using my savings thank you all .
The Government it self causing thousands of people quit Bermuda as they are pretending they do not know why, frankly we think you all know as why they have lost many taxpayers and income earners. thay are not coming back that cost money .
What a horrible mess this country finds it self in.
if the prices come down in the USA will the prices not come down in. Bermuda which i doubt as greed will take over.
WHERR DOES THE BUCK STOP. directly on the door step to the Bermuda government .
The Government many voted for, we have a car which the wheel have falen off and the gear box stuck in neutral we are going no where fast .
I have spoke about TAXATION many time before which that fall on deaf ears and now sits MS Lighbourne on your door step.
Business and Governmebt can not increase wages any more as the money is not there, .
Reduce an eliminate some taxes like land tax an TCD costs all to gather and stop blaming it all on public health. excessive import duty plus tax .is the real burden that is. THE DOUBLE DIP
Come on !. Ms Ligntbourne we were not born yesterday, as you accepted the job.
Ever day we see a new government electric vehicle on the roads using the excuse of global warming. blame that of our 52 hot Volcanoes and also forest fires and China and India . We buy from countries that pollute the planet
That is an ugly word in many peoples dictionary. by definition the word marks “The levying of taxes ” and still an ugly word.
The people pay taxes to suport the Government they either voted for or the did not bother.
We have to find anybody who enjoyers paying taxes !
We have thousands of people who are less that happy to see their tax mone going to waste of fruit less major projects
providing housing for people who do not and will not lift a finger to help them selves .
75 years ago there were not taxes, the Government back then were supported by our cities business men .
Then can the dreaded import duty, this became one of Bermuda first tax laws. Bermuda lost two USA Bases including the income they both provided.
People would say if one do closes another door will open that is so funnynand very cute , that will never happen to day.
If I gave you one dollar can you make a million out of it ?
Years ago the people were given Thursday afternoon so the store assistants could not steal the merchandise one store owner purposely reduced wages because his staff could take home what they needed till they got caught ..
Today taxation has become a different story our money is to be held in trust but is being used for all kinds of projects some of, if not all have turned into masive failures with cost over runs and failed contracts ..
Our tax money is being used to provide housing for people who vacate leaving the property badly damage, some vindictive and maliciouse , if the land owner nets half the annual income from rent he is lucky, as those people just move over to the other end of the island the week before the end of the tenancy .
The tenants deposit act need to be revised . 100% on total monthly rent . the will doo 120% damage ,
FACT there still a vast amount of our Tax Money wasted of un productive wages with employees having been gretting away with it for years even with their incentive perks .
There is one solution i kave been giving some thought about.
The two best are two hour lunch periods and mental health days. and sick outs across the board that is for every body .
What you do not have young lady Ms Alexa as Government reserves could i say nothing,as all that has all gone as spending and has gotten out of hand to put it mildly.
There is net rent income ?
what des that tell you. you minister has got to rebuild a lard emergency fund from chickens feathers I bermuda have a urvival fund we would not be in the mess we are just now.
The people are now dipping in to their emergency savings funds even as i write this .
Where are you going to get money to suport the economy because we have no idea and can not tell you ?
Dooms day is coming. !
ICE CREAM has gone up in price because ” it got ” suger in it , every body winds except getting rich the public.
its persicution that is what it is .
just waiting for Bananas to go from bland to the getting ripe and sweet under your nose wait for the taste and the price to take another jump for freedom .
Bananas are a very healthy food rich in potassium and almost medicinal!
The latest Increased on ice cream was from last week to this week from $8.00 to $10.00
Come on guys stop messing with the food !.
Now if paper towel diapers and cigarettes go up in price every body affecting some single mothers the collector of taxes has a big problem.