Hashtag: #2016PathwayToStatus

Photos & Videos: Protest Gathering At House

Photos & Videos: Protest Gathering At House

[Updated with videos] Crowds of people made their way to the House of Assembly today [March 4] for a protest over the proposed immigration legislation. The event announcement said, “Let’s show the Government that there is not just a handful of Bermudians that are concerned about the proposed immigration legislation! They need to listen to the... Read more of this article

Column: “Pathways Is The Right Thing To Do”

Column: “Pathways Is The Right Thing To Do”

[Opinion column written by the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] One of those who commented on my recent article about Bermuda’s coming demographic crisis suggested that to be better understood, I should speak more from my heart than my head. I understand what he or she meant, but this is a world full of facts, and at this point in Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

Updates & Video Replay: Immigration Gathering

Updates & Video Replay: Immigration Gathering

[Updating] The Immigration Reform Action Group has called for people to gather on the grounds of Parliament today [March 4] to show concern about the proposed immigration legislation. The announcement on social media said, “Black Friday! Brown Bags! Black Friday! Brown Bags! “Let’s show the Government that there is not just a handful of Bermudians... Read more of this article

Another Gathering Over Immigration Scheduled

Another Gathering Over Immigration Scheduled

The Immigration Reform Action Group is calling for people to gather on the grounds of the House of Parliament this Friday [March 4], asking people to “show the Government that there is not just a handful of Bermudians that are concerned about the proposed immigration legislation.” The announcement on social media said, “Black Friday!... Read more of this article

Column: Pull Back Proposal Until Next Election

Column: Pull Back Proposal Until Next Election

[Opinion column written by Makai Dickerson] I took the time to really digest the “Pathway to Status” bill proposed by the One Bermuda Alliance Government. I did so as to not react emotionally, but to gain the facts of the matter and base my opinion on reason and truth. In doing so I have come to my conclusion and wish to share it with my... Read more of this article

Column: “Our Population Is Shrinking Rapidly”

Column: “Our Population Is Shrinking Rapidly”

[Opinion column written by Minister Michael Fahy] Bermuda faces a demographic crisis. Our population is shrinking rapidly and, as it shrinks, the tax bill that the younger, working population must pay to fund such things as health care and pensions for seniors, increases dramatically. Many independent commentators such as the Fiscal Responsibility Panel,... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Protesters On East Broadway

Photos & Video: Protesters On East Broadway

[Updated] Protesters descended on the East Broadway area early this morning [Mar 1], with a group of people holding signs about the proposed immigration reform and holding a protest that lasted to just past 9.00am. With police officers on scene directing traffic, the protesters spent a portion of the morning in the road, causing traffic delays for... Read more of this article

Live Updates: Protesters On East Broadway

Live Updates: Protesters On East Broadway

[Updating] Protesters are can be seen in the East Broadway area this morning [March 1], with a group of people holding signs, related to immigration reform, visible in the area. The police are on scene, and we will update as able. This morning’s protest follows after the Government announced they plan to amend the law, with changes to include... Read more of this article

Slideshow: Protest Over Immigration Proposal

Slideshow: Protest Over Immigration Proposal

Hundreds of people gathered outside the Government Administration Building in Hamilton yesterday [Feb 25] for what was billed as a “gathering to show dismay” with the proposed immigration reform. The protest follows after the Government announced they plan to amend the law, with changes to include any person who is ordinarily resident in Bermuda... Read more of this article

Live Video Replay: Pathway To Status Program

Live Video Replay: Pathway To Status Program

CITV, the Government television station, is hosting a program this evening [Feb 25] in which the Minister of Home Affairs and Attorney General will discuss the Government’s proposed Pathways to Status initiative. The announcement said, “Members of the public are invited to tune in to CITV [Channel 2 on Cable and Channel 102 on WOW] on Thursday... Read more of this article

Live Updates: Immigration Proposal Gathering

Live Updates: Immigration Proposal Gathering

[Updating] A “gathering to show dismay with proposed OBA Immigration Reform” is scheduled to be held from 12pm – 2pm today [Feb 25] at the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street. The Government recently announced they plan to amend the law, with changes to include any person who is ordinarily resident in Bermuda for... Read more of this article

“Personal Stories” Of Long Term Residents

“Personal Stories” Of Long Term Residents

Saying that it is part of the public awareness campaign for the Pathways to Status initiative, the Government released “personal stories” from “some of Bermuda’s long-term residents who currently do not have a Pathway to Status.” The recently announced initiative will see changes allowing eligible people who are ordinarily... Read more of this article