Hashtag: #2020Budget

Govt: Department Of Energy’s Budget Brief

Govt: Department Of Energy’s Budget Brief

Earlier this week the Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban delivered the Department of Energy’s Budget Brief. A Government spokesperson said, “Some highlights include: “This past year, the Department has continued with the Solar Rebate programme, striving to benefit those in smaller residences and encouraging ordinary homeowners to adopt solar... Read more of this article

PLP Respond To OBA Budget Reply Statement

PLP Respond To OBA Budget Reply Statement

The OBA used their Budget reply to “attempt to obscure or belittle the progress being made by the PLP Government,” the PLP said, adding that it is “laughable” that the “big suggestion offered” is to raise work permit fees, an idea which “was rolled out by the Finance Minister last week and will become a reality... Read more of this article

Full Text: Opposition Reply To 2020/21 Budget

Full Text: Opposition Reply To 2020/21 Budget

A One Bermuda Alliance Government would “explore the feasibility of decreasing payroll for employers by increasing the cost of work permits.” The OBA believes the move would be revenue neutral and could encourage the hiring of Bermudians, Shadow Finance Minister Pat Gordon-Pamplin said in today’s Budget Reply. In addition, the OBA said... Read more of this article

Live Updates & Video: OBA Deliver Budget Reply

Live Updates & Video: OBA Deliver Budget Reply

[Updating] Shadow Finance Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin is set to deliver the Opposition’s Reply to the Budget in the House of Assembly today [Feb 28], responding to the 2020/2021 Budget delivered by Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson last week. The live video is below and will provide updates as able. Your screen will automatically refresh... Read more of this article

KPMG Releases 2020/21 Budget Snapshot

KPMG Releases 2020/21 Budget Snapshot

Following the delivery of the 2020 Budget by Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson on February 21 in the House of Assembly, KPMG has released a Budget Snapshot that highlights some of the key points from the budget. A spokesperson said, “KPMG’s Budget snapshot provides highlights across Bermuda’s national debt, revenues and expenditures, payroll... Read more of this article

Video: Education Minister Press Conference

Video: Education Minister Press Conference

[Updated] Minister of Education Diallo Rabain is holding a press conference this morning [Feb 27] regarding the Ministry of Education’s 2020/21 budget. We will have additional coverage later on, and in the meantime an extract from the Budget pertaining to education and the live video is below. Extract from the 2020 Budget about the Ministry of Education’s... Read more of this article

Debt Service Costs Projected At $121.4 Million

Debt Service Costs Projected At $121.4 Million

“Debt service costs for 2020/21 are projected at $121.4 million,” Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson said as he delivered the 2020 Budget, with gross public debt estimated to stand at $2.717 billion as of March 31, 2021. The debt service costs will equate to approximately $2.3 million per week, or around $332,000 per day. The Budget report... Read more of this article

Budget: Cruise Tax Increase To Raise $4.4 Million

Budget: Cruise Tax Increase To Raise $4.4 Million

The tax rate will be increased from $22 to $25 per cruise ship passenger over the age of two, and this increase is expected to raise an additional $4.4 million. This is according to the 2020 Budget Report delivered by Minister Curtis Dickinson on Friday [Feb 21] which said, “Following last year’s notification to all cruise lines, the Ministry... Read more of this article

Video: Post Budget Press Conference

Video: Post Budget Press Conference

[Updated] Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson is holding a post Budget press conference this afternoon [Feb 24], and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. The 18-minute live video replay is below: Update 4.50pm: Minister Dickinson’s remarks: Good Afternoon and thank you for joining me here today. Last... Read more of this article

Budget: App To Compare Prices Of Goods

Budget: App To Compare Prices Of Goods

The Government will require grocers to report prices to the Government, with the information to “be made available to the public via mobile application so that consumers can compare the difference in prices of staple goods.” This was contained in the 2020 Budget, which was delivered by Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson in Parliament... Read more of this article

Govt To Introduce Amendments To Sugar Tax

Govt To Introduce Amendments To Sugar Tax

Noting that sometimes the Sugar Tax has led to some items containing relatively small amounts of sugar being taxed — like Sugar Free Coffee Mate — the Finance Minister announced that Government will introduce amendments to “allow greater discretion for customs officers to waive Sugar Tax duties for items containing relatively small... Read more of this article

Budget: Transitional Living Facility To Be Created

Budget: Transitional Living Facility To Be Created

A transitional living regime for children who are too old for the care of Child and Family Services will be established which will ensure housing stability, while providing support and guidance, the Government has announced. This was included in the 2020 Budget, with the relevant portion of the Budget Speech stating, “Safeguarding of children... Read more of this article

Budget: ‘Pending Restructuring Of The BTA’

Budget: ‘Pending Restructuring Of The BTA’

“The 2020/21 grant to the BTA of $22.5 million has been maintained at the same level as 2019/20,” however the “pending restructuring of the BTA may cause some of this grant to be redirected as a result of the restructuring,” Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson said as he delivered the 2020 Budget. Tourism Comments In Budget... Read more of this article

Photos: Minister Dickinson Delivers Budget

Photos: Minister Dickinson Delivers Budget

Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson delivered the 2020 Budget in the House of Assembly on Friday morning, which sets out the Government’s financial plans for the upcoming fiscal year. A live blog on the Budget can be found here, and all our coverage of the 2020 Budget here. Related Stories PLP Respond To OBA Budget Reply Statement Full... Read more of this article

Budget: Bill To Change 60/40 Ownership Rule

Budget: Bill To Change 60/40 Ownership Rule

“We will introduce a bill that will reduce the required ownership of a local company from 60% Bermudian to 40% Bermudian, “Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson said as he delivered the 2020 Budget in the House of Assembly today. The Budget report said, “We have also made progress in reducing regulations and red tape to stimulate investment... Read more of this article

Chamber Of Commerce Response To Budget

Chamber Of Commerce Response To Budget

The Chamber of Commerce says that it is “pleased with the direction the Minister is going in” following today’s [Feb 21] budget. A spokesperson said, “The Chamber thanks the Minister for his willingness to consult and for the pre-budget document. The Chamber has taken advantage of this opportunity to discuss and provide information... Read more of this article