Hashtag: #ArtMelsFishSandwich

Samuelsson: Art Mel’s Sandwich Is “Perfection”
Celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson had high words of praise for Art Mel’s, saying they have the “biggest and best fried fish sandwich” which he called “perfection”. The culinary star also had words of praise for The Spot, Tavern By The Sea, Urban Cottage, as well as the “the welcoming friendliness of the people in Bermuda.” The... Read more of this article

Art Mel’s Fish Sandwich Named “Best On Earth”
A food critic’s website has offered up some heavy praise for Bermuda’s Art Mel’s Spicy Dicy, naming the restaurant’s fried fish sandwiches the “best fried sandwich on Earth.” According to a review posted on the website of MangoDiablo.com, “This summer, I discovered the best fried fish sandwich on earth. It’s... Read more of this article