Hashtag: #ABIR

ABIR Support Implementation Of ESA Legislation

ABIR Support Implementation Of ESA Legislation

Bermuda’s leading international insurers and reinsurers, through ABIR, said they “continue to fully support the Bermuda Government’s commitment to facilitate tax transparency and compliance with global standards and maintain the jurisdiction’s top-class reputation.” ABIR noted that the Bermuda Government enacted the Economic Substance... Read more of this article

ABIR Companies Give Back Over Festive Season

ABIR Companies Give Back Over Festive Season

With the holidays in full swing, it’s the season to enjoy time with friends and family, and many in the island’s international insurance and reinsurance industry are taking time to give back to the community. Kevin O’Donnell, President and CEO of RenaissanceRe Holdings and current Chair of ABIR said, “ABIR’s most significant contribution... Read more of this article

Minister & ABIR Discuss Immigration Reform

Minister & ABIR Discuss Immigration Reform

Yesterday [Dec 5], the Minister of National Security Wayne Caines and Permanent Secretary Collin Anderson met with President and Chief Executive Officer, John Huff and Director of Policy and Regulation, Suzanne Williams of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] to discuss immigration reform and work permit applications. Minister... Read more of this article

Student Registration Sponsored For Conference

Student Registration Sponsored For Conference

The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers [ABIR] in collaboration with the Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies [BFIS] is sponsoring free registration for five Bermuda College students to the International Cyber Risk Management Conference [ICRMC] set to take place in December in Bermuda. “Helping connect Bermudian students to the growth... Read more of this article

Williams-Charles To Speak At ‘Dive In Festival’

Williams-Charles To Speak At ‘Dive In Festival’

The Dive In Festival, a re/insurance industry initiative, is taking place in Bermuda and numerous other locations around the world from September 25 to 27, with ABIR’s Suzanne Williams-Charles to make closing comments at the reception. A spokesperson said, “Dive In will feature events in a record number of locations this year, including... Read more of this article

Survey: ABIR Members Contribute Over $840M

Survey: ABIR Members Contribute Over $840M

Members of the Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers [ABIR] made a direct economic contribution to Bermuda of more than $840 million in 2017, according to the group’s 13th annual member survey results released today [Sept 19]. “Data reported for calendar year 2017 from 23 ABIR members showed ABIR’s aggregate direct economic impact... Read more of this article

Premier Burt Concludes Visit To Europe

Premier Burt Concludes Visit To Europe

Premier David Burt is concluding his visit to Europe, which included his visit to Paris for the OECD Blockchain Summit, his attendance at the Eurofi Financial Forum in Vienna, and his visit to Brussels, where he was the guest speaker at ABIR’s 11th Annual International Insurance Regulatory Issues Dialogue. At today’s [Sept 7] ABIR conference the... Read more of this article

ABIR Companies Operate In 20 EU States

ABIR Companies Operate In 20 EU States

Bermuda’s global [re]insurance market has a “growing positive impact on the European Union, with companies providing critical coverage to European policyholders and businesses,” according to a recent study by the Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers [ABIR]. The group’s 13th Annual Economic Impact Survey, gathering 2017 data... Read more of this article

Formation Of ABIR Broker Advisory Cabinet

Formation Of ABIR Broker Advisory Cabinet

The Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers [ABIR] announced a new board member and formation of the ABIR Broker Advisory Cabinet. Seasoned insurance veteran John Berger will join the ABIR Board of Directors on behalf of Ascot Reinsurance Company Limited. Headquartered in Bermuda, Ascot Group has offices in London, Houston, New York, Chicago,... Read more of this article

Madeiros & Seymour Smith Appointed By ABIR

Madeiros & Seymour Smith Appointed By ABIR

The Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers [ABIR] announces leadership appointments of industry executives. ABIR announces the appointment of Leila Madeiros to Chair of its Policy Committee. The Policy Committee serves as the chief policy body of ABIR, with review of insurance regulation in Bermuda and overseas, international regulatory standards,... Read more of this article

ABIR Marks 25 Years & Looks To The Future

ABIR Marks 25 Years & Looks To The Future

An overflow audience heard Bermuda’s past and present insurance leaders speak to the promise of Bermuda as a re/insurance market in the coming years; and heard public officials praise the important role Bermuda plays in managing insurance and reinsurance risk globally. Left to right: ABIR Chairs: Stephen Catlin, Kevin O’Donnell, Michael Butt, Albert... Read more of this article

Premier Speaks At ABIR’s Anniversary Forum

Premier Speaks At ABIR’s Anniversary Forum

Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt was a keynote speaker at ABIR’s 25th anniversary forum which took place yesterday at Rosewood Bermuda. During his remarks, the Premier acknowledged the success of the industry in Bermuda and identified the importance of maintaining a strong working relationship between government, industry and the regulator... Read more of this article