Hashtag: #BermudaBlackHistory

Dr. King’s Dream Inspires Bermuda Meeting

Dr. King’s Dream Inspires Bermuda Meeting

On the eve of this weekend’s official dedication of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Monument in Washington DC, community group Imagine Bermuda is hosting a symposium tonight [Oct.13] inspired by the American civil rights leader who embodied selfless public service and dedication. The public meeting’s theme — “What might motivate... Read more of this article

Minister Minors To Speak At ADHT Conference

Minister Minors To Speak At ADHT Conference

This week, the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Patrice Minors will participate in the African Diaspora Heritage Trail’s [ADHT] 7th Annual International Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia from September 22-24th. The event takes place at the World Trade and Convention Center. This year’s theme is Preserve, Promote and Protect and the... Read more of this article

Videos: Emancipation Commemoration Event

Videos: Emancipation Commemoration Event

Yesterday afternoon [July 24] the Emancipation Commemoration Street Fair was held at Union Square in Hamilton, and served to celebrate the historical reasons behind the annual Cup Match holiday, which marks the day when all slaves in Bermuda were freed on 1st August 1834. There were a number of presentations on African creativity in medicine, education,... Read more of this article

Interview: Bermudian Slave Owner Descendant

Interview: Bermudian Slave Owner Descendant

A Bermudian who is a direct descendant of Captain John Ingham – who bought Mary Prince in 1805 for £57 pounds – was interviewed by London’s ‘Colorful Radio,’ and gave his views about the present day impact of racism and slavery through history. Mark Nash spoke on the occasion of yesterday’s unveiling of the Mary... Read more of this article

Premier Unveils Plaque Honouring Mary Prince

Premier Unveils Plaque Honouring Mary Prince

Yesterday [June 22] Premier Paula Cox participated in a celebratory reception at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, and unveiled a commemorative bronze plaque honouring the life of Mary Prince, an abolitionist and author who lived near the site of Senate House [University of London]. The unveiling was hosted and... Read more of this article

Follow-Up CURB Forums For Black Bermudians

Follow-Up CURB Forums For Black Bermudians

Due to the success of the initial meeting for the black community to discuss internalised racism,  CURB will be sponsoring two follow-up meetings to take the discussions further. Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda spokesman said the upcoming meetings will be co-facilitated by Dr. Eva Hodgson and Mr. Cordell Riley and will take place on Wednesday,... Read more of this article

Pilot Darrell: ‘Ability And Steadfastness’

Pilot Darrell: ‘Ability And Steadfastness’

The inscription on his headstone at St. Peter’s Churchyard, St. George’s captures the essence of the man and the high regard in which he was held: “James Darrell, Who died 12th April 1815 aged 66 years. In his public life as a servant of his country he obtained the general approval of his talents and worth. In his private walk as a... Read more of this article

Austin Thomas: ‘The Lion Of Parliament’

Austin Thomas: ‘The Lion Of Parliament’

The late Parliamentarian Austin Thomas has been celebrated as a fallen lion by former National Liberal Party colleague Lionel Simmons – a lion whose roar resounded through Bermuda’s corridors of power but one whose heart was filled with boundless compassion for the island and its people. Mr. Thomas died last week following a short... Read more of this article

May 11: Screening Of “500 Years Later”

May 11: Screening Of “500 Years Later”

This coming Wednesday [May 11] Part 1 of the award winning film “500 Years Later” will be shown from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Chewstick, located on the corner of Elliott & Court Streets. The film’s synopsis says, “Filmed in five continents, and over twenty countries, 500 Years Later is a timeless compelling journey, infused with the... Read more of this article

Former Parliamentarian Austin Thomas Dies

Former Parliamentarian Austin Thomas Dies

Former Bermuda Parliamentarian Austin Thomas will be remembered as plain-spoken, principled and a relentless fighter for the causes and issues he held dear. Mr. Thomas, who has died at the age of 77, served in both the Progressive Labour Party and National Liberal Party during a political career which lasted more than 20 years. He was born on February... Read more of this article

National Hero Profile: Roosevelt Brown

National Hero Profile: Roosevelt Brown

When the Bermuda Post Office honoured Roosevelt Brown [later Dr. Pauulu Kamarakafego] a year after the celebrated civil rights pioneer’s death at the age of 74 in 2007, he was described as  a “Pioneer of Progress” on a 35 cent commemorative stamp. It was an accolade which applied as much to his global work as it did to his  involvement... Read more of this article

National Hero Profile: Dr. E.F. Gordon

National Hero Profile: Dr. E.F. Gordon

Isolated geographically and isolationist in nature, Dr. Edgar Fitzgerald Gordon [1895-1955] arrived in a Bermuda which remained determinedly remote from developments in the outside world. Born in Trinidad and educated in Scotland, Dr. Gordon came to Bermuda to open a West End medical practice in 1924. He encountered ingrained racial, social and political... Read more of this article