Hashtag: #BermudaEnvironmentalAndSustainabilityTaskforce

BEST: Why Decisions Were Wrong

BEST: Why Decisions Were Wrong

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they are “concerned that the public is being led to believe there was nothing wrong” with the planning appeal decisions made by former Environment Minister Walter Roban last month. Mr Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works in November, after coming under... Read more of this article

BEST Objection: Desilva’s Development

BEST Objection: Desilva’s Development

[Updated] The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has spoken out against development plans for the Island Construction premises on Devonshire Marsh. Owned by Health Minister Zane DeSilva, BEST said Island Construction’s plans to build three warehouses on the marsh “would allow damaging construction to take place on lands... Read more of this article

‘Stepping Backwards With Recycling Cutbacks’

‘Stepping Backwards With Recycling Cutbacks’

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said the recently announced cutback in recycling pickups is ‘a step backwards for Bermuda’s environmental accountability.’ They said they are “disappointed to hear that recycling collection is to be halved,” saying that householders will have a harder time recycling,... Read more of this article

BEST Encourages Rosewood’s Green Initiative

BEST Encourages Rosewood’s Green Initiative

The letter below was sent by Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] Chairman Stuart Hayward to Mr. Robert Boulogne, Chief Operating Officer of Rosewood Hotels and Resorts, and copied to Premier Paula Cox, Walter Roban, Minister of the Environment; Mr. Trevor Leach, Director of Planning; Mr. John Scott, President and CEO, Rosewood Hotels... Read more of this article

BEST Concerns Over Housing Ministry

BEST Concerns Over Housing Ministry

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has concerns over the announcement that the departments of government dealing with housing have been coupled with the departments dealing with Planning and the Environment. Following the recent resignation of Lt. Col. David Burch, Minister of  Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy... Read more of this article

SDO: BEST Commends Ombudsman

SDO: BEST Commends Ombudsman

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has commended the Ombudsman for “her independence and initiative in taking this important step of furthering democracy in our Island.” Ombudsman Arlene Brock announced earlier this week that she has launched a “systemic investigation into the scope and research that ought to be... Read more of this article

BEST: “Unable to Support the Revised SDO”

BEST: “Unable to Support the Revised SDO”

With the Senate expected to debate the Tucker’s Point SDO at around 5pm today [Mar.25], environmental activist group BEST released a statement saying, “We are unable to support the revised SDO and are encouraging those who share our stance to write again to their Senators and join us in a vigil at the Senate Building starting around 5pm.” Last... Read more of this article

BEST Urges Responsible & Civil Conduct

BEST Urges Responsible & Civil Conduct

As Senators prepare to debate the Tucker’s Point SDO tomorrow, BEST said they have “been informed that Tuckers Point plans to ferry paid employees of the hotel with placards to the Cabinet Building tomorrow,” and have urged all people who plan to attend to “conduct themselves responsibly and with civility.” BEST and CURB... Read more of this article

SDO Walk Numbers: 2,000 or 909 People

SDO Walk Numbers: 2,000 or 909 People

Paul Telford, the Rooms and Spa Director at Tucker’s Point Hotel & Spa, made a number of points in favour of the SDO, and also touched on the walk held recently saying the “accurate count,” was 909 walkers that showed up and asking “where did 2000 come from?” On March 6th, a group of environmental and social/historical... Read more of this article

Ministry Responds to “Malicious Allegations”

Ministry Responds to “Malicious Allegations”

The Ministry of Environment has refuted statements made by the environmental group BEST saying, “The Government strongly requests that Mr. Hayward cease and desist from spreading such malicious allegations, clearly designed to influence the outcome of the Senate debate on the SDO.” The Tucker’s Point SDO has already passed in the House,... Read more of this article

BEST Calls For “Peaceful Demonstration”

BEST Calls For “Peaceful Demonstration”

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has invited members of the public to join them in a “peaceful demonstration” at the Cabinet grounds tomorrow [Mar.18]. BEST has been at the forefront of the objections against the the Tucker’s Point SDO, and was one of the first entities to speak about against it, saying five... Read more of this article

BEST Request For Tucker’s Point Financials

BEST Request For Tucker’s Point Financials

[Updated] The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has said that their request to the Environment Minister to receive the financial information about the Tucker’s Point property has been denied. BEST maintains that the financial information should be disclosed as “it is a corporation seeking financial assistance in the form... Read more of this article

BEST Calls for SDO Letter Writing Campaign

BEST Calls for SDO Letter Writing Campaign

Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] joined the anti-racism group CURB in calling for residents to contact Senators to speak out against the Tucker’s Point SDO which will be debated in the Senate this coming Wednesday [Mar.16]. A spokesperson said, “Unfortunately there will NOT be a letter-writing session at the B.E.S.T.... Read more of this article

Upcoming Tuckers Point SDO Walking Tour

Upcoming Tuckers Point SDO Walking Tour

A group of environmental and social/historical organisations are inviting members of the public to a walkabout tour of the Tucker’s Point area that will be affected by the Special Development Order [SDO] just passed by the House of Assembly. The event will be this coming Sunday [Mar.6] between 2pm and 5pm. Host organisations include the Bermuda... Read more of this article

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Parliamentarians will discuss the Tucker’s Point Special Development Order in the House of Assembly later today [Feb. 28] in what Opposition MP Cole Simons has said is likely to be “one the most controversial debates we have had in some time.” The SDO and the full plans for the proposed expansions of the Rosewood Tucker’s Point... Read more of this article

BEST Calls For SDO Debate To Be Postponed

BEST Calls For SDO Debate To Be Postponed

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] released a statement about the proposed Special Development Order [SDO] for Tucker’s Point Resort, calling on Government “to postpone debate on the SDO until after the the Budget debate has cleared and MPs are able to devote adequate attention to this important and complex issue.... Read more of this article