Hashtag: #CitizensUprootingRacismInBermuda

Recognition Of National Day Of Racial Healing

Recognition Of National Day Of Racial Healing

CURB is inviting the public to gather in recognition of the National Day of Racial Healing on Tuesday, January 21st at 12:30 pm at City Hall. A spokesperson said, “We welcome you to be part of this gathering informed by the past, while paving the way for a journey towards building a more aware, just and equitable future. “Solving our community’s... Read more of this article

CURB: The Need To Work Toward Racial Justice

CURB: The Need To Work Toward Racial Justice

In a survey conducted earlier this year, voters cited a “steady but growing need to work toward racial justice.” A spokesperson said, “In a survey conducted earlier this year, voters cited a steady but growing need to work toward racial justice. When asked the question: Is there a need for non- government groups, such as Citizens Uprooting... Read more of this article

CURB Supports Race Relations Survey Initiative

CURB Supports Race Relations Survey Initiative

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they are “pleased to support the Minister’s announcement that the Government is seeking input from the community on race relations through the means of a 4-question survey online.” “All and every effort taken by both government and the community is essential in order to address the... Read more of this article

CURB Presentation On Restorative Practices

CURB Presentation On Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices, and the potential for Bermuda’s school and criminal justice systems, was given a unanimous thumbs-up at a presentation with international expert Koury Cook. A CURB spokesperson said, “Approximately 40% of attendees at the presentation completed a CURB survey at the conclusion of the presentation, with 100% of them supporting... Read more of this article

CURB: Restorative Practices Public Presentation

CURB: Restorative Practices Public Presentation

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] will be having a free public presentation on Restorative Practices on Wednesday, November 13 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Somersfield Academy. A spokesperson said, “For the last 3 years CURB has been quietly training members of the public as Restorative Practitioners and to date nearly 200 people have been... Read more of this article

CURB New Program Coordinator: Rajai Denbrook

CURB New Program Coordinator: Rajai Denbrook

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] announced the addition of Mr. Rajai Denbrook as CURB Program Coordinator, noting that he will be “responsible for administering and expanding current programs, as well as developing new programs to support the organization’s strategic direction in alignment with CURB’s long term goals.” “Mr.... Read more of this article

CURB: Next TRCC Sessions Begin On Oct 24

CURB: Next TRCC Sessions Begin On Oct 24

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] will be starting their next Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations [TRCC] later this month, and invite the public to join in. A spokesperson said, “CURB has been running the Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations [TRCC] since January 2017. We would like to extend an invitation... Read more of this article

CURB: Truth & Reconciliation Conversations

CURB: Truth & Reconciliation Conversations

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] announced that the next Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations will begin on Wednesday, September 25th. A spokesperson said, “The next Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations begin Wednesday 25th September at the Human Rights Commission from 6:00 – 8:30 pm, and will run for 7... Read more of this article

CURB: ‘Historic And Important Announcement’

CURB: ‘Historic And Important Announcement’

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they “applaud the announcement by the Premier David Burt on the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into the historic losses of citizens’ property in Bermuda.” A spokesperson said, “This is a historic and important announcement and a part of what CURB sees as a national healing,... Read more of this article

Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference

Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference

A two-day Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference will be held in Bermuda next month, with Dr. Kenneth Hardy and Dr. Christiana Awosan scheduled to speak. A CURB spokesperson said, “Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda is delighted to be partnering with Family Centre and the InterAgency Committee to bring a two-day conference to Bermuda featuring... Read more of this article

CURB Supports Statue To Honour Mary Prince

CURB Supports Statue To Honour Mary Prince

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they support the efforts to create a statue honouring Bermuda’s National Hero Mary Prince, adding that they encourage the Ministry to ensure the statue is located in a central and wheelchair accessible site A spokesperson said, “CURB wishes to support Minister Lovitto Foggo on leading the efforts... Read more of this article

Volunteers Needed For CURB Tag Day

Volunteers Needed For CURB Tag Day

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] are seeking volunteers for their Tag Day on Thursday. A spokesperson said, “Once again, CURB will be holding their Tag Day on the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 21 March 2019, and volunteers will be tagging at Paget Pharmacy, Gorham’s, Lindo’s Warwick, Lindo’s... Read more of this article

CURB Release Updated Racial Justice Platform

CURB Release Updated Racial Justice Platform

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] released a newly updated version of their Racial Justice Platform. A spokesperson said, “The Racial Justice Platform has been amended and updated since it was last released in 2017. Legislative changes are necessary, but there is also a moral responsibility to repair past injustice, and both Black and White... Read more of this article

Consider Taxing Multiple Units Over $90K ARV

Consider Taxing Multiple Units Over $90K ARV

Individuals or companies who own multiple rental units in aggregate at or above the $90,000 ARV “should be taxed at the 5% rate,” Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said, as this would “bring about a greater wealth redistribution and have those who are in a wealthier position pay a fairer share of the tax burden.” Minister... Read more of this article

CURB ‘Join Community In Denouncing This Act’

CURB ‘Join Community In Denouncing This Act’

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they were horrified to see the discriminatory and racist graffiti painted on the walls of businesses in Devonshire, and “join the community in denouncing this act.” This follows after Empire Grocery and Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Center, which are both located on North Shore in Devonshire,... Read more of this article

African Foundation Timeline Exhibition At BSOA

African Foundation Timeline Exhibition At BSOA

Ashay University, in collaboration with Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB], will be presenting the Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit at the Bermuda Society of Arts. “Located on the third floor of City Hall in Hamilton, the exhibit runs from Friday, February 8th to Tuesday, February 19th, 2019. The 16-foot long, 4-feet high timeline... Read more of this article