Hashtag: #CommitteeWEP

Photos & Video: West End Warriors Celebration

Photos & Video: West End Warriors Celebration

The West End Warriors held a celebratory Family Fun Day and Motorcade this weekend, with their invitation stating that “all are invited to embrace the future as we move ‘Forward Together’ in the spirit of unity for the Sandys Parish community.” The group began a campaign two years ago to prevent West End Primary School from being... Read more of this article

OBA Voices Support For West End Warriors

OBA Voices Support For West End Warriors

The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] has voiced its support for the West End Warriors, with the  Shadow Education Minister Ben Smith saying that a ”One Bermuda Alliance government would not close the school.” The OBA’s Ben Smith said, “The One Bermuda Alliance would again like to voice its support for the West End Warriors as they... Read more of this article

West End Warriors Call For ‘Immediate Action’

West End Warriors Call For ‘Immediate Action’

[Updated] The West End Warriors are “calling for immediate action from the Ministry of Education,” highlighting what they called a “series of delays and unfulfilled commitments regarding the future of West End Primary School, a cornerstone of the Sandys Parish community with a legacy dating back to 1869.” A spokesperson said,... Read more of this article

Video: Town Hall Meeting On West End Primary

Video: Town Hall Meeting On West End Primary

[Updated] “A suggestion was put forward by the West End Warriors for the Government to re-evaluate the scoring of the Sandys area, which the Government agreed to consider,” Premier David Burt said at the Town Hall meeting held by the West End Warriors last night [July 11]. A Government spokesperson previously said, “The Premier, the Hon.... Read more of this article

Premier & Minister To Attend Meeting Next Month

Premier & Minister To Attend Meeting Next Month

Premier David Burt and Minister of Education Diallo Rabain “will attend a public meeting in Sandys” next month to “discuss the concerns raised by the West End Warriors for Legacy Group,” the Government has confirmed. A Government spokesperson said, “The Premier, the Hon. E. David Burt, and Minister of Education, the Hon.... Read more of this article

Column: Marcus Jones On West End Primary

Column: Marcus Jones On West End Primary

[Opinion column written by OBA’s Marcus Jones] It has been two years since the Ministry of Education launched its publication ‘Parish Primary School Decisions’ recommending that the West End Primary School along with seven others be closed. What once stood as a beachhead against racial segregation and served as a memorial to those who braved discrimination... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Reconsider Closing Of This School’

OBA: ‘Reconsider Closing Of This School’

“The One Bermuda Alliance has consulted with families who live in the parish and activists who are protesting this decision and would advise that the Government pause and reconsider the closing of this school,” Opposition Senate Leader Ben Smith, the Shadow Education Minister, said in reference to West End Primary. Senator Smith said, “Since the... Read more of this article

“Incredible Support” For West End Motorcade

“Incredible Support” For West End Motorcade

The ‘West End Warriors’ motorcade held on March 18 received “incredible support, not only from the Somerset residents, but also from persons up and down the island,” according to one of the organisers. Ellen-Kate Horton told Bernews, “We were very happy with the turnout. We received incredible support, not only from the Somerset... Read more of this article

Photos, Videos & 360: West End Motorcade

Photos, Videos & 360: West End Motorcade

As part of their ongoing campaign to stop the closure of West End Primary, the ‘West End Warriors’ group held another motorcade this afternoon [March 18] starting from the West End Primary School, and traveling around the island. The school is one of locations the Government plans to close in the coming years, as they previously announced that they... Read more of this article

West End Warriors Plan To Hold Motorcade

West End Warriors Plan To Hold Motorcade

The ‘West End Warriors’ group will be holding another motorcade on Saturday [March 18] starting from the West End School at 2.30pm. The event poster says, “We will never concede! Stop the closure of West End Primary. West End Primary School belongs to our community! Support this important Bermudian Institution, join our motorcade!... Read more of this article

CURB: Keep West End Primary School In System

CURB: Keep West End Primary School In System

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they “support community efforts to have West End Primary School remain in the public school system.” Last year, following a consultation process, the Government announced that they will move forward with Parish Primary Schools which “will see one primary school per parish with two primary... Read more of this article

West End Warriors “Send An Email” Campaign

West End Warriors “Send An Email” Campaign

As part of their ongoing campaign to “get Bermudians involved in saving West End Primary school from closure,” the West End Warriors for Legacy established the ‘Send An Email’ campaign, asking people to email the Minister of Education. A spokesperson said, “As part of their on-going campaign to get Bermudians involved in saving... Read more of this article

Photos, Video: Save West End School Campaign

Photos, Video: Save West End School Campaign

A group seeking to save West End Primary School from closure gathered in Hamilton today [Nov 12] with signs showing support for the school. The school is one of locations the Government plans to close in the coming years, as they previously announced that they will introduce Parish Primary Schools which “will see one primary school per parish with... Read more of this article

Save West End School Campaign Continues

Save West End School Campaign Continues

A group seeking to “save West End Primary School from closure” plan to gather in Hamilton on Friday [Nov 12] with the team’s action to “comprise placard bearers and brochure distribution.” A spokesperson said, “The campaign to save West End Primary School from closure continues on Friday November 12th at Nellie’s Walk... Read more of this article

Video: BNV With Simmons, Hunt & Horton

Video: BNV With Simmons, Hunt & Horton

Cecille Snaith-Simmons, Larry Hunt, and Ellen-Kate Horton are joining Bernews this evening [Sept 6] for the latest episode in the Bernews News & Views series, with the trio set to discuss their position on the planned closure of West End Primary School. In July, following a consultation process, the Government announced that they will move forward... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Meeting About West End School

Photos & Video: Meeting About West End School

The Committee to Save West End Primary School held a community town hall meeting yesterday [July 25] at the Somerset Cricket Club to “determine the next steps needed to preserve the historic Sandys educational institution.” This follows after the Government announced on Thursday [July 22] that eight school sites will be “discontinued... Read more of this article