Hashtag: #CoralReefs

Bermuda Features In Sea Level Study

Bermuda Features In Sea Level Study

Bermuda contains important sites where researchers have gone looking for answers to questions about how high the seas will rise in the coming decades, international scientists say. Projections for sea-level increases in the year 2100 range from inches to several feet, or more.  By pinpointing where shorelines stood on cliffs and reefs in Bermuda and... Read more of this article

Spring Break Coral Reef Programme

Spring Break Coral Reef Programme

Columbia University’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation [CERC] and the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] will be holding a Spring Break introduction to the island’s coral reef system for American students this week. CERC’s “Coral Reef Ecology: Bermuda” Spring Break seminar is being held from Wednesday... Read more of this article

BIOS Highlights Lionfish Threat

BIOS Highlights Lionfish Threat

Lionfish, oh my! When more than 1,100 Bermudian primary school children took part in the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] Explorer programme at the East End research facility in the spring of 2011, two colourful lionfish, Simba and Nala, were among the stars of the show. But the lionfish were being displayed to teach the youngsters an important... Read more of this article

Two Fishermen Die After Boat Strikes Reef

Two Fishermen Die After Boat Strikes Reef

[Updated with photos/videos] The Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre confirmed that two bodies were recovered from the water off St. David’s Battery early this morning [Jan.24]. The official statement said that at approximately midnight the Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre received a call from a 27-foot fishing vessel with two persons onboard, who... Read more of this article

Coral Spawn Seen On West End Beach

Coral Spawn Seen On West End Beach

Yesterday [Aug.21] parts of Bermuda’s famous turquoise waters took on the pinkish tones of coral spawn, and Ralph Richardson captured photos of the spawning – which shows the coral reefs are reproducing – on a west end beach. The photos below were taken on the western shoreline of Bermuda, between Spring Benny and Wreck Hill. Last... Read more of this article

Making Invasive Lionfish Into ‘Mane’ Course

Making Invasive Lionfish Into ‘Mane’ Course

Efforts to snatch victory from the jaws of the lionfish by enlisting chefs to help out continue to gain momentum in the US thanks to the “Eat Them To Beat Them” initiative launched on the island by the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo’s Chris Flook. Mr. Flook — who heads Bermuda’s Lionfish Project aimed at reducing... Read more of this article

Lionfish: DC ‘Eats ‘Em To Beat ‘Em’

Lionfish: DC ‘Eats ‘Em To Beat ‘Em’

Now Washington, DC is taking a page out of Bermuda’s lionfish cook book. Inspired by Bermuda’s “Eat ‘Em To Beat ‘Em” campaign to add the invasive lionfish to Bermudian restaurant menus, executive chef Xavier Deshayes of the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Centre in association with Washington’s... Read more of this article

Buoys Deployed Around Coral Reef Preserve

Buoys Deployed Around Coral Reef Preserve

Two new buoys have been deployed by the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science [BIOS] at locations around the North Shore Coral reef preserve. The buoys contain scientific equipment to measure seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pCO2 [in both water and in air], pH, chlorophyll and turbidity. Each buoy has a light that flashes On 1 s, OFF... Read more of this article

Monitoring The Health Of Bermuda’s Reefs

Monitoring The Health Of Bermuda’s Reefs

For centuries Bermudians have placed a high environmental and cultural value on the island’s reef system — the northernmost coral formations in the Atlantic Ocean. Earlier this year a monetary value was placed on our protective reefs — calculating they provided $722 million annually in direct economic benefits through coastal... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Roban Speaks On Environment

Video: Minister Roban Speaks On Environment

After yesterday’s [Nov 5] Throne Speech Minister of Environment, Planning & Infrastructure Walter Roban spoke, addressing various matters including coral reefs, planning applications, water resources, energy conservation and more. Matters of the environment were addressing during the Throne Speech, the relevant portions are below: During... Read more of this article

Coral Spawn Expected Over Next Few Days

Coral Spawn Expected Over Next Few Days

The Department of Environmental Protection today [Aug 2] advised that boaters and beach goers may see coral spawn on the surface of the ocean during the next few days. Coral spawn, a sign the coral reefs are reproducing, is usually pink/salmon in colour and it may be observed in large patches on different parts of the platform. The corals usually spawn... Read more of this article