Hashtag: #Covid19UB

Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Extended
The Supplementary Unemployment Benefit [SUB] has been extended to November 30th, the Government confirmed today. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Economy and Labour is aware of individuals and families that continue to need financial support. It is incumbent on this Government to ensure they can keep a roof over their heads and put... Read more of this article

Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Extension
“The Supplemental Unemployment Benefit [SUB] programme due to expire 31st March, 2022 will be extended to expire on 31st August, 2022,” Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said. Speaking the House of Assembly today [March 16] the Minister said, “From its inception in September 2020 until February 2022, direct payment of the... Read more of this article

Auditor General Report: Unemployment Benefit
Today [Nov 12], the Auditor General tabled her second public interest report on the Unemployment Benefit Administration programme to “support Parliament in its examination of the Government of Bermuda’s ongoing response to the coronavirus.” A spokesperson said, “ Between April 2020 and April 2021, the Government paid out $61,335,000... Read more of this article

Video: Supplemental Benefit Extended To March
[Updated] The Minister of Labour Jason Hayward is holding a press conference this afternoon [July 12] to discuss the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit. We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: We will post the full statement as able, and in the meantime as a quick summary, the Minister said that... Read more of this article

Minister: $3.5 Million Paid Over Amount Eligible
Approximately 2,500 people received benefits in excess of the amount they were eligible for in the Unemployment Benefit programme which amounted to approximately $3.5 million, Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson said, adding that to date, 300 people have refunded the government approximately $500,000. While answering questions in the House of Assembly... Read more of this article

Unemployment Benefits Payments Update
The Ministry of Finance advised that “all persons who have met the required criteria for eligibility for unemployment benefits payments and provided the required documentation have been processed for payment.” A Government spokesperson said, ”It should be noted that there are still over 500 applications whose employers have not verified... Read more of this article

Minister: Update On Unemployment Benefits
“From December of 2020 through May 17, 2021, approximately 4,400 applications for unemployment benefit support have been approved by the Government of Bermuda, and over 4,100 individuals have received benefits totalling $5.1 million,” Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson as he provided an update on the Unemployment Benefit programme. The... Read more of this article

Applications Can Be Filed: Unemployment Benefit
The Ministry of Finance has renewed the unemployment benefit support for individual workers, and eligible persons can receive $1500 for the full 3 week closure. In an online post, the Bermuda Government said, “The Government is again committed to supporting workers and businesses affected by the revised and necessary regulations. The Ministry... Read more of this article

Payments Of $1500 For Three Week Closure
“All affected employees of businesses that are unable to open will receive payments up to a maximum of $1500 this week, which will cover the 3 weeks of closure,” Premier David Burt said, adding that “affected businesses will be eligible for grants to cover expenses and overheads.” The Premier’s comments were made as the... Read more of this article

$234K: Workers & People Directed To Quarantine
The Ministry of Finance “has paid $234,000 to those who are not working and others who have been directed to quarantine” in the past few weeks, Acting Premier Walter Roban said. This follows after increased restrictions were put in place last month due to an outbreak of Covid-19, with the restrictions including the closure of all indoor... Read more of this article

Unemployment Benefits Being Processed
[Updated with PDF] The Government has approved 50 applications so far for the unemployment benefit for employees affected by the recent mandated closures and are currently assessing an additional 110 applications, and they are also working on applications from individuals who have been directed into mandatory quarantine or isolation by the Ministry... Read more of this article

Govt To Make Payments ‘No Later Than Thurs’
“The Bermuda Government will make payments to impacted individuals no later than Thursday, 17 December, if their applications are submitted and complete by Monday, 14 December,” the Government said today. This is in relation to the unemployment benefits, with the Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson recently authorising “unemployment... Read more of this article