Hashtag: #DavidChapman

Video: “Daddy and I Explore” Book Signing

Video: “Daddy and I Explore” Book Signing

Author of the “Daddy and I Explore” book series, David Chapman, hosted a book signing at The Bookmart today [Apr.23]. The series of educational children’s books has four titles thus far, covering local environmental topics including the mangroves, farming, tide pools and Nonsuch Island. Mr Chapman has previously said that, “The core components... Read more of this article

New Book In “Daddy and I Explore” Series

New Book In “Daddy and I Explore” Series

Author of the “Daddy and I Explore” book series, David E. Chapman, was joined by HSBC Bermuda CEO Philip Butterfield, Acting Education Minister Walter Roban, local farmer Gerry Wilmot and Prospect Primary students and teachers this morning [Apr.11], as he handed out copies of his latest book in the series. Each book in the “Daddy and I Explore”... Read more of this article