Hashtag: #Emails

BMA Warn About Email Phishing Attempts

BMA Warn About Email Phishing Attempts

The Bermuda Monetary Authority [BMA] said they have been “made aware of several e-mail phishing attempts targeting Bermuda-based financial services licensees registered with the Authority.” A spokesperson said, “The e-mails appear to be coming from false Bermuda Monetary Authority e-mail addresses or private e-mail accounts. “The fraudulent... Read more of this article

Moving Govt Email Systems To The Cloud

Moving Govt Email Systems To The Cloud

The 2024 Budget funds the moving of the Government’s e-mail systems to the cloud “to ensure that in the event of any future attack the Government’s core e-mail system will still function,” Premier David Burt announced in the Budget yesterday [Feb 16]. The relevant extract of the 2024 Budget statement said, “One of the lessons... Read more of this article

Govt Advisory: Phishing Emails Are Circulating

Govt Advisory: Phishing Emails Are Circulating

The Bermuda Government is advising the public that “phishing emails are circulating, purporting to be from various Government Departments.” A Government spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Government advises that phishing emails are circulating, purporting to be from various Government Departments. “These emails are false phishing emails... Read more of this article

Ombudsman Office Experiencing Email Issue

Ombudsman Office Experiencing Email Issue

The Office of the Ombudsman for Bermuda is “currently experiencing technical difficulties with its email system.” A spokesperson said, “As a result, we have been unable to receive emails that have been recently sent through our complaint portal on our website, as well as any emails sent to our complaint@ombudsman.bm and info@ombudsman.bm... Read more of this article

Police Issue Another Warning On Phishing Scams

Police Issue Another Warning On Phishing Scams

The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] is advising the public to “beware of phishing scams that seek to obtain money, personal information and banking details.” A police spokesperson said, “Another recent example appears to be targeted at local senior citizens and usually starts with a spontaneous call from someone claiming to represent... Read more of this article

Updated E-Mail Address For Parish Officers

Updated E-Mail Address For Parish Officers

The Bermuda Police Service updated their contact e-mail address for Parish Police Officers. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is advising residents that the contact e-mail address for Parish Officers has been updated and is now a single point of contact. “To get in touch with any of the Parish Officers, members of the... Read more of this article

Public Being Warned About Email Scam

Public Being Warned About Email Scam

The public is being advised about an email scam regarding a non-existent PayPal order. A reader advised, “I received an email from ‘my husband’ about an order going through PayPal. When I checked the email address it was not his and he no longer goes on the computer, so I knew something was up. “Just to be sure, I called the hotline/info... Read more of this article

Main Library Phones & Email Are Down

Main Library Phones & Email Are Down

The Main Library phones and email are currently down, the Government said today. A Government spokesperson said, “The public is advised that the Main Library phones and email are currently down. The problem is anticipated to be rectified as soon as possible. “The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience this disruption may have caused.” Related... Read more of this article

Govt Email Systems Are Now Operational

Govt Email Systems Are Now Operational

The Government confirmed that its email systems are “now operational and most of its services are running normally” A Government spokesperson said, “The Government of Bermuda confirmed that its email systems are now operational and most of its services are running normally following an extensive disruption in service yesterday [May... Read more of this article

Government-Wide Email Outage, System Issues

Government-Wide Email Outage, System Issues

[Updated] The Government advised that “its email system is experiencing extensive technical difficulties, resulting in a government-wide email outage.” A spokesperson said, “The Department of Information and Digital Technology [IDT], is working to restore service as swiftly as possible, and the public will be advised once email service... Read more of this article

BMA Warns About ‘Fraudulent Email’ Circulating

BMA Warns About ‘Fraudulent Email’ Circulating

The Bermuda Monetary Authority has issued an advisory about a “fraudulent email targeted at Bermuda’s financial services entities.” A Government spokesperson said, “On Tuesday 8 March 2022, the Bermuda Monetary Authority [Authority or BMA] was made aware of a fraudulent email targeted at Bermuda’s financial services entities which... Read more of this article

False Email “PCR Test Result: Positive”

False Email “PCR Test Result: Positive”

The Ministry of Health is advising the public of a false email message titled “PCR Test Result: Positive.” The Bermuda Government tweeted the graphic below, saying: “The Ministry of Health advises the public of a false email message titled “PCR TEST RESULT: POSITIVE.” “Any official email for anyone who has tested positive will contain the... Read more of this article

False Email Message Regarding Covid Vaccine

False Email Message Regarding Covid Vaccine

The Ministry of Health has advised that a false email message about Covid-19 Vaccine appointments is circulating. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Health advises the public of a false email message regarding Covid-19 Vaccine appointments. “Please ignore and delete if you have received correspondence entitled New Vaccine Appointment... Read more of this article

Advisory: Fake Government Email Circulating

Advisory: Fake Government Email Circulating

There is an email circulating purporting to be from the Accountant General’s Department, with the Government advising that the ”fake email contains a malware attachment that is dangerous to computer systems if opened.” A Government spokesperson said, “It’s been brought to the Government’s attention that there is a phishing email... Read more of this article

Fake Covid-19 Validation Email Circulating

Fake Covid-19 Validation Email Circulating

[Updated] A fake email message asking people to “validate your Covid-19 status” is circulating, making an erroneous claim in what appears to be a phishing attempt. The message — which is not accurate and purports to come from the Government but does not as the email sender address clearly shows — claims, “The Centers for... Read more of this article

Govt Advisory: Fake Covid-19 Alert Email

Govt Advisory: Fake Covid-19 Alert Email

The Government of Bermuda is “advising the public to beware of a fake Covid-19 alert email circulating, purporting to be from the Government of Bermuda.” A spokesperson said, “The email uses the Royal Gazette ‘Breaking News’ format with erroneous case results. “This email is fake. The public is urged not to forward this email... Read more of this article