Hashtag: #EmploymentInBermuda

Bitcarbon Company Lists Multiple Job Openings

Bitcarbon Company Lists Multiple Job Openings

“The work which the Bermuda Government has put into fintech development in Bermuda is yielding results,” Premier David Burt said, as he congratulated Bitcarbon as they begin to advertise job openings. The listing of ‘current and near term job openings’ at either Bitcarbon [a diamond commodity manufacturer and market maker], and... Read more of this article

Parliamentary Question: Work Permit Numbers

Parliamentary Question: Work Permit Numbers

A grand total of 538 work permits were issued in September, 836 in October and 831 in November. This was stated in the House of Assembly as Minister of National Security Wayne Caines was replying to Parliamentary Questions from Shadow Minister of Home Affairs and Environment Sylvan Richards. The Parliamentary Question said, “Would the Honourable Minister... Read more of this article

Career Development Workshop Held Today

Career Development Workshop Held Today

This morning [Dec 6] the Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo supported her Department of Workforce Development team at their free career development workshops, held at the Devonshire Recreation Club. The Minister met with job-seekers and chatted to them about their career goals and ambitions. The aim of the well-attended workshops... Read more of this article

Minister On Workforce Development Initiatives

Minister On Workforce Development Initiatives

A waiter/server training program and a training initiative for certified commercial cleaners will be launched in the new year and training in court transcription is also being explored, Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo said in the House of Assembly on Friday, as she provided an update about Workforce Development initiatives. Noting... Read more of this article

Labour Force Down 4%: From 38,155 to 36,646

Labour Force Down 4%: From 38,155 to 36,646

Today [Nov 29] the Department of Statistics issued a revised Labour Force Survey Report, noting that the labour force declined 4% from 38,155 to 36,646. The Director of Statistics, Melinda Williams explained, “The public should note that the revised Labour Force Survey Report May 2018 amends the error or 2% decline to reflect a corrected figure of... Read more of this article

Free Career Building Workshops On December 6

Free Career Building Workshops On December 6

Whether you are just starting your career, unemployed or underemployed and need assistance with your job search, the Department of Workforce Development is offering free career development workshops to assist with career guidance. The Department has organized Career Development Training and a Registration Drive at the Devonshire Recreation Club on Thursday... Read more of this article

Working Population, Unemployment & Income

Working Population, Unemployment & Income

[Updated] The working population decreased from 35,530 to 34,612, the median gross annual income from main job climbed 9%, the employment rate decreased from 66% to 64% while the unemployment rate dropped from 7% to 6%, and the economically inactive population rose 6% from 15,428 to 16,389. These statistics were contained in the May 2018 Labour Force... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Highlights Pupillage Program

Video: Minister Highlights Pupillage Program

Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs Kathy Simmons recently highlighted the opportunities afforded to Bermudians by the Ministry of Legal of Affairs Pupillage Programme saying “the Ministry of Legal Affairs is proud to be the training ground for Bermudians”. Minister Simmons said, “I am pleased to highlight the opportunities... Read more of this article

Two Hour Video: ‘Living Wage’ Panel Discussion

Two Hour Video: ‘Living Wage’ Panel Discussion

“The Living Wage – Relief is on the Way” panel discussion took place this evening [Oct 18] and you can watch the two-hour video of the presentation below. Panelists include statistician Cordell Riley, Rev Nicholas Tweed, MP Rolfe Commissiong, and Family Centre Executive Director Martha Dismont, while MP Kim Swan is moderating the discussion.... Read more of this article

Discussion: ‘Living Wage – Relief Is On The Way’

Discussion: ‘Living Wage – Relief Is On The Way’

[Written by Don Burgess] “Work should lift you out of poverty, not keep you there.” That slogan is attached to a discussion on the proposed living wage which will be held on Thursday, October 18 at St Paul Centennial Hall at 6:30 pm. It is proposed that the Living Wage is set at $12.25 per hour as of May 1, 2019, then at $18.23 as of May 1, 2020.... Read more of this article

BTUC: Consider Employment & Pay Equity Laws

BTUC: Consider Employment & Pay Equity Laws

The Government should “consider instituting employment and pay equity legislation,” BTUC President Jason Hayward said, saying that the purpose would be to “achieve equality in the workplace” and correct the “disadvantage in employment experienced by women, people of color, and persons with disabilities.” BTUC President... Read more of this article

Minister Brown: ‘This Will Not Be Tolerated’

Minister Brown: ‘This Will Not Be Tolerated’

[Updated] Circumstances surrounding the loss of three jobs at Ascendant Group have resulted in various allegations being made, and the Ministry of Home Affairs launching an investigation. Earlier this week, the Ascendant Group — which is the parent company of BELCO, Aircare, iFM, and iEPC – confirmed that three staff members were made redundant. The... Read more of this article

Increase Of 172 Jobs In 2017 Compared To 2016

Increase Of 172 Jobs In 2017 Compared To 2016

Employers reported an increase of 172 jobs in 2017 compared to 2016 and the number of Bermudian job holders rose from 23,494 to 23,667, an increase of 173 jobs, which marks the “first increase in the total number of jobs filled by Bermudians since 2006.” This is according to the 2018 edition of the Bermuda Job Market Employment Briefs, which... Read more of this article

Youth Movement: Cire Bean’s Payakid Initiative

Youth Movement: Cire Bean’s Payakid Initiative

[Generation Next Youth Movement Series] How many of us, young and old, would like to see increased employment opportunities for Bermuda’s youth? 20-year-old Bermudian entrepreneur Cire Tyler Bean is aiming to do just that, providing an avenue for Bermudian youth to work hard and cash in with his company Payakid. When asked to describe what his company... Read more of this article

Minister: Hotels Hire New Staff After Programme

Minister: Hotels Hire New Staff After Programme

Over 15 people have been hired by local hotels after completing a training program for Room Attendants, the Minister of Education and Workforce Development Diallo Rabain said in the House of Assembly today [May 18], with additional people currently “in the recruitment phase.” The Minister was providing an update on the Hospitality training... Read more of this article

Hotel Hires 7 Employees Following Programme

Hotel Hires 7 Employees Following Programme

Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, the Bermuda Hospitality Institute and the Government of Bermuda today announce the successful conclusion of a Guest Room Attendant Programme held at the hotel, with seven of the participants hired by the resort as a result of the programme. The two-week programme is a public-private collaboration between the Bermuda... Read more of this article