Hashtag: #EmploymentInBermuda

Coral Beach Club “Looking For 30 New Staff”

Coral Beach Club “Looking For 30 New Staff”

Coral Beach & Tennis Club said they are looking for 30 new staff members, and will be holding a job fair on Wednesday March 25th from 4pm – 8pm. General Manager Nik Bhola said, “Coral Beach & Tennis Club is looking for 30 new staff members!  With that we thought it would be a great idea to host a job fair and invite prospective employees... Read more of this article

Premier: Public Service Bursary Award Scheme

Premier: Public Service Bursary Award Scheme

The Government “committed to continue the Public Service Bursary Award Scheme in the 2015/16 fiscal year” which awards scholarships  to Bermudians pursuing post-secondary academic qualifications in a discipline, Premier Michael Dunkley said. “The Bermuda Government is a very unique employer offering career opportunities in a vast... Read more of this article

Work Permits Increase, 22 New EEZ Businesses

Work Permits Increase, 22 New EEZ Businesses

The total number of standard work permits processed in 2014 increased by 496 from the previous year, and 22 new businesses opened in the three Economic Empowerment Zones [EEZs] during 2014 bringing with them 60 new jobs, Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said. The Ministry provided an overview of some of the highlights for 2014 which they said included... Read more of this article

Chris Famous: “Continued Intent Of The OBA”

Chris Famous: “Continued Intent Of The OBA”

[Opinion column written by Chris Famous] Pre-election The OBA went to great lengths to speak on the unemployment rate of Bermudian young adults. Post-election On February 13, 2013, Minister Michael Fahy introduced a draft policy to allow the children of nonBermudian guest workers the ability to seek summer employment in Bermuda. “Dependent Children... Read more of this article

Work Permit Policy A “Betrayal Of Bermudians”

Work Permit Policy A “Betrayal Of Bermudians”

[Updated] “With unemployment at record levels and job losses continuing to mount, permitting the children and partners of guest workers to compete for jobs with our children and partners, is a slap in the face to every right thinking Bermudian,” Shadow Minister for Immigration Walton Brown said. Multiple Opposition MPs spoke about this... Read more of this article

Reminder: Permits/Required Online Job Posting

Reminder: Permits/Required Online Job Posting

The Department of Workforce Development said they “would like to remind all employers that, with the implementation of Bermuda’s new Work Permit Policy on March 1st 2015, all employers are now required to advertise all available positions [prior to applying for a Short Term or Standard Work Permit] for a minimum of eight consecutive days on... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Today’s Hospitality Career Fair

Photos & Video: Today’s Hospitality Career Fair

The Department of Workforce Development and the Bermuda Hotel Association hosted a Hospitality Career Fair today [Feb 25] in the conference rooms at Elbow Beach Hotel, with participating hotel properties hosting stations to help attendees determine areas of interest. Speaking in advance of the event, Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said, “The... Read more of this article

February 25: Hospitality Career Fair To Be Held

February 25: Hospitality Career Fair To Be Held

The Department of Workforce Development and the Bermuda Hotel Association are inviting interested members of the public to attend a career fair this week centered on the hospitality sector. A spokesperson said, “The career fair will take place on Wednesday, February 25th 2015 from 10am to 2pm in the conference rooms at Elbow Beach Hotel. “Participating... Read more of this article

Report: Island Has Lost 6,726 Jobs Since 2008

Report: Island Has Lost 6,726 Jobs Since 2008

According to the recently released National Economic Report of Bermuda, the island has lost 6,726 jobs since 2008, which is a reduction of 16.7%, with 790 of those positions lost last year. The report — which was released on Friday [Feb 20] — said, “Preliminary data from the 2014 Employment Survey indicates that the total number of... Read more of this article

Mergers “Likely To Give Rise To Redundancies”

Mergers “Likely To Give Rise To Redundancies”

The “merger mania” we have witnessed in Bermuda’s re/insurance business in the past year is “likely to give rise to redundancies,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said as he delivered the 2015/16 Budget in the House of Assembly on Friday [Feb 20]. In recent months, XL Group confirmed it will acquire Catlin Group, RenaissanceRe... Read more of this article

‘Cannot Guarantee Reductions Without Layoffs’

‘Cannot Guarantee Reductions Without Layoffs’

“We cannot guarantee that the planned reduction in spending can be achieved without layoffs of workers in the public sector for the coming fiscal year,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said during the 2015 Budget speech in the House of Assembly today [Feb 20]. Minister Richards said, “Personnel costs are crippling the Bermuda Government’s... Read more of this article

Reefs Makes Eight Maintenance Staff Redundant

Reefs Makes Eight Maintenance Staff Redundant

The Reefs Hotel has confirmed that eight employees in the Maintenance Department have been given redundancy notices, as the department’s work will be outsourced to a local company, saying :redundancy is never an easy decision; however it is a necessary one for the survival of our business.” A spokesperson said, “The Reefs Management... Read more of this article

Minister: ‘Furlough Has Saved Public Sector Jobs’

Minister: ‘Furlough Has Saved Public Sector Jobs’

[Updated] “The furlough has saved a lot of public sector jobs, and that’s the one thing that they’re objecting to,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said at today’s [Jan 27] press conference. Minister Richards added, “The situation, the financial situation that caused us to put the furlough in…hasn’t changed... Read more of this article

Videos: Bermuda Entertainment Union Meeting

Videos: Bermuda Entertainment Union Meeting

The Bermuda Entertainment Union held a special meeting last night [Jan 25] at Leopard’s Club to discuss the impact of the new work permit policy on the entertainment industry, with the new policy set to come in effect on March 1st. Shadow Minister for Immigration Walton Brown previously said, “The policy for many years was that foreign entertainment... Read more of this article

Video: BIU President On Unemployment Statistics

Video: BIU President On Unemployment Statistics

BIU President Chris Furbert held a press conference yesterday [Jan 20], where he discussed the latest employment statistics. The recently released Labour Force Survey showed unemployment increasing to 9% with the workforce having shrunk by 511 workers in 2014. The 9% unemployment rate in 2014 compares to a 7% unemployment rate in 2013, an 8% unemployment... Read more of this article

MP Brown Calls On The Reefs To Withdraw Ad‬

MP Brown Calls On The Reefs To Withdraw Ad‬

“The recent ad by The Reefs hotel represents a flawed direction in the hiring process and needs to be stopped immediately,” Shadow Minister for Immigration ‬Walton Brown said, with the MP calling on The Reefs to “withdraw the ad immediately.” This follows after the Southampton property advertised for a Bar Chef to “develop... Read more of this article