Hashtag: #FABFishing

Column: OBA’s Marcus Jones On Fishing & More
[Opinion column written by Marcus Jones] In our preparation to become the next government, the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] has committed to an ever-diminishing characteristic in modern-day politics: the ‘Art of Listening.’ Various organizations are welcomed into our Caucus, so we can listen to their concerns and hear the solutions they want implemented... Read more of this article

Fishermen’s Association On Proposal
[Written by Patrick Bean] The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda [FAB] has viewed, with scepticism, recent comments made in the House of Assembly by Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban. Within his statement the Minister noted that he was yet open to input from stakeholders relevant to the implementation of the Draft Blue Prosperity Plan compiled... Read more of this article

FAB Advocates For Co-Management Plan
The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda [FAB] proposed their “vision of what fisheries management in Bermuda could be at its best,” suggesting a “cooperative management of fisheries.” A spokesperson said, “In February 2023, Premier David Burt invited the Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda to present an alternative plan... Read more of this article

Fishermen’s Association Respond To BOPP Plan
The Fishermen’s Association Bermuda [FAB] has responded to the latest statement from the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme [BOPP] saying BOPP’s plan shows that it is “less about functional management and more about flashy PR statements and check-the-box style public consultation.” A spokesperson said, “BOPP might consider... Read more of this article

Fishermen’s Association Declines To Ratify MOU
Members of the Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda met to deliberate over the proposed MOU intended to bring the organization back to engagement with the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Program and “declined to ratify the MOU.” Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda: A spokesperson said, “On Tuesday, July 18th, Members of the Fishermen’s... Read more of this article

Video: FAB Present Petition To Government
[Updated] The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda [FAB] is presenting a petition to the Government today [Jan 13] noting that they are ”hardworking Bermudian fishermen who have to date tried to participate in the BOPP proceedings but due to the foreign oversight and predetermined outcomes have been overlooked and undervalued.” Update: The live... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘We Hope Concerns Will Not Be Ignored’
“The Opposition hopes the concerns expressed by this group of hardworking Bermudians will not be ignored by the Premier and his team,” Shadow Minister for Home Affairs & Legal Affairs Scott Pearman said in regards to the Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda. Mr Pearman said, “The Fishermen’s Association Bermuda is due to present... Read more of this article

Fishermen’s Association To Present Petition
The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda will be presenting a petition to the Government on Friday [Jan 13] noting that they are ”hardworking Bermudian fishermen who have to date tried to participate in the BOPP proceedings but due to the foreign oversight and predetermined outcomes have been overlooked and undervalued.” A letter... Read more of this article

Over 600 Sign Fishermen’s Association Petition
Over 600 people have signed an online petition from the Fishermen’s Association calling to ‘Stop BOPP fishing closures.’ The petition states, “We, the undersigned, stand in support of Bermuda’s fishing industry and in preserving our important heritage. We demand that the Bermuda Government immediately halt all moves to... Read more of this article

Column: Fishing, BOPP, Consultation & More
[Opinion column written by PLP Senator Lindsay Simmons] Your Government believes it is essential to not only lay out the facts after the recent press conference held by the Fisherman’s Association of Bermuda. We also want to assure the public that, as your Government, we remain committed to listening to, respecting, and working in collaboration... Read more of this article

Video: Fishing Industry Responds To Govt
The Fishermen’s Association Bermuda has released a video to further respond to the Government, stating that the Steering Committee mostly consists of Government departments and said the Government has “inserted tokenism” to “give the impression that the fishing industry is fairly involved in the consultation and voting process.” Screenshot... Read more of this article

Video: Fishing Industry Press Conference
[Updated] Members of the local fishing industry are holding a press conference this afternoon [Nov 24], and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the replay is below Update: The Government issued a response, it follows in full below: The Ministry of Home Affairs... Read more of this article