Hashtag: #FairmontSouthampton

Fairmont Propose Reduced Development Plan

Fairmont Propose Reduced Development Plan

Saying the aim was to “address the feedback,” the owners of the Fairmont Southampton said they have “succeeded in reconfiguring the site plan to address the concerns,” and submitted a new application in which the maximum height of buildings was reduced from 6 storeys to 4 storeys, the number of proposed new units was reduced... Read more of this article

Video: Fairmont Southampton Career Fair

Video: Fairmont Southampton Career Fair

Fairmont Southampton is holding a career fair and “anyone with experience in the trades – including electricians, plumbers, carpenters and masons – is encouraged to apply.” The career fair will continue today [June 2] and is being held in the lobby of the Fairmont Southampton today from 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Related Stories Video: Fairmont... Read more of this article

Column: Craig Cannonier On Fairmont SDO

Column: Craig Cannonier On Fairmont SDO

[Opinion column written by Shadow Tourism Minister Craig Cannonier] Bermudians should pay close attention to the issue of the Government issuing a Special Development Order [SDO] to Westend Properties Ltd which is owned by Gencom Ltd. The issuance of this SDO would be giving a green light to Gencom to develop the Fairmont Southampton property according... Read more of this article

BHA Supports Fairmont Southampton Investment

BHA Supports Fairmont Southampton Investment

The Bermuda Hotel Association [BHA] said it is “expressing its full support for the proposed investment in the Fairmont Southampton.” A spokesperson said, “The aims of the BHA are to increase the number of air visitor arrivals to Bermuda, increase the overall national hotel occupancy and improve the return on investment to hotel investors. “The... Read more of this article

Fairmont Southampton Construction Career Fair

Fairmont Southampton Construction Career Fair

A career fair will be held at the Fairmont Southampton on June 1st and 2nd, and “anyone with experience in the trades – including electricians, plumbers, carpenters and masons – is encouraged to apply.” A spokesperson said, “A major career fair is scheduled for next month and local construction workers are encouraged to polish... Read more of this article

Consultation Deadline For Hotel SDO Extended

Consultation Deadline For Hotel SDO Extended

[Updated] The public consultation deadline for making submissions on the Fairmont Southampton Special Development Order [SDO] has been extended to Friday, May 26th. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs is pleased to advise that the public consultation deadline for making submissions on the Fairmont Southampton Special Development... Read more of this article

Business Leaders Explain Support For SDO

Business Leaders Explain Support For SDO

Some of the island’s business leaders have voiced their support for the proposed redevelopment of the Fairmont Southampton property. “Business leaders have indicated that both the reopening of the hotel and the construction of tourism and residential units are integral to solidifying Bermuda’s appeal for corporate head offices and success... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Fairmont SDO

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Fairmont SDO

[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The Bermudian public has witnessed back and forth in the media between the developers of the Fairmont Southampton and various groups who oppose the new proposed SDO. As this saga continues, we have seen a gradual breakdown of the discourse from negotiations with the public to thinly veiled threats... Read more of this article

Photos, Videos & 360: Petition Presentation

Photos, Videos & 360: Petition Presentation

People gathered this morning [April 28] at the Cabinet Office grounds in Hamilton to present the petition against the 2023 SDO for Fairmont Southampton. The plans for the hotel have prompted wide discussions, and to view all our coverage of the matter please click here. 360 degree view of people gathered Following the gathering, a spokesperson for... Read more of this article

Live Updates: Gathering To Present SDO Petition

Live Updates: Gathering To Present SDO Petition

[Updating] People are scheduled to gather at 10.30am this morning [April 28] at the Cabinet Office grounds in Hamilton to present the petition against the 2023 SDO for Fairmont Southampton, and we will provide live updates as able. The plans for the hotel have prompted wide discussions, and to view all our coverage of the matter please click here. Live... Read more of this article

Video: Chris Maybury On Fairmont SDO

Video: Chris Maybury On Fairmont SDO

Speaking in advance of the Town Hall held last night [April 25], Chris Maybury addressed some of the concerns about the Fairmont Southampton Special Development Order [SDO] and also explained some of the benefits of the proposed development. The Town Hall was very well attended, with the seats inside appearing to be full. It was open to in-person attendees... Read more of this article

SDO Petition To Be Presented On Friday

SDO Petition To Be Presented On Friday

[Updated] BEST is inviting people to “present the people’s petition against the 2023 SDO for Fairmont Southampton” on Friday morning. Update 3.10pm: A spokesperson said, “The Fairmont Southampton SDO Protest will now just be taking place at 10:30AM on Friday, April 28th at The Cabinet Office. We hope this will make it easier for people... Read more of this article

Developer On Fairmont Southampton SDO

Developer On Fairmont Southampton SDO

“Recent statements from those who are opposed to the SDO application for the Fairmont Southampton property have contained some inaccuracies,” Westend Properties said, adding that “it’s important to clear up any misconceptions.” A spokesperson said, “Recent statements from those who are opposed to the SDO application for... Read more of this article

Column: Ben Smith On Hotel SDO & More

Column: Ben Smith On Hotel SDO & More

[Opinion column written by OBA Senate Leader Ben Smith] When my family moved to Southampton five decades ago, we had a clear view of the then-Southampton Princess being built. I was a baby then so of course I don’t remember first-hand, but what I do fondly remember is the hotel becoming an important part of my upbringing. With my father, Hubert Smith... Read more of this article

‘Building Up Instead Of Out’ To Conserve Space

‘Building Up Instead Of Out’ To Conserve Space

“To conserve as much green space as possible, we will be building up instead of out,” the Fairmont Southampton developers said, explaining that while “some of the proposed buildings will be six storeys, none will be higher than the nine-story hotel itself.” A document titled “The Bigger Picture” highlights the goals... Read more of this article

BIU On Proposed Fairmont Southampton SDO

BIU On Proposed Fairmont Southampton SDO

“The redevelopment of the Fairmont Southampton property is of vital importance to Bermuda’s economic recovery,” the BIU said, adding that they “will continue to express in principle support for the development of the Fairmont Southampton property.” A spokesperson said, “The recent commentary surrounding the proposed development... Read more of this article