Hashtag: #Fitness

Court House Unveils Indoor Pickleball Court
Court House Squash & Wellness has launched a pickleball court to “meet to the growing demand of pickleball on the island.” A spokesperson said, “The fitness facility, spread across two locations, Court House Central and Court House West, has four air-conditioned courts designed for pickleball, squash and pedal. “Court House... Read more of this article

Court House Raises $4,500 For Charity
In collaboration with thirty local companies who donated raffle prizes, Court House Squash & Wellness and their membership raised $4,500 to help support dementia care services. A spokesperson said, “Since opening in 2009, Court House Squash & Wellness has held several fitness-focused fundraising events to raise money for local charities.... Read more of this article

Ross Caesar Places 2nd At Fuze Vitality IFBB
Ross Caesar placed 2nd in the Over-50 classic physique at the Fuze Vitality IFBB Atlantic Coast Pro held this weekend in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This is the latest in a series of impressive placings by the veteran bodybuilder, who has been competing for over three decades. Related Stories Caribbean Grand Prix Event On March 26 Video: Caribbean... Read more of this article

Raleigh Bermuda Teens Embrace Fitness
Last week, Raleigh Bermuda concluded its impactful Brave Fit Camp, a “pioneering health and fitness program for Bermuda’s youth designed to address the community’s rising obesity, diabetes, and inactivity rates.” A spokesperson said, “This unique initiative aligns with Raleigh’s mission of preparing young Bermudians, both mentally... Read more of this article

Alchemy Fitness Studios Opens In Hamilton
Alchemy Fitness Studios announced the grand opening of its newest state-of-the-art facility located at 129 Front Street. A spokesperson said, “This highly anticipated opening marks a significant milestone for the Alchemy Fitness brand as it continues to expand its innovative approach to health and wellness. “Alchemy Fitness Studios is dedicated... Read more of this article

Column: The Biggest Fitness/Health Scam
[Opinion column written by Hafid James] Today’s biggest fitness and health scam isn’t a product, service or drug. But rather a belief – a mindset. The health and fitness industry is a billion dollar a year industry and like most industries they place profit over people. So how can they ensure a continual stream of revenue and profits? By building... Read more of this article

Controversy Launches Corporate Boot Camp
The New Controversy Boxing Gym [CBC] is launching an initiative for those looking to settle office disputes, gain bragging rights, or simply improve their fitness and well-being. The Corporate Controversy boxing boot camp offers an intensive three-month period of technical training, conditioning, and preparation for the main event. The CBC is looking... Read more of this article

Court House Donates $4,500 To Mirrors
Court House Squash & Wellness and their membership raised $4,500 for the Mirrors Programme. A spokesperson said, “Since opening in 2009, Court House Squash & Wellness [Court House] has held several fitness-focused fundraising events to raise money for local charities. The Court House annual Members Christmas Party is an additional opportunity... Read more of this article

New Fitness Studio NRG Opens In Hamilton
NRG Fitness Studio — a new state-of-the-art gym facility has opened in Hamilton – offering personalized training programs with certified trainers Jenia Thompson, Jessie Manderson and Scott Smith. A spokesperson said, “We are excited to announce the opening of a new, state of the art gym facility, in the city centre. Trainers/owners... Read more of this article

Column: When Will We Know Better?
[Opinion column written by Hafid James] I have written and spoken on a myriad of health topics ranging from the health care system to why I don’t post weight loss transformation pictures and so on. All because I genuinely do want the best for people, so they can become their healthiest and greatest self. This op-ed is no different. This op-ed is directed... Read more of this article

Evans Focusing On Strength & Conditioning
[Written by Stephen Wright] When Bermuda footballer Liam Evans returned home after graduating from university, it soon became apparent his dream job as a strength and conditioning coach did not exist on the island. His solution to the dilemma was simple: create the position yourself. Evans had developed a passion for the physical side of training after... Read more of this article

Court House Raises $5,680 For Cancer Patients
Court House Squash & Wellness, in collaboration with thirty local companies who donated raffle prizes, raised $5,680 for cancer patient care. A spokesperson said, “Since opening in 2009, Court House Squash & Wellness has held several fitness-focused fundraising events to raise money for local charities. The Court House annual Members Christmas... Read more of this article