Hashtag: #FuelSpill

DENR Host Course On Cleaning Up Oil Spills
The Pollution Control Section of the Department of Environment & Natural Resources [DENR] recently hosted a course for the Bermuda Government, KBB, and colleagues from four UK Overseas Territories in the Caribbean on how to clean a shoreline oil spill. A Government spokesperson said, ”Dr Edward Owens, an expert in the field who has provided... Read more of this article

Fuel/Oil Discharged By The Trash Pump On Tug
The tug Clevelander “filled with water and emergency pumping had resulted in some fuel/oil having been discharged by the trash pump they were using to prevent the tug sinking” and an absorbent oil boom was “deployed in order to contain the heavier oil .” A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “Wednesday 18th... Read more of this article

Oil Spill Exercise To Take Place On March 18
A simulated oil spill exercise will take place on Friday [March 18] at Whalebone Bay, Ferry Reach. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs advises the public that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has organised with other local agencies a simulated oil spill exercise on Friday 18 March 2022 at Whalebone Bay,... Read more of this article

Simulated Oil Spill Exercise Postponed
[Updated] The simulated oil spill exercise initially scheduled for today [Sept 15] has been postponed. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs is advising that the simulated oil spill exercise initially scheduled for today has been postponed. Members of the public will be advised when the exercise will be rescheduled.” We... Read more of this article

Oil Spill Exercise On Sept 15 At WhaleBone Bay
There will be a “simulated oil spill exercise” on Wednesday [Sept 15] at Whalebone Bay, Ferry Reach. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs advises the public that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] has organised with other local agencies a simulated oil spill exercise on Wednesday 15... Read more of this article

‘Oil Spill Incident’ In The City Of Hamilton
The City of Hamilton confirmed that shortly before 7am this morning [Feb 8] an “oil spill incident was discovered in the City.” “The spill affected Church Street, Par-La-Ville Street, Dundonald Street and Cedar Avenue as well as Court Street and King Street; all roads remain open,” a spokesperson said. “City of Hamilton crews are... Read more of this article

Shoreline Oil Spill Clean-Up Course To Be Held
This week Bermuda will host a three-day course about shoreline clean-up in the event of an oil spill. “The focus of this course will be how to address the cleanup of different types of fuel and oils once they have bypassed protection booms and have reached various coastline areas,” explained the Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban. “This... Read more of this article

Engine Oil Spill Cleaned Up In Dockyard Area
On September 11th, a “small amount of engine oil” leaked in the Dockyard area following the refloating of a pilot boat, with the spill quickly cleaned up. A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “Wednesday 11th September, 10:13 am. – The Bermuda Government Fast Ferry Serenity reported the sighting of marine pollution... Read more of this article

Aircraft Fuel Spill Contained And Cleaned Up
Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service personnel responded to a fuel spill at the L.F. Wade International Airport this morning [June 20] after a fuel leak was spotted from the wing of an American Airlines aircraft. A Skyport spokesperson said, “A fuel spill occurred this morning at the LF Wade International Airport. At 8:33am, a fuel leak was spotted from... Read more of this article

RUBiS To Conduct Oil Spill Exercise With RBR
RUBiS Energy Bermuda will be conducting a Tier 1 Oil Spill Booming training exercise in conjunction with the Royal Bermuda Regiment today [Oct 17]. Graham Redford, Managing Director of RUBiS, “The aim of this exercise is to test all functions of our internal RUBiS Oil Spill Response Management System, along with external training for deploying oil... Read more of this article

Fire Service Clean Spill At Private Plane Facility
[Updated with video] The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service attended a spill this afternoon [May 28] at L.F. Wade International Airport’s Apron 4 near the private plane facility. Skyport representatives could also be seen at the scene. The spill was covered with an absorbent material then swept up into containers. The scent of fuel could be detected... Read more of this article

Environment Department On Recent Oil Leak
The oil spill “was not evident at sea the next day having drifted to the north,” and “we were very lucky that the conditions were very helpful to deploy and recover boom and that the wind was off-shore,” the Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] said following the oil leak earlier this week at the St George’s... Read more of this article