Hashtag: #JasonHaywardColumns

Column: Classical Liberalism & Political Ideology

Column: Classical Liberalism & Political Ideology

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] Recently Marc Bean, the Leader of the Progressive Labour Party did something that was rare in Bermuda; he spoke openly about his political ideology. Dialogue by our leaders on political ideology has been lacking in our society for some time now so it was interesting to hear Marc Bean present his... Read more of this article

Column: Approach To Public Sector Management

Column: Approach To Public Sector Management

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] For decades, the method of public sector governance in Bermuda has not experienced much change. In fact, until the OBA Government’s establishment of the SAGE Commission in 2013, public service studies had been conducted without any large-scale discussion or implementation. Yes, the service did evolve and... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Do All That You Can As An Individual’

Column: ‘Do All That You Can As An Individual’

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] During last week’s protest, I had an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with many of my fellow Bermudians. One morning, a small group of us were having a conversation regarding living a purposeful life when one brother, who was in his mid-twenties, stated: “Isn’t life just about... Read more of this article

Column: Govt Must Engage In Real Consultation

Column: Govt Must Engage In Real Consultation

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] It is becoming undeniably clear that persons in our community are dissatisfied with many of the Government’s current policy initiatives and are also equally frustrated with the method by which these policies are being rolled out. The Government must take into consideration the socio-cultural... Read more of this article

Column: The Accountability Of Real Leaders

Column: The Accountability Of Real Leaders

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason P. Hayward] In her recent opinion column, Senator Lynne Woolridge provides an overview of the delineation of responsibilities between Ministers and the public services in an attempt to remove accountability from Ministers. The Senator states: ”There are Cabinet Ministers and Junior Ministers. Between... Read more of this article

Column: “Fair & Reasonable” Corporate Taxation

Column: “Fair & Reasonable” Corporate Taxation

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] In March 2015, John Charman, the CEO and chairman of Bermuda-based Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd, made a case in support of the introduction of corporate taxation in Bermuda. In his interview with the media he articulated some key points highlighting: The levying of corporate tax would disarm... Read more of this article

Column: Thriving Middle Class,Thriving Economy

Column: Thriving Middle Class,Thriving Economy

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] A thriving middle class generally translates into a thriving economy as the middle class forms a significant portion of both a country’s consumer base and its level of productivity. The Center for American Progress highlights the importance of a strong middle class as it: promotes the development... Read more of this article

Hayward: Challenges Of Being A Young Leader

Hayward: Challenges Of Being A Young Leader

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] There is no doubt that unique challenges are associated with being a young leader. However, once a person realises that they have the ability and the willingness to lead, they should make it their priority to do so. Many young persons have the ability to take on leadership roles but lack the willingness. Everyone... Read more of this article