Hashtag: #LandCommissionOfInquiry

Premier: Report Of COI Into Historic Land Losses

Premier: Report Of COI Into Historic Land Losses

The full Report of the Commission of Inquiry [COI] into Historic Land Losses has been released — the 500+ page document can be read online here — and Premier David Burt provided an overview of the matter in the House of Assembly today [Dec 10]. The Premier said the COI “received a total of 53 claims: 18 were heard, 15 were denied,... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] A hearing is being held for the Commission of Inquiry into Historic Losses of Land in Bermuda today [April 28]. The live video is below, and you can view past videos of all the hearings by clicking here. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 54-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and the 56-minute... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] A hearing is being held for the Commission of Inquiry into Historic Losses of Land in Bermuda today [April 23]. The live video is below, and you can view past videos of all the hearings by clicking here. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 1-hour & 34-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] A hearing is being held for the Commission of Inquiry into Historic Losses of Land in Bermuda today [April 13]. The live video is below, and you can view past videos of all the hearings by clicking here. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 2-hour replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and the 2-hour... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 26] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 1-hour & 48-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 25] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 1-hour & 29-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 24] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 1-hour & 23-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 22] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 1-hour & 32-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 18] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 63-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and the 43-minute... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

[Updated] The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 17] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 20-minute replay is below Update: Part II | The live broadcast has concluded and the 57-minute... Read more of this article

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

Video: Historic Land Losses Commission

The Government of Bermuda is holding another hearing today [March 16] on the “commission to review the question of historic losses of land in Bermuda,” and you can tune in and watch live below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 58-minute replay is below Related Stories Video: Historic Land Losses Commission Video: Historic Land... Read more of this article

Commission Of Inquiry Hearings Adjourned

Commission Of Inquiry Hearings Adjourned

The Commission of Inquiry into Historic Land Losses in Bermuda announced that proceedings “have been adjourned until further notice due to unforeseen circumstances.” A spokesperson said, “Pursuant to the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1935, this Commission of Inquiry was established on 31st October 2019 by the Premier, the Honourable... Read more of this article