Hashtag: #MichaelFahy

Bermuda To Bid To Host 2018 Global Congress

Bermuda To Bid To Host 2018 Global Congress

Bermuda will be bidding to host the 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Congress, and if successful, Bermuda will be the first island nation to host the GEC, which Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said would bring an estimated on island spending of $1.5M. Speaking in the Senate today [Nov 25], Minister Fahy said, “Back in March of this year Bermuda... Read more of this article

Ministry & Overseas Groups On Ombudsman

Ministry & Overseas Groups On Ombudsman

[Updated] Following letters by the International Ombudsman Institute and the Ombudsman Association expressing their concern in relation to the Minister’s comments about the Bermuda Ombudsman’s report, the Ministry of Home Affairs said they “will continue to support the work of the Ombudsman but in this particular case she has overreached.” In... Read more of this article

Fahy: Govt ‘Not Welcome’ At Labour Day Banquet

Fahy: Govt ‘Not Welcome’ At Labour Day Banquet

On this Labour Day, it is “most unfortunate that the Government finds itself in the position that it is with regards to the Union leadership,” Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said, adding that “the Union leadership has made it clear that Government is not welcome at the Labour Day Banquet and have also decided that Government should... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy On BEDC Letter Of Credit Program

Minister Fahy On BEDC Letter Of Credit Program

[Updated with video] BEDC, in partnership with HM Customs, has allocated $200,000 in funds annually to be used to facilitate lines of credit in amounts up to a maximum of $10,000 to assist businesses in importing goods for retail sale on the island, Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said today. The Minister said, “What that means is that the... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy On Air Terminal Fees Amendment

Minister Fahy On Air Terminal Fees Amendment

Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy provided an overview of the Bermuda Air Terminal [Fees] Amendment [No. 2] Regulations 2015 in the Senate today [July 27], saying that the new fee should generate an annual revenue stream of approximately $6.25 million. Minister Fahy said, “In order to recover the purchasing and on-going maintenance costs; and... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy’s Trip To Bahamas Cost $1450

Minister Fahy’s Trip To Bahamas Cost $1450

A trip in June 2015 to the Bahamas by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy to the US-Caribbean High Level Citizen Security Meetings cost $1450.25, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage. The web page listing said, “The Minister traveled to Nassau Bahamas to attend the US-Caribbean High Level Citizen Security Meetings... Read more of this article

Column: Fahy On “Birthright And What’s Right”

Column: Fahy On “Birthright And What’s Right”

[Opinion column written by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] A few weeks ago on the Motion to Adjourn in the Senate, I spoke about a word the Opposition Progressive Labour Party has begun to use a lot, especially in connection with matters concerning immigration. The word is birthright. I challenged them to define it, because it’s a slippery... Read more of this article

Minister: Ombudsman’s Report Is “Disturbing”

Minister: Ombudsman’s Report Is “Disturbing”

[Updated with video] Commenting on the recently released Ombudsman’s Annual Report, Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said he finds the Report “disturbing,” and the two Departments did “absolutely nothing wrong and for the Ombudsman to portray anything other than that is utterly false and misleading.” In releasing the... Read more of this article

Minister Details Caribbean-US Citizen Security

Minister Details Caribbean-US Citizen Security

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy gave an overview yesterday [June 17] in the Senate of his recent trip to Nassau Bahamas to attend the Caribbean-United States High Level Citizen Security Dialogue as an observer. Minister Fahy said, “The aim of the meetings was to address issues of security in the region for Caribbean citizens by way of discussions... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy’s Trip To ILO Meeting Cost $169

Minister Fahy’s Trip To ILO Meeting Cost $169

A trip in March 2015 by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy to the International Labour Meeting in the Bahamas cost $169.88, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage. This is the lowest listed cost for a trip since the webpage went live last year, as most the costs for the Minister’s trip — including flights and... Read more of this article

Ministry: Lower Unemployment Figures In Trades

Ministry: Lower Unemployment Figures In Trades

During yesterday’s [May 20] Senate proceedings the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy responded to a number of questions posed by Opposition Senator Diallo Rabain relating to work permits, unemployment and certification of tradesmen in Bermuda. In a statement today, the Government said, “One of the questions asked by Sen. Rabain was regarding... Read more of this article

Minister: Work Permit Civil Penalties Are In Effect

Minister: Work Permit Civil Penalties Are In Effect

“I would like to take a few minutes this morning to remind all employers, work permit holders and Bermuda at large, that civil penalties are in effect and have been in effect since April 1, 2014,” Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said today [May 20] in the Senate. The Minister said, “Pursuant to the Bermuda Immigration and Protection... Read more of this article