Hashtag: #NationalHeroesDay

Holiday Waste Collection Advisory

Holiday Waste Collection Advisory

The Department of Waste Management, Ministry of Public Works, today advised that due to the National Heroes’ Day Holiday on Monday, 18th June, West End garbage will be collected on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st June and East End garbage will be collected on Tuesday 19th and Friday 22nd June. For further information telephone 278-0560, visit www.wastemanagement.gov.bm... Read more of this article

Mary Prince Named 2012 Bermuda National Hero

Mary Prince Named 2012 Bermuda National Hero

The Naming and Recognition Committee in conjunction with the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs announced today that Mary Prince — who was born into slavery — will be recognised as the 2012 National Hero. Mary Prince was a Bermudian woman born into slavery at Brackish Pond, now known as Devonshire Marsh in Devonshire Parish, Bermuda.... Read more of this article

Photos, Videos, Audio: National Heroes Inducted

Photos, Videos, Audio: National Heroes Inducted

It’s been said every country needs heroes — those who inspire us, lead the way and provide models of courage and determination. And the island officially recognized three more heroes yesterday [June 19], who will now be honoured along with Dame Lois Browne Evans when locals commemorate those who helped to shape modern Bermuda. Approximately... Read more of this article

Visible Police Presence for Holiday Weekend

Visible Police Presence for Holiday Weekend

The Bermuda Police said they will be conducting high visibility patrols over the holiday weekend, conducting stop & searches while monitoring both marine and road traffic activity and that anyone arrested can expect to remain in police custody during the holiday weekend. A Police spokesman said, “The Bermuda Police Service will be conducting... Read more of this article

Photos & Videos: National Heroes Convention

Photos & Videos: National Heroes Convention

[Updated] Yesterday [May 14], the Young Progressives held the National Heroes Convention at City Hall. The ceremony served to honour the achievements of trade union pioneer Dr. E.F. Gordon, political, social and economic trailblazer Sir Henry [Jack] Tucker and civil rights champion Dr. Pauulu Kamarakafego [Dr. Roosevelt Brown]. Hamilton Mayor Charles... Read more of this article

National Heroes: Call For Family Members

National Heroes: Call For Family Members

It’s been said every country needs heroes — those who inspire us, lead the way and provide models of courage and determination. And the island will officially recognise three more heroes next month who will now be honoured along with Dame Lois Browne Evans when locals commemorate those who helped to shape modern Bermuda. On Sunday, June... Read more of this article

Minister Addresses Young Progressives Claim

Minister Addresses Young Progressives Claim

In response to statements made by a member of the Young Progressives, Minister of Youth, Families, Sports and Community Development Glenn Blakeney today [May 1] said,  ”I wish to completely disassociate any claim by Mr. Smith (High Priest Shiloh) regarding any plans that he and The Young Progressives may have for our National Heroes.” The... Read more of this article

National Hero Profile: Roosevelt Brown

National Hero Profile: Roosevelt Brown

When the Bermuda Post Office honoured Roosevelt Brown [later Dr. Pauulu Kamarakafego] a year after the celebrated civil rights pioneer’s death at the age of 74 in 2007, he was described as  a “Pioneer of Progress” on a 35 cent commemorative stamp. It was an accolade which applied as much to his global work as it did to his  involvement... Read more of this article

National Hero Profile: Dr. E.F. Gordon

National Hero Profile: Dr. E.F. Gordon

Isolated geographically and isolationist in nature, Dr. Edgar Fitzgerald Gordon [1895-1955] arrived in a Bermuda which remained determinedly remote from developments in the outside world. Born in Trinidad and educated in Scotland, Dr. Gordon came to Bermuda to open a West End medical practice in 1924. He encountered ingrained racial, social and political... Read more of this article

Three New National Heroes To Be Honoured

Three New National Heroes To Be Honoured

Three trailblazers behind the social and political reforms that influenced the development of the modern day Bermuda will be jointly honoured as National Heroes in 2011. Making the announcement today [Apr.28] Minister of Youth, Families, Sports, and Community Development Glenn Blakeney said that after reviewing all of the nominations submitted by the... Read more of this article

National Hero Selection Committee Established

National Hero Selection Committee Established

Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation Neletha Butterfield announced this morning [Sept 22] that Government has established a five member National Heroes Parliamentary Selection Committee who will review nominations for a National Hero and forward their recommendations to the Minister. The following individuals will be serving on the Committee:... Read more of this article

National Heroes Day: Premier’s Address

National Heroes Day: Premier’s Address

Below follows the full address from Premier Dr Ewart Brown at the Church Service today [June 21] for National Heroes Day: Good afternoon. Three years ago, from this very podium I eulogized the woman some have rightly termed “Mother of the nation”. Her life, her sacrifice and her “firsts” have become the stuff of legend. As our democracy matures... Read more of this article