Hashtag: #OlympicWall

Videos: Olympic Wall Unveiled At Sports Centre
Bermuda’s Olympians and their families were joined at the National Sports Center along with members of the Bermuda Olympic Association and Government for the unveiling of the Olympic Wall. Acting Governor Ginny Ferson, Premier Michael Dunkley, Minister of Social Development and Sports Sylvan Richards, Director Youth Sport & Recreation... Read more of this article

Photos: Olympic Wall Unveiled At Sports Centre
Past and recent Bermuda Olympians and their families were joined at the National Sports Center along with Members of the Bermuda Olympic Association and Government for the ‘unveiling’ of the Olympic Wall. Acting Governor Ginny Ferson, Premier Michael Dunkley, Minister of Social Development and Sports Sylvan Richards, Director Youth Sport... Read more of this article

Jackie Joyner Kersee Sports Clinic Cancelled
The unveiling of the Olympic Wall at National Sports Centre will take place tomorrow [Oct 15] at 11.00am, however unfortunately the Youth Sports Clinic with Jackie Joyner Kersee has been cancelled in the wake of Hurricane Nicole. The Wall serves to help mark the 80th anniversary of Bermuda’s participation in the Olympic Games. A Bermuda Olympic Association... Read more of this article

Trust Welcomes BOA Plans For Olympic Wall
The Bermuda National Trust today commended the Bermuda Olympic Association [BOA] on its “decision to drop plans to install the Olympic Wall on the grounds of City Hall on a temporary basis and instead to place it in its permanent location at the National Sports Centre immediately.” Earlier today, the BOA said, “Originally, the Wall... Read more of this article

Olympic Wall To Be At National Sports Centre
The Olympic Wall, which was initially planned for the grounds of City Hall in Hamilton, will now be located at the National Sports Centre, the Bermuda Olympic Association said today. This year marks the 80th anniversary of Bermuda’s participation in the Olympic Games, with Saturday, October 15 earmarked as the day of celebration Multiple Olympic... Read more of this article

Wall To Celebrate Bermuda’s Olympic Athletes
[Updated] This year marks the 80th anniversary of Bermuda’s participation in the Olympics, and a celebration is planned for October 15th, which will see the unveiling of an Olympic Wall on the grounds of City Hall in Hamilton. The Olympic Wall will encompass six standing granite tablets of varying heights which will be engraved with the names of all... Read more of this article