Hashtag: #Paramotors
How To Obtain Authorisation To Fly Paramotor
The unusual sight of a man flying a paramotor over the island yesterday [May 7] attracted some interest, and the Department of Civil Aviation [DCA] provided some guidelines for anyone interested in obtaining authorization to operate one of the motorized steerable parachutes. The gentleman yesterday did not appear to have obtained authorization in advance,... Read more of this article
Photos: Paramotor Seen Flying Over Bermuda
[Updated] A somewhat unusual sight was spotted in the skies this morning [May 7] as a paramotor took flight, with the motorized steerable parachute making its way over Bermuda. According to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association’s website, “Paramotors [also known as a Powered Paragliders] combine the easy flying characteristics... Read more of this article