Hashtag: #PaulaCox

Video: Premier Cox’s Speech At PLP Banquet

Video: Premier Cox’s Speech At PLP Banquet

Premier Paula Cox delivered the Keynote Speech at Saturday night’s [Nov 3] PLP Annual Delegates Conference Banquet at the Fairmont Southampton Hotel. “You look good, you look bold, you look fearless,” Ms Cox told the audience. “And you look like what we are…winners.” “We will not go back, we will not back down.... Read more of this article

Premier To Receive Global Leadership Award

Premier To Receive Global Leadership Award

This evening [Oct 26] Premier Paula Cox will receivs the International Women’s Forum [IWF] Women Who Make A Difference Award. Premier Cox is currently in San Francisco attending the IWF’s annual World Leadership Conference. Premier Cox is the President and founder of the Bermuda IWF Chapter. This year’s conference theme is “Ideas Remaking the... Read more of this article

Premier Paula Cox Responds To Bob Richards

Premier Paula Cox Responds To Bob Richards

Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox responded to comments made today [Oct 19] by the Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards regarding cost savings on Government’s insurance. Speaking at a press conference today, Mr Richards said: “Bermuda is one of the world’s three risk capitals, yet the government pays a huge $12 million annual insurance... Read more of this article

Premier Cox: ‘Move Away From Conscription’

Premier Cox: ‘Move Away From Conscription’

[Updated] Speaking at this evening’s [Oct 17] PLP event at the Ruth Seaton James auditorium, Premier Paula Cox indicated that the election would be held this year, and also said they are “committed” to “move away from mandated conscription.” The Premier did not expand on the conscription topic during her 45-minute speech,... Read more of this article

Bermuda Delegation Continues GCC Visit

Bermuda Delegation Continues GCC Visit

Premier Paula Cox and a private/public sector delegation from Bermuda are currently visiting member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC], with an aim to strengthen and further Bermuda’s partnerships with the region. Premier Cox & the Bermuda delegation with members of the Dubai International Finance Centre: The delegation consists... Read more of this article

CITV Video: “In The Know” With Premier Cox

CITV Video: “In The Know” With Premier Cox

An upcoming broadcast on the Government’s CITV station “In the Know” programme will  feature Premier Paula Cox, who sat down for a 30 minute talk with host David Minors. Premier Cox discusses a variety of topics ranging from local and overseas economic matters as well as what Government is doing to tackle crime and violence. The programme... Read more of this article

Delegation Attends Meetings In Middle East

Delegation Attends Meetings In Middle East

Premier Paula Cox is currently leading a delegation from Bermuda to visit member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] in an effort to strengthen and further Bermuda’s partnerships with the region. All expenditure for the Qatar visit is at the expense of the State of Qatar. The delegation consists of Minister of Business Development &... Read more of this article

Premier Cox Visits St George’s Businesses

Premier Cox Visits St George’s Businesses

Recently, the Premier Paula Cox visited the Town of St. George’s to show her support for small business entrepreneurs. Yesterday Premier Cox said she was pleased with the latest developments of millions of dollars of investment being pumped into the economy and referenced Link Bermuda and the Green family’s purchase of Fairmont Hamilton Princess... Read more of this article

Premier Cox: ‘Investments Show Confidence’

Premier Cox: ‘Investments Show Confidence’

“While the global economic crisis continues to impact Bermuda, two encouraging investments over the last week have confirmed that investors are bullish on the future of Bermuda’s economy,” a statement from the Finance Ministry said. LinkBermuda is investing millions of dollars in an island-wide fibre-optic network that will provide... Read more of this article

Premier Cox Commends St. Paul’s Art Show

Premier Cox Commends St. Paul’s Art Show

Premier Paula Cox recently attended the opening of the St. Paul AME Church’s Mustard Seed Exhibition at Centennial Hall. The Mustard Seed Exhibition features works by Mr. Palacio, Kenneth Burch, Antoine Hunt, Sharon Wilson, Christopher Grimes and others. Premier Cox said, “St. Paul’s Church, Rev. Dr. Lanel D. Guyton and the committee are to be... Read more of this article

Premier Cox To Speak At Global Women’s Forum

Premier Cox To Speak At Global Women’s Forum

Tomorrow [Sept 21] Premier Paula Cox will address a group of prominent female executives when she participates in the FedEx Global Women’s Forum 2012. “Transforming Yourself, Your Community and Fedex” is the title of the forum and Premier Cox was invited to participate in the event as part of an International Women’s Foundation [IWF] Executive... Read more of this article

Photos: Premier Cox, Bill Clinton At NY Summit

Photos: Premier Cox, Bill Clinton At NY Summit

Premier Paula Cox served as Co Chair of the C3 Summit held on September 13/14 in New York City, with former U.S. President Bill Clinton serving the keynote speaker. At the conference, Premier Cox made introductory remarks to President Bill Clinton’s keynote speech and also facilitated a panel discussion with the Minister of Business Development and... Read more of this article

Premier, Clinton Speeches To Be Webcast

Premier, Clinton Speeches To Be Webcast

Tomorrow [Sept 13], Premier Paula Cox will take centre stage at the 2012 C3 Summit 2012 when she makes introductory remarks to former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s keynote speech. At 1.25pm Bermuda time the Premier will deliver her introductory remarks, and those interested can tune in via a live webfeed at c3-summit.abn-ir.net. The 2012 C3 Summit... Read more of this article

Premier Paula Cox Welcomes Fitch’s Comments

Premier Paula Cox Welcomes Fitch’s Comments

Today [Sept 11] Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox responded to recent comments made by Fitch Ratings senior director of insurance, Brian Schneider. Mr. Schneider told The Royal Gazette: “On a net basis, I think Bermuda stands to gain from having greater regulation… “As a company, you don’t want to be viewed as being in a regulatory environment... Read more of this article

Premier Praises Politicians For Taking Pay Cut

Premier Praises Politicians For Taking Pay Cut

Speaking at yesterday’s [Sept 4] Labour Day celebrations, Premier Paula Cox thanked Ministers and MPs of “all political stripes” for taking a pay cut which she called “leading by example.” After thanking the workers, Premier Cox said: “I also want the Ministers of Government, Members of Parliament, across the board... Read more of this article

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Politicians from all three parties joined leaders from the islands unions outside the Bermuda Industrial Union yesterday [Sept 3], with various speeches being made as part of the Labour Day celebration. Videos of those who addressed the gathered crowd are below, and include remarks by Premier Paula Cox, OBA Leader Craig Cannonier, UBP Leader Kim Swan,... Read more of this article