Hashtag: #Scams

Advisory: Rental Accommodation Online Scam

Advisory: Rental Accommodation Online Scam

The police have urged people to be vigilant following a reported scam involving a fake online rental ad in which someone claimed that two month’s rent plus security deposit should be sent via wire transfer to an overseas account, however no further contact could be made with the individual supposedly offering the apartment for rent once the transaction... Read more of this article

BPS Advisory: Deceptive Online Employment Ad

BPS Advisory: Deceptive Online Employment Ad

The Bermuda Police Service are reminding the public to be “wary of engaging in any transactions with unknown business entities or individuals via the internet, as scammers continue to utilize local publications as well as local websites to post their scams”. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service was recently made... Read more of this article

Advisory: Petya Ransomware Variant Outbreak

Advisory: Petya Ransomware Variant Outbreak

The Ministry of National Security is today [June 27] advising that a new variant of Petya ransomware, also known as Petwrap, is spreading rapidly due to the same Windows SMBv1 vulnerability that the WannaCry ransomware abused. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Government’s Cybersecurity Working Group has been monitoring the concerns, and has... Read more of this article

Police Advisory: Deceptive E-mail Circulating

Police Advisory: Deceptive E-mail Circulating

In light of a deceptive e-mail circulating claiming to be from “Inspector Williams Ford of the Interpol Bermuda Unit” stating that the recipient’s significant other was arrested, the police are reminding the public to remain vigilant regarding online fraud. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service would like to remind... Read more of this article

Ransomware Virus: Ministry Urges Vigilance

Ransomware Virus: Ministry Urges Vigilance

Following Friday’s large scale cyber-attack which infected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries, the Ministry of National Security is “encouraging public vigilance”. The Minister of National Security Jeff Baron said that the incident is “significant and serious enough” to warrant the oversight of the Emergency Measures... Read more of this article

Police: ‘Remain Vigilant Regarding Online Fraud’

Police: ‘Remain Vigilant Regarding Online Fraud’

Following a report of local resident being defrauded by a social media scam, the police are reminding people to ”remain vigilant regarding online fraud,” saying  that “individuals should be extremely cautious when asked to send funds to persons who have contacted them unexpectedly, especially via the internet.” A police spokesperson... Read more of this article

Consumer Affairs Warns Of Deceptive E-Mail

Consumer Affairs Warns Of Deceptive E-Mail

Consumer Affairs is warning the public about a deceptive phishing e-mail being circulated in Bermuda, purportedly sent on behalf of The Department of Consumer Affairs. The fraudulent e-mail letter claims that a complaint has been filed against your business which requires your response to the attached link in writing within ten days. Karen Marshall,... Read more of this article

Ministry: Vigilant About Cyber Security Attacks

Ministry: Vigilant About Cyber Security Attacks

In the wake of recent cyber security concerns in the United States and as a follow up to recent Bermuda Police Service [BPS] updates about fraudulent email scams, the Ministry of National Security is reminding the public to be vigilant about the latest cyber security attacks. A spokesperson said, “In this case, “Whaling” or “Spear Phishing”,... Read more of this article

BPS Warn Of Business Email Compromise Scam

BPS Warn Of Business Email Compromise Scam

Saying that Bermuda has “already seen a number of local businesses having encountered the ‘Business Email Compromise’ scam, some of whom have experienced substantial financial loss,” the police have warned businesses of a scam which targets employees who perform regular wire transfers. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police... Read more of this article

Police Warn Of Fraudulent Land Tax Phone Calls

Police Warn Of Fraudulent Land Tax Phone Calls

The Police and Tax Commissioner are warning the public about calls from someone claiming to be with the Office of the Tax Commissioner or the Bermuda Police Service, with the callers demanding “payment of overdue land tax within two hours to avoid arrest.” “This is a scam and if such a call is received, no payment details or personal... Read more of this article

BPS Advises Public Of Female Involved In Scam

BPS Advises Public Of Female Involved In Scam

The police are advising the public to “be on the lookout for a female” who shows up at residences asking to use the bathroom or for a drink of water, then “rummages through the dwelling looking for for cash and or goods.” A police spokesperson said, “Police are advising the public to be on the lookout for a female who shows... Read more of this article

BPS Advisory: Woman Claims Bike Broke Down

BPS Advisory: Woman Claims Bike Broke Down

The police have advised about a woman who go to homes saying that her motorbike has broken down and she needs money to fix it, and have asked the public that if “someone comes to your home with a similar method of operation and appears to be suspicious” please ask for a name, get a full description and call the police. A police spokesperson... Read more of this article

Monetary Authority Warns Of “Clone Firm”

Monetary Authority Warns Of “Clone Firm”

The Bermuda Monetary Authority has advised “that it has located what appears to be a clone firm”, describing a clone firm as “one which uses the details of a genuine firm to try to convince investors that they work for that entity when they do not.” The BMA statement said, “The Bermuda Monetary Authority advises the public... Read more of this article

Police Advisory On ‘Computer Hacked’ Scam

Police Advisory On ‘Computer Hacked’ Scam

The Bermuda Police Service said that as of today, they are “still receiving calls from members of the public about the Microsoft Scam, once again we would like to remind members of the public to remain vigilant regarding phone calls, e-mails and other correspondence from unknown persons that attempt to obtain personal information or other sensitive... Read more of this article

Aggressive Telephone Scam Targeting Residents

Aggressive Telephone Scam Targeting Residents

Consumer Affairs is warning the public about “an aggressive telephone scam currently targeting a large number of local residents.” A spokesperson said, “The telephone calls are from individuals [not located in Bermuda] claiming to be from Microsoft advising Bermuda residents that their computers have sent out a “fault” message... Read more of this article

Warning Notice Issued Over “Pyramid Schemes”

Warning Notice Issued Over “Pyramid Schemes”

The Office of Consumer Affairs is issuing a reminder to the public to be “vigilant and protect themselves against fraudulent financial schemes that target consumers, particularly ‘pyramid schemes’, which are a type of scam that fraudsters often pitch as a legitimate business opportunity in the form of multi-level marketing programs.” A... Read more of this article