Hashtag: #SCARS

Fifty Five Football Coaches Get SCARS Certified

Fifty Five Football Coaches Get SCARS Certified

The Bermuda Football Association and the Bermuda Football Coaches Association are collaborating with the organization Saving Children and Revealing Secrets [SCARS] to help safe guard the youth of Bermuda. The implementation of the BFA coach licensing policy on August 31, 2018 required that all coaches have completed training to equip them with the tools... Read more of this article

Video: Debi Ray-Rivers & Jon Brunson Interview

Video: Debi Ray-Rivers & Jon Brunson Interview

Debi Ray-Rivers and Jon Brunson from the Saving Children And Revealing Secrets [SCARS] charity sat down with Bernews today [Oct 3] for a live interview on our Facebook page, discussing the very important work they do to reduce child sexual abuse in the community. SCARS has a mission to “reduce the risk of child sexual abuse and to be an advocate... Read more of this article

SCARS: “An Overall Deficit In The System”

SCARS: “An Overall Deficit In The System”

SCARS Bermuda said that despite advocating to local legislators for five years, they are “disappointed and concerned” that “nothing has been done to protect the island’s children from sex abuse predators.” SCARS said that while the community has recently been up in arms about the early release of former policeman and convicted... Read more of this article

Baroness Praises SCARS In UK Parliament

Baroness Praises SCARS In UK Parliament

During a debate in the UK Parliament last week, Baroness Anelay praised the work of local charity Saving Children and Revealing Secrets [SCARS], whose mission is to “reduce the risk of child sexual abuse and to be an advocate and voice for children who have been sexually molested as well as their affected family.” Baroness Massey of Darwen... Read more of this article

Video: ’10 Most’ Spotlights Brunson & Ray-Rivers

Video: ’10 Most’ Spotlights Brunson & Ray-Rivers

The “10 Most Fascinating People of Bermuda 2015″ series continues today with the sixth video release featuring Jon Brunson and Debi Ray-Rivers of SCARS. Host Lisa Pickering introduces the pair by saying, “Like many survivors of child sexual abuse, Debi Ray-Rivers would see her perpetrator freely walking the streets, serving as a constant reminder... Read more of this article

Anglican Church Receives SCARS Training

Anglican Church Receives SCARS Training

The charity SCARS [Saving Children And Revealing Secrets], has announced that the Anglican Church of Bermuda has become the island’s first church to ensure its representatives in each parish are certified to prevent, recognise, and respond appropriately to child sexual abuse. SCARS provided the Darkness to Light ‘Steward of Children’... Read more of this article

Berkeley Staff Receive Abuse Prevention Training

Berkeley Staff Receive Abuse Prevention Training

SCARS Bermuda has announced that The Berkeley Institute has become the first high school in Bermuda to put all of its teachers through SCARS training. Completion of the ‘Stewards of Children’ workshop delivered by SCARS means that the 90 plus teachers at the school are now certified in recognising, preventing and responding appropriately... Read more of this article

Governor & Wife Both Complete SCARS Training

Governor & Wife Both Complete SCARS Training

Governor George Fergusson, together with his wife Margaret, are now certified ‘Stewards of Children’ having successfully completed the SCARS Bermuda’s three-hour workshop. The training delivered by SCARS is designed to educate adults on how to recognise, prevent and react responsibility to child sexual abuse. The Darkness to Light... Read more of this article

Sexual Abuse Survivor To Speak In Bermuda

Sexual Abuse Survivor To Speak In Bermuda

Saving Children And Revealing Secrets [SCARS] and Centre Against Abuse [CAA] will be partnering to host an event celebrating Peace Day on Friday, September 20th at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess. The guest speaker for the event will be Johnnetta McSwain-Clay. She will be talking about her childhood trauma which involved repeated sexual molestation and... Read more of this article

SCARS Training Sessions For Local Officials

SCARS Training Sessions For Local Officials

SCARS [Saving Children And Revealing Secrets], Bermuda’s first charity specifically aimed at tackling child sexual abuse, held two special “Darkness to Light Stewards of Children” sessions at Argus on Saturday [July 13] for various members of the Government, including the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Chief Justice, Senior Crowne Counsel,... Read more of this article

Debi Ray-Rivers Wins Community Service Award

Debi Ray-Rivers Wins Community Service Award

Bermuda CableVision this morning [July 11] awarded Debi Ray-Rivers with the latest Bermuda CableVision Community Service Award for successfully campaigning to launch SCARS [Saving Children And Revealing Secrets], Bermuda’s first charity specifically aimed at tackling child sexual abuse, and the positive effects that the charity has since achieved.... Read more of this article