Hashtag: #Shootings

Witness Appeal: Three Firearm Incidents

Witness Appeal: Three Firearm Incidents

The Bermuda Police Service has appealed for witnesses to the three confirmed firearm incidents this weekend, one of which left a 16-year-old male hospitalised. The Police said forensic evidence has been collected from the respective scenes and investigators are continuing to conduct inquiries. They said it is too early to say whether these incidents... Read more of this article

Shots Fired: Third Gun Incident In 24hrs

Shots Fired: Third Gun Incident In 24hrs

[Updated] Bernews unofficially understands that Police are investigating a report that a gun was fired in the Rambling Lane area of Pembroke a short while ago this afternoon [Mar 26]. There are a number of Police officers presently on scene. Rambling Lane is blocked off by a Police car, and Police are visible on the Parsons Road side. From the Curving... Read more of this article

Teenage Shooting Victim Listed As Stable in ICU

Teenage Shooting Victim Listed As Stable in ICU

As of noon today, last night’s shooting victim is listed in stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit of King Edward Memorial Hospital. Just before midnight last night [Mar.25], the 16-year-old male was shot in the Rambling Lane, Pembroke area. This marked the second firearm incident for the night, following an incident at the junction of Cedar... Read more of this article

Second Shooting Tonight: 16-Yr-Old Shot

Second Shooting Tonight: 16-Yr-Old Shot

[Updated] There was a second firearm incident a few minutes ago this evening [Mar.25], and Bernews unofficially understands that someone may have been shot. Just past midnight an ambulance, with a Police escort, left the Rambling Lane, Parsons Road, Pembroke area, just by the laundromat. Unofficial reports indicate the ambulance was carrying a shooting... Read more of this article

Gunshots on Cedar Avenue: No Injuries

Gunshots on Cedar Avenue: No Injuries

[Updated] There were multiple shots fired in the Cedar Avenue and Laffan Street area of Hamilton a short while ago this evening [Mar.25]. The Police are presently on scene, and have the area outside the Masjid Muhammad Mosque taped off. Although we have no official confirmation, we unofficially understand that no one appears to have been injured in... Read more of this article

Defence Questions Gun Shot Residue Evidence

Defence Questions Gun Shot Residue Evidence

During the Supreme Court murder trial of Antonio Myers this morning [Mar.24], an expert testifying for the defence said that the Gun Shot Residue [GSR] evidence does “not assist in the finding that Antonio Myers is connected to the shooting of Kumi Harford.” 30-year-old Kumi Harford was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December... Read more of this article

“Parkside Gun” Used in Numerous Shootings

“Parkside Gun” Used in Numerous Shootings

During the Supreme Court murder trial of Antonio Myers yesterday [Mar.23], the Court heard allegations that the two guns used to kill Kumi Harford are “Parkside weapons,” and have been used in a number of shootings including at least four other murders. 30-year-old Kumi Harford was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December... Read more of this article

Murder Trial: Defendant’s Mother Testifies

Murder Trial: Defendant’s Mother Testifies

The mother of a man accused of murder took the stand today [Mar.23] in the Supreme Court murder trial of 25-year-old Antonio Myers, who is accused of murdering a rival gang member – charges which he denies. Having heard evidence that one particular 40 calibre pistol and one particular 9mm pistol had been used in a series of shootings, the Crown... Read more of this article

Murder Trial Continues: Expert Testimony

Murder Trial Continues: Expert Testimony

In the Supreme Court murder trial of Antonio Myers this morning [Mar.22], the jury heard expert witness Janet Johnson testify that she believed that it was likely that there were two shooters, and gave details of the how the bullets entered the car. 30-year-old Kumi Harford was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December 5th, 2009. Antonio... Read more of this article

Harford Murder: Gun Linked to “Wheels” Murder

Harford Murder: Gun Linked to “Wheels” Murder

During the Antonio Myers murder trial yesterday [Mar.21],  an expert witness testified that one of the guns used in the Kumi Harford killing had also been used in the murder of Kenwandee “Wheels” Robinson. 30-year-old Kumi Harford [pictured] was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December 5th, 2009. Antonio Myers, 25, of Rambling... Read more of this article

Murder Trial: Witness Details Myer’s Background

Murder Trial: Witness Details Myer’s Background

This afternoon [Mar.21], in the Antonio Myers murder trial case, the jury listened to a statement from the mother of Antonio Myer’s child that detailed family relationships. 30-year-old Kumi Harford was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December 5th, 2009. Antonio Myers, 25, of Rambling Lane, Pembroke was charged with the murder in May,... Read more of this article

Police Confirm Jahmel Blakeney To Be Extradited

Police Confirm Jahmel Blakeney To Be Extradited

The Police have confirmed that Jahmel Blakeney “will be extradited to Bermuda in the near future to face attempted murder charges relating to the November 2009 shootings of two persons at the Southside Cinema.” The charges relate to the November 13, 2009 shooting of both Shaki Minors [then 26] and Cedarbridge teacher Renee Kuchler [then... Read more of this article

Murder Accused: “I Shouldn’t Have Come Back”

Murder Accused: “I Shouldn’t Have Come Back”

Yesterday [Mar.18] the Court heard that a man accused of murdering a rival gang member was arrested after arriving in Bermuda from a Miami flight, and told the arresting officer, “I knew I should not have come back. I knew you guys were looking for me.” 30-year-old Kumi Harford [pictured] was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on... Read more of this article

Murder Trial: Defence Questions Gang Expert

Murder Trial: Defence Questions Gang Expert

The trial of a man accused of murdering a rival gang member continues in Supreme Court, with a Police officer identifying the defendant Antonio Myers as a high-ranking member of the Middletown gang, and the victim to be a high ranking member of the 42nd gang. 30-year-old Kumi Harford was killed at around 5am on St. Monica’s Road on December 5th, 2009,... Read more of this article

Kinte Smith Charged: 2009 Southside Shooting

Kinte Smith Charged: 2009 Southside Shooting

[Update - charges were dropped against Mr Smith in June 2011] In Magistrates Court this morning [Mar.14] a 25-year-old man was charged in connection with the 2009 Southside shooting. Kinte Smith charged with four offences relating to the Southside Movie Theatre shooting in November 2009. Mr Smith left the island two days after the shootings, and he... Read more of this article

Bassett Guilty on Ammo Charge, Retrial Ordered

Bassett Guilty on Ammo Charge, Retrial Ordered

[Updated with photo & video] Just past 6pm this evening [Mar 10] Marico Bassett was found guilty on Count Three, which was a charge of unlawfully possessing ammunition. He was not, however, found guilty on the attempted murder charge, as the jury was unable to reach a verdict. A retrial was ordered. Count One was a charge of attempted murder, and... Read more of this article