Hashtag: #SolarEnergy

Sunny Side Solar Launches In Bermuda

Sunny Side Solar Launches In Bermuda

Sunny Side Solar has officially launched in Bermuda, with the company donating all of its net profit to Habitat for Humanity Solar, Bermuda. A spokesperson said, “Sunny Side Solar believes the scientific evidence that climate change is the most serious threat of our time. Therefore, we are dedicated to making Bermuda more resilient by taking positive... Read more of this article

College Students Tour BHB Solar Installation

College Students Tour BHB Solar Installation

Six Bermuda College students enrolled in the Applied Science and Technology programme toured the solar thermal panel installation at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital last month. A spokesperson said, “Six Bermuda College students enrolled in the Applied Science and Technology programme toured the solar thermal panel installation at King Edward... Read more of this article

78 Solar Panels Installed At City Pump Station

78 Solar Panels Installed At City Pump Station

78 solar panels have been installed at the City of Hamilton’s Front Street pump station which is anticipated to “save the City more than $30,000 a year on electricity costs.” A spokesperson said, “This month the City of Hamilton oversaw the installation of 78 solar panels at its Front Street pump station which, it is anticipated,... Read more of this article

Minister Visits Pompano’s Solar Panel Installation

Minister Visits Pompano’s Solar Panel Installation

Yesterday [Feb 22], Minister of Home Affairs and Deputy Premier Walter Roban visited the solar panel facility at Pompano Beach Hotel in Southampton. “The solar installation, built 100′ above sea level on the hotel’s old dump, is protected from the threat of ocean surges and holds 800 panels at about 390 watts of installed capacity... Read more of this article

BE Solar Installs Solar System For PALS

BE Solar Installs Solar System For PALS

BE Solar recently installed a solar electricity system on the roof of PALS, with the solar system expected to help the charity save over $6,000 per year. A spokesperson said, “Renewable energy company BE Solar successfully won a competitive process to install an 11.97kW solar electricity system on the roof of local cancer charity PALS in Paget.... Read more of this article

Locals Urged To Consider Solar Solutions

Locals Urged To Consider Solar Solutions

Sunny Side Solar is working with home-owners who would like to install a DIY solar system under their supervision and is urging locals to consider the option. A spokesperson said, “The benefit of power alternatives and self-reliance was starkly demonstrated on Friday after a day-long utility outage. Bermuda is moving to a more distributed source... Read more of this article

‘Potential For Renewable Energy Development’

‘Potential For Renewable Energy Development’

The island’s marine Exclusive Economic Zone offers “great potential for renewable energy development,” Minister Walter Roban said, adding that the “most feasible of these technologies is offshore wind” and the “next most feasible technology is floating solar.” Speaking in the House of Assembly, Minister of... Read more of this article

Minister: Solar Panel Plans For Govt Buildings

Minister: Solar Panel Plans For Govt Buildings

Alternative Energy Systems [AES] were the successful bidder for the roof top solar PV system, with a price of $2,880,599 for all four buildings; the General Post Office, Government Administration, Public Transportation and TCD, Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch said. Speaking the House of Assembly today [Nov 13], the Minister said, “The... Read more of this article

Clarien, BE Solar To Offer Financing Solutions

Clarien, BE Solar To Offer Financing Solutions

Clarien Bank has partnered with BE Solar to offer homeowners financing solutions for the purchase and installation of residential solar panel systems. A spokesperson said, “The Clarien Bank Solar Loan empowers BE Solar clients to power up and invest in clean renewable electricity with low monthly payments and minimum upfront cost. “Harnessing... Read more of this article

Solar Under Storm For Policymakers Report

Solar Under Storm For Policymakers Report

A new report entitled “Solar Under Storm For Policymakers” details how “island policymakers and regulators can work together to enhance the resilience of solar photovoltaic [PV] systems across the Caribbean.” A spokesperson said, “Rocky Mountain Institute [RMI], the Clinton Foundation and the United Nations Office of the... Read more of this article

Column: Use Roofs To Catch Water & Sunshine

Column: Use Roofs To Catch Water & Sunshine

[Opinion column written by Jo Frith] When I first arrived in Bermuda in 2011, I was captivated by the beauty of the island and I couldn’t help but notice the architecture, particularly the Bermuda roofs. As I learned more about Bermuda’s architecture, what stood out wasn’t just the colour or shapes but the function of our roofs and how they... Read more of this article

BZS To Host Virtual Lecture Series On Energy

BZS To Host Virtual Lecture Series On Energy

The Bermuda Zoological Society [BZS] is getting set to host Zoom lectures entitled ‘Energy Empowerment’ on Thursday, June 18 at 7.00pm. A spokesperson said, “Coronavirus-related disruptions have given the Bermuda Zoological Society time to rethink its lecture series. In response to the new way of communicating with our members and the community,... Read more of this article