Hashtag: #UBP

Gibbons: Unacceptable Two Schools Not Ready

Gibbons: Unacceptable Two Schools Not Ready

Dr Grant Gibbons, Shadow Minister for Education, spoke out about the maintenance issues at two Government schools calling it “unacceptable” that two schools are not ready to receive students for the start of the new year, saying the “two-month summer break should give Government adequate time to get into the buildings and effect repairs.” While... Read more of this article

Bob Richards: Mid-Year Economic Review

Bob Richards: Mid-Year Economic Review

The following was written by Bob Richards, Shadow Minister of Finance: The Bermuda economy has been hurting for some time now. Companies are cutting back, people are losing jobs and paycheques are getting smaller. The time is right for a mid-year look at the economy, where it is and where it might go. The better we understand the prospects for the months... Read more of this article

Videos: UBP Mid Term Bermuda Finances Report

Videos: UBP Mid Term Bermuda Finances Report

The videos below show Bob Richards, the Shadow Minister of Finance, as he provides his mid-term report on the Bermuda’s finances during a press conference today [Sept 7] held at the UBP Headquarters. Mr Richards addressed many financial matters, including unemployment and the tax increase shown in the 2010/11 budget, saying that “they probably... Read more of this article

Full Text: Kim Swan 2010 Labour Day Speech

Full Text: Kim Swan 2010 Labour Day Speech

Below follows the full speech given this morning [Sept 6] by the Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan for the Labour Day occasion: Good Day brothers and sisters of Labour. Whilst it is always a honour to address you on Labour Day, the past year has been tough on everyone in Bermuda. In Bermuda today we face serious challenges economically and socially... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: “Same People, Same Problems”

Kim Swan: “Same People, Same Problems”

The following statement is from Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition: It is curious but not surprising to see the candidates for the leadership of the Progressive Labour Party launch their campaigns with virtually no mention of their government’s record in office. Mr. Terry Lister devoted one sentence to it in a four-page speech while Ms. Cox made no... Read more of this article

UBP Leader Kim Swan: Cup Match Message

UBP Leader Kim Swan: Cup Match Message

Below follows a Cup Match Message from Opposition Leader Kim Swan: On behalf of my wife Cindy, Parliamentary Colleagues, the Executive and Members of the United Bermuda Party, I extend best wishes to the people of Bermuda for a great 2010 Cup Match. Cup Match is that time of year that demonstrates how a vision birthed during difficult and uncertain... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Better Ways Than New Tax

Kim Swan: Better Ways Than New Tax

UBP Leader Kim.Swan has responded to the Government’s ideas to create additional revenue streams for the Town of St. George’s, ith one of those items discussed was the addition of one penny to the retail cost of gasoline and diesel with the funds raised going to St. George’s. Mr Swan, who is elected as a St George’s MP, said he feels... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Premier As The Provocateur-in-Chief

Kim Swan: Premier As The Provocateur-in-Chief

Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition, has expressed his concerns over “Government ministers use inflammatory language” and expressed concern that there no one in Government exerting discipline or setting a better example for ministers saying that we see “the Premier as the provocateur-in-chief”. Mr Swan’s full statement follows... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: No One Should Be Above The Law

Kim Swan: No One Should Be Above The Law

In response to the Government’s confirmation that Customs Officers have been directed to only open the Premier’s mail in the presence of the Premier or his representative, the Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan stated his disagreement with the policy and said that “No should be above the law. Give in on that and we are on our way to dictatorship.” Mr... Read more of this article

Videos: UBP Warwick West Candidate Speeches

Videos: UBP Warwick West Candidate Speeches

The United Bermuda’s Party [UBP] held an election to determine their candidate for Warwick West, Constituency 28 at St. Mary’s Church Hall on June 23. In the running for the position was Senator Jeanne Atherden, Roderick Simons and eventual winner Jeff Sousa. Videos of all three candidates speeches, as well as the introductory remarks are below: Introductory... Read more of this article

UBP: Jeff Sousa Elected In Warwick West

UBP: Jeff Sousa Elected In Warwick West

Jeff Sousa has won election to stand as the United Bermuda’s Party’s candidate for Warwick West, Constituency 28, after being declared the winner by Branch Chairman Mr. Kim White before a crowd of nearly 150 party members and residents in St. Mary’s Church Hall tonight (June 23). Fellow candidates included Senator Jeanne Atherden and Mr. Roderick... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Extension Victory For Common Sense

Kim Swan: Extension Victory For Common Sense

Leader of the Opposition Kim Swan has called the extension for the deadline for the new regulation requiring Bermudians who live with or are married to non-Bermudians to obtain a land licence a “victory for common sense” as well as the hard work of Shadow Attorney General Mr. Trevor Moniz and others. Mr Swan also said Minister Burch’s... Read more of this article

UBP: Let’s Work Together On Crime Challenge

UBP: Let’s Work Together On Crime Challenge

The statement below is from the United Bermuda Party Leader Kim Swan and Senator Michael Dunkley, Shadow Minister for Public Safety: We are seriously concerned that many Bermudians when they heard about Friday’s shooting murder took note and went about their business. On the surface that is what one expects people to do because they have lives to... Read more of this article

Dunkley: Tourism Results Simply Not Good Enough

Dunkley: Tourism Results Simply Not Good Enough

[Written by Senator Michael Dunkley, Shadow Minister for Tourism] No one should buy the excuse that bad weather is the reason first quarter air arrivals came in at catastrophically low levels; this time 10% below those for 2009, which was the start of one of the worst years in modern tourism. The failure to attract sufficient numbers of visitors to... Read more of this article

Former UBP Erwin Adderly Makes a Comeback

Former UBP Erwin Adderly Makes a Comeback

Former MP Erwin Adderley is making a comeback, and was introduced today [May 20] as the United Bermuda Party [UBP] candidate for Pembroke West, Constituency 19. Mr. Adderley said he was returning to politics as is deeply concerned about the direction Bermuda is heading with unchecked violent crime, continuing failure to reform education, collapse of... Read more of this article

UBP & IPL: Concerns Over Proposed Media Council

UBP & IPL: Concerns Over Proposed Media Council

Both the United Bermuda Party [UBP] and the International Press Institute have released statements expressing concerns over the proposed media council bill, which seeks to effectively create a governing body for the press. As it is constituted presently, the council will contain a Government majority with five of the twelve remaining members of the... Read more of this article