Hashtag: #UBP

Former UBP Leader Wayne Furbert to Join PLP

Former UBP Leader Wayne Furbert to Join PLP

Former Leader of the United Bermuda Party [UBP], and then independent MP Wayne Furbert will join the Progressive Labour Party [PLP] tomorrow. Mr. Furbert has confirmed the planned switch, and has been delivering letters to his constituents in Hamilton Parish. The letter says he “has changed the flag he carries, but not changed his heart”. Read... Read more of this article

Swan Speaks On Senator Bean’s “Dissing of BEST”

Swan Speaks On Senator Bean’s “Dissing of BEST”

Speaking out against Senator Marc Bean’s statements on BEST,  UBP Leader Kim Swan has most likely earned approval from young voters with his usage of the word “dissing“. The Leader of the Opposition said “Senator Mark Bean’s dissing of BEST is a classic example of Premier Brown’s appointees trashing the messenger.” The... Read more of this article

Dunkley:Proof of Bermudian Status is Unacceptable

Dunkley:Proof of Bermudian Status is Unacceptable

The issue of term limits is in the limelight following the email sent out by Senator David Burch inviting Bermudians to a meeting, which he stated was for Bermudians only with proof of status required at the door. Senator Michael Dunkley said to “ask for proof of Bermudian status is unacceptable and unnecessary“. He went on to say “We... Read more of this article

Premier’s New Press Secretary: Jamahl Simmons

Premier’s New Press Secretary: Jamahl Simmons

Jamahl Simmons has been appointed as the new press secretary to the Premier, saying the appointment was a “tremendous vote of confidence” and that he is looking forward to the challenge. Mr. Simmons has previously been a member of both the United Bermuda Party [UBP], Progressive Labour Party [PLP], and also served as an independent Member... Read more of this article

Bob Richards: Bermuda Dollar Now Devalued

Bob Richards: Bermuda Dollar Now Devalued

During the debate on the 2010 Budget in the House of Assembly today, Minister of Finance Paula Cox [PLP] introduced an amendment that doubled the rate of Bermuda’s Foreign Currency Purchase Tax from 0.50% to 1.0%. Speaking to the amendment, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards [UPB] described this proposed increase as effectively devaluing the... Read more of this article

Swan Unhappy With 30 Second Speaking Time

Swan Unhappy With 30 Second Speaking Time

Opposition Leader Kim Swan called the 30 seconds he was left to speak in the House the “politics of distraction”. During the morning sitting of the House of Assembly yesterday, Premier Dr. Ewart Brown spoke in depth on the 2010/11 Budget, sitting down with only 30 seconds of debate time remaining. Mr. Swan rose to speak but was quickly... Read more of this article

‘To Haiti With Love’ Telethon Closes with $82,372

‘To Haiti With Love’ Telethon Closes with $82,372

The locally produced telethon to assist earthquake ravaged Haiti entitled “To Haiti with Love” ended just after 11pm tonight with a final amount of $82,372.00 raised. As was expected, Bermudians were very generous with money pouring in through the whole event. Premier Dr. Ewart Brown and his wife Wanda Henton-Brown, generously matched the... Read more of this article

House of Assembly: Bob Richards Budget Reply

House of Assembly: Bob Richards Budget Reply

The Shadow Minister for Finance Bob “ET” Richards delivered the official Opposition reply to the budget in the House of Assembly this morning. The 2010/11 budget was revealed last week, and has come under fire from various members of the community. Mr. Richards’s speech lasted for almost two hours and touched on numerous aspects,  including... Read more of this article

2010 Budget: PLP and UBP Response

2010 Budget: PLP and UBP Response

Below is the full text of four responses from members of opposing political parties to the 2010/11 budget. [UBP] Shadow Minister of Finance E.T. [Bob] Richards released the statement below: - Finance Minister Paula Cox’s Budget penalizes Bermuda for her Government’s reckless spending sprees that have piled up deficits and debt year after year. The... Read more of this article