Hashtag: #WorldNews

Gathering For Peace Held At Anglican Cathedral

Gathering For Peace Held At Anglican Cathedral

[Updated] A ‘Gathering for Peace’ event was held yesterday [Oct 25] at the Anglican Cathedral on Church Street in response to the Israel/Palestine crisis. A spokesperson previously said, “This in the face of the Israel/Palestine crisis that began on October 7th with the tragic attack in Israel by Hamas, which has resulted in responses that has... Read more of this article

Google Subsea System To Connect Bermuda

Google Subsea System To Connect Bermuda

Google announced “Nuvem, a new transatlantic subsea cable system to connect Portugal, Bermuda, and the United States,” with the global tech giant stating that Bermuda has undertaken significant efforts to “create a digital Atlantic hub” and “Nuvem will not only be the first cable to land under this robust environment, but... Read more of this article

World Anti-Doping: Bermuda Is Non-Compliant

World Anti-Doping: Bermuda Is Non-Compliant

The World Anti-Doping Agency [WADA] has declared Bermuda to be non-compliant — due to a “failure to appropriately implement the Code into their legal systems” — and the proposed consequences including prohibiting Bermuda’s flag from being “flown at regional, continental and World Championships and events organized by... Read more of this article

Bermudian Continues Helping In Ukraine

Bermudian Continues Helping In Ukraine

[Written by Stephen Wright] Bermudian Jason Rhind, who has carried out humanitarian work in Ukraine for more than a year, has spent the past nine months assisting military training units in the country after it was invaded by Russia. The former Royal Bermuda Regiment soldier is working and living with the 68th Jaegar Brigade, which conducts combat operations... Read more of this article

U.S. SEC Charges Binance & Coinbase

U.S. SEC Charges Binance & Coinbase

[Updated] The United States Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] has filed charges against two of the most prominent crypto companies in the world, with today’s charges against Coinbase following after the charges it filed against Binance yesterday. Coinbase A statement from the SEC about the Coinbase matter said, “The Securities and... Read more of this article

UN Declares International Week Of Solidarity

UN Declares International Week Of Solidarity

The United Nations has designated May 25 to 31 as the “International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories.” The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing Territories”, and Bermuda is included, having been listed since 1946; with all the other British Overseas Territories... Read more of this article

Covid Is No Longer Global Health Emergency

Covid Is No Longer Global Health Emergency

The World Health Organization [WHO] announced today [May 5] that they have determined that “Covid-19 is now an established and ongoing health issue which no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.” The statement comes three years after the WHO first declared its highest level of alert over the virus. The official... Read more of this article

OBA Leader On Signature Bank, Fintech & More

OBA Leader On Signature Bank, Fintech & More

[Updated] Following the closure of U.S based Signature Bank by New York regulators, Opposition Leader Cole Simons noted that in 2019 the Government “unveiled its relationship with Signature Bank as a banking service solution for Bermuda‘s fintech companies” and asked “now that this banking option is off the table, what’s next for... Read more of this article

Column: Deep Sea Reefs Must Be Conserved

Column: Deep Sea Reefs Must Be Conserved

[Opinion column written by Paris Stefanoudis] Sunlit coral reefs are perhaps the most famous marine habitat and many people will have snorkelled over or dived down to one at some point. Home to a quarter of all known ocean life, these “rainforests of the ocean” have been at the forefront of marine research for decades and been featured in documentaries... Read more of this article

PwC Donates $60,000 To Turkey And Syria

PwC Donates $60,000 To Turkey And Syria

PwC firms in the Caribbean and Bermuda have donated US$60,000 to help victims of last month’s earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. A spokesperson said, “Through the PwC Global Office for Humanitarian Affairs and local NGO partners, the donation will be directed to enable rebuilding efforts in Turkey and Syria. The funds were raised through... Read more of this article

Carnival Corp: $2.1B Revolving Credit Facility

Carnival Corp: $2.1B Revolving Credit Facility

Carnival Corporation & plc announced that it has “successfully arranged a new forward starting $2.1 billion multi-currency revolving credit facility.” A spokesperson said, “The New Revolver will replace Carnival Corporation’s existing multi-currency revolving credit facility [the "Existing Revolver"] upon its maturity in... Read more of this article

Bermudian Works On Historic All Black Flight

Bermudian Works On Historic All Black Flight

British Airways recently operated its first-ever flight with an all Black crew, and Bermudian Keivin Richardson-Crane Pimentel was one of the crew working on the historic flight, and he noted that “Bermuda was represented” on the flight. The flight occurred in February on British Airways’ Barbados flight, and according to posts on social... Read more of this article

‘Dialogue To Expedite The End Of Colonialism’

‘Dialogue To Expedite The End Of Colonialism’

“Encouraging deeper collaboration and constructive dialogue to expedite the end of colonialism” ensuring the “aspirational needs of small island territories under the purview of the Special Committee on Decolonization are met is a global responsibility,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said. “The concerns... Read more of this article

Red Cross Launch Appeal For Turkey & Syria

Red Cross Launch Appeal For Turkey & Syria

The Bermuda Red Cross is launching a disaster cash appeal for those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, which had a devasting impact, killing over 40,000 people. A spokesperson said, “A third, 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck southern Turkey 2 weeks after two powerful earthquakes hit southern Turkey and northern Syria, on Monday,... Read more of this article

Podcast: Economic Shocks On Small States

Podcast: Economic Shocks On Small States

“The main reason small states were really hard hit by Covid was tourism,” Dana Vorisek, Senior Economist, World Bank Group said during a World Bank podcast that looked at the plight of 37 small states, which they define as countries with a population of 1.5 million or less. The World Bank website said, “The recently released January... Read more of this article

Column: See Plastic From Space, Oceans & More

Column: See Plastic From Space, Oceans & More

[Opinion column written by Philipp Bayer, Ahmed Elagali, Julie Robidart, and Kate Marie Quigley] You’ve seen the art AI image generators can create, and you may have played with natural language AI chatbots. You’ve benefited from artificial intelligence tools recommending you music and suggesting your next streaming show. But AI can do much more.... Read more of this article