Hashtag: #WTSBermuda

Goal To ‘Leverage The Longer-Term Value’

Goal To ‘Leverage The Longer-Term Value’

The Bermuda Tourism Authority said they aim to “leverage the longer-term value through a healthy return on investment,” saying they view the island hosting the World Triathlon Series as “part of an investment that can bring returns for many years to come.” The event was held this past weekend with an elite men’s race attracting... Read more of this article

Column: The Inspiration Of Flora Duffy’s Victory

Column: The Inspiration Of Flora Duffy’s Victory

[Opinion column written by Glenn Fubler] Flora Duffy’s performance this past weekend was far more than a victory in a sporting event. As Minister Michael Weeks pointed out; “..those who attended on Saturday, experienced something special.” The Opposition Leader – Jean Atherden noted; “..it was an inspiration to all”. The response of the... Read more of this article

OBA Leader: Flora Is “An Inspiration To Us All”

OBA Leader: Flora Is “An Inspiration To Us All”

Opposition Leader Jeanne Atherden thanked everyone for for making the MS Amlin World Triathlon Series event successful saying that Flora Duffy’s  “dedication and commitment is to be commended, and her performance at home proves that she is a force to be reckoned with in the triathlon world”. The Opposition Leader said, “The show... Read more of this article

Minister Weeks Congratulates Flora Duffy

Minister Weeks Congratulates Flora Duffy

“An incredibly proud day for Bermudians,” is how the Minister of Social Development and Sports Michael Weeks described triathlon champion Flora Duffy’s win yesterday in the Elite Women’s Race at the MS Amlin World Triathlon Bermuda. “I think anyone who was there on Saturday shared in something very special,” said Minister Weeks. “The atmosphere... Read more of this article

Flora Duffy: ‘Absolute Highlight Of My Career’

Flora Duffy: ‘Absolute Highlight Of My Career’

Reigning world champion Flora Duffy came in as the favourite and delivered in emphatic fashion, as she raced to victory in the MS Amlin World Triathlon Bermuda, becoming the first woman in WTS history to win a race after being the leader in all three disciplines. The gold medal earned on home soil was her first WTS win of the season, and she held... Read more of this article

Photos: MS Amlin World Triathlon Series

Photos: MS Amlin World Triathlon Series

The MS Amlin World Triathlon Series saw the Tokio Millennium Re [TMR] Kids Duathlon take place on Friday night [April 27] while the Amateur Age Group Races and Elite Races took place on Saturday [April 28]. With an incredible performance in front of her home crowd, Flora Duffy won the elite women’s event in a time of 2:01:39. The gold earned on home... Read more of this article

Beauty Queen To Triathlete, A 55-Year Story

Beauty Queen To Triathlete, A 55-Year Story

Nancy Missett of New York City is in Bermuda this weekend for the MS Amlin World Triathlon Series, but also to recapture the memories of a visit she made out here in 1963. The 75 year-old was invited to the island a half-century ago to be the April Floral Pageant Queen, after having won a College Weeks pageant the prior spring. Now 55 years later she’s... Read more of this article

Bad Weather Cancels Hangover Beach Swim

Bad Weather Cancels Hangover Beach Swim

The Bermuda World Triathlon Festival Weekend Hangover Beach Swim event scheduled for this morning [April 29] has been cancelled due to weather conditions. Organizers said they are “sorry that the Hangover Beach Swim at Horseshoe Bay is cancelled due to stormy weather approaching.” The Bermuda Weather Service forecast says, “Occasional... Read more of this article

Photo Set #2: World Triathlon Elite Race Women

Photo Set #2: World Triathlon Elite Race Women

Flora Duffy won the elite women’s event at the ITU World Triathlon Series Bermuda yesterday [April 28] crossing the line in just over two hours. The day started with the Amateur Age Group races in the morning, followed by the elite races in the afternoon. Vicky Holland came in second place while Katie Zaferes placed third in the elite women’s... Read more of this article

Photo Set #1: World Triathlon Elite Race Women

Photo Set #1: World Triathlon Elite Race Women

Bermuda World Triathlon races were held on Saturday [April 28] starting at 7.00am with the Amateur Age Group races, followed by the elite races in the afternoon. With an incredible performance in front of her home crowd, Flora Duffy won the elite women’s event in just over two hours. Following was a photo-finish with Vicky Holland coming in second... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: 15 Minutes Of Fame

McGinger Comic: 15 Minutes Of Fame

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the ninth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that the day of the World Bermuda Triathlon has arrived. Doggie brings the famous quote of Andy Warhol “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” to comment on today’s event and reflect on the reasons that push... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Kids Duathlon On Front Street

Photos & Video: Kids Duathlon On Front Street

Bermuda’s school children showcased their athletic skills at last night’s TMR Kid’s Duathlon on Front Street, with the island’s young athletes racing as their family and friends cheered them on. The TMR Kids Duathlon was held the evening before Bermuda hosts the World Triathlon Series, and the children competed on part of the very... Read more of this article

Live Updates, Info & Video: Triathlon Weekend

Live Updates, Info & Video: Triathlon Weekend

[Updating - Live video of the amateur races now playing] The World Triathlon Festival Weekend got underway on Thurday evening [April 26] with the three day event involving an opening ceremony, kids race, amateur race, hangover swim, plus the elite race which will feature some of the world’s top professional triathletes from over 25 different... Read more of this article

Reminder: Traffic Restrictions On Saturday

Reminder: Traffic Restrictions On Saturday

The Ministry of Public Works is reminding that there will be parking and road restrictions in place for the MS Amlin World Triathlon Bermuda. “Racing takes place tomorrow, Saturday 28th April 2018 from 7.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. on various roads in and around the City of Hamilton,” the Ministry said. “The public is strongly encouraged... Read more of this article

Photos & Videos: Triathlon Familiarisation Ride

Photos & Videos: Triathlon Familiarisation Ride

The elite athletes familiarisation ride of the MS Amlin World Triathlon Bermuda cycling race course was held this morning [April 27] in the City of Hamilton, with a group of approximately 100 cyclists riding under police escort. The cyclists set off from No. 1 Dock, continuing along Front Street toward the North Roundabout, up Corkscrew Hill on to Middle... Read more of this article

Hospital: Please Be Aware Of Road Closures

Hospital: Please Be Aware Of Road Closures

All hospital operations are running as normal tomorrow, however BHB is reminding people to be aware of which roads will be closed on Saturday [Apr 28] during the triathlon, in case they need to travel to the hospital. A BHB spokesperson said, “Bermuda Hospitals Board today reminds people to be aware of which roads will be closed on Saturday 28... Read more of this article