YOM: Premier Used Unattributed Quote

October 25, 2011

Youth on the Move [YOM] have said that Premier Paula Cox used a quote from one of their papers during the recent PLP’s political rally [1][2] without attribution.

During the PLP Rally last Wednesday the Premier said, “Economic empowerment for our young people is not only vital but the lack of it is the root cause of most of the hopelessness, disrespect, violence and social deterioration that we see in the community today” – a quote which first appeared in a 2006 YOM paper which was given to the Premier’s office earlier this year.

YOM President Carlton Simmons said, “We were flattered that the Premier would use our material, the concern came about as it was not attributed in the speech to where those words came from.”

“As an organization we work very hard to keep connected in the community, we do a lot of research, we have data we are getting ready to release, so when we find and we identify challenges that affect the country, we are always happy to share it with Government, so long as they attribute the credit to where it is due.”

Mr Simmons continued on to say that, “What we notice is a pattern, sometimes we put forth ideas and we don’t get any feedback from Government, but then months later we will see a version or something that looks very similar to what we put forward to Government in another Ministry, or another branch of Government.”

“Most the time you put it down to co-incidence – even though most the time don’t feel that it is – this is an example when we can clearly trace back to a document that we handed the Government.”

“Firstly, we are just asking we be given the due credit. Secondly, if we are good enough to quote, and certainly we don’t have a problem with the Premier using our quote , we just want to be given credit for it then maybe we can be brought in as full partners.”

Mr Simmons went on to say, “This brings us to the real issue. The Government is going to have to do more then just talk about empowering youth and young people.”

“They have been saying this now for a number of years, but we have not really seen the evidence of that. It doesn’t matter if they support this particular charity, or some other charity, but at least show us where young people have been given a true voice.”

The Premier’s prepared remarks are said to have included these lines: “Economic empowerment of young Bermudians is not only vital and necessary but the lack of it is the root cause of most of the violence, hopelessness and disrespect and social deterioration seen so often in the community today.”

“Youth On the Move has identified this problem as Bermuda’s number one foreseeable threat to the economy.”

However, it appears the Premier did not include the second sentence when making the actual speech at the Rally.

This morning [Oct.25] the Premier’s Chief of Staff Sen. David Burt — who last night ousted Minister Neletha Butterfield in Pembroke West Central — referenced the prepared speech and confirmed that it “was not quite as the Premier said it in the speech given constraints of time.”

“However clearly no intent to plagiarise as the written text above did give credit and if during her delivery the name was inadvertently left out the Premier can only express her sincere regret at this unintentional omission and assure YOM that the quality of their contribution in the public discourse on our youth is fully recognized,” concluded Sen. Burt.

“Our intention is not  to smear, or even damage the relationship we have with Government,” said Mr Simmons.

“Our only intent here is to shine a light on the fact that young people are prepared in the community. Our ideas are being used on a regular basis without being given credit.”

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Comments (56)

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  1. Family Man says:

    I’m shocked, absolutely shocked that the Pee el Pee would take somebody else’s ideas without attribution.

    • Black Soil says:

      We have far larger issues than this with PLP. PLP is only focussed on their political survival. PLP is dying. PLP is dysfunctional. Bermuda is going down. We need what good there is left in the PLP to start their own party. That will be our future. That will get my vote.

  2. Think about it says:

    Sounds like the PLP-Taking from the people while giving nothing in return.

  3. drew says:

    How about political empowerment through the implementation of absentee voting for those currently studying abroad?

    • Absentee Voting says:

      Agreed, something the youth need to encourage political awareness so that we can be more involved in the politcal selection process

  4. pebblebeach says:

    Even though I have my issues with the Premier, I truly believe she was genuine with her response to this matter and did not intentionally plagiarize….unfortunately, her Chief of Staff Senator David Burch in true PLP fashion allegedly provided an edited version of the speech to the press saying she did not speak those words, which differed from her version and her written text; tried to blame the press for reporting inaccuracies….shame on you Senator David, but this time you tried to cover it up and when ousted embarrassed the Premier into making an apology….Did this fella just get selected to represent PLP Pembroke West Central….good luck with him…

    • Think about it says:

      Firstly, the man’s name is David Burt, not David Burch. Second, I’m willing to bet that the only reason he did that is because he was told to. The only reason they got caught is because the Royal Gazette sent in their audio recording that they took during the speech.

      So stop trying to make it seem as Paula Cox isn’t an innocent victim and had nothing to do with it.

      • Think about it says:

        Meant to say, “So stop trying to make it seem as Paula Cox is an innocent victim and had nothing to do with it.”

      • pebblebeach says:

        Burt it is…either way the PLP got called out…

  5. navin johnson says:

    and of course David Burt denied the quote was lifted and played a tape that convenintly skipped at the opportune moment….is there no end to the shenanigans? We had to deceive you unless the tape supplied by the RG AKA the Combined Opposition showed the Madame Premier lifted the quote word for word….

  6. Cancer says:

    Hey youth on the move… Are you surprised????

  7. Lissa says:


  8. outkated says:

    Wow ya boy hit the nail on the head. Now let’s see if government sits up and pays attention. I’ll be watching.

  9. My two cents says:

    It sort of reminds me of Hollywood; they just keep remaking all the old movies instead of coming up with new scripts because they aren’t creative enough. All tapped out.

  10. Hmmmmm says:

    This is truly entertaining. Carlton Simmons and Youth on the Move owe their existence to the PLP and Paula Cox in particular. The $250k grant they received about 6 years ago from the Ministry of Finance allowed them to buy their building and more. Imagine, for one sentence all of that is forgotten. There you are Premier, a teaching moment for you.You of all people should be better at spotting self-centred opportunists. Irony all round.

    • Someone who thinks before the write untruths says:

      If you want to know the truth go to the source and don’t assume you know what you are talking about.

  11. Bermyman says:

    The PLP don’t know what they are doing, they are so desperate for ideas that they need to steal others. Honestly they talk the talk but with no real strategy on how they plan to get Bermuda’s economy back on track. Look a John Swan’s comments last week, someone who knows what needs to be done but is powerless to do so. The present administration is only concerned with their paychecks, houses and free trips. We need pro-active government now, not bandaid policies that solve nothing in the long run.

    • YES MATE! says:

      They can’t even talk the talk. They talk someone else’s talk! They are so low on ideas that they connot write their own speeches. As for Mr Burp this counts as your first instance of deceiving us Bermudians.

  12. Pastor Syl says:

    This is all so tiresome. I am so far past discouraged, I haven’t bothered to comment for a while. Nothing changes. No, I refuse to affirm that! I will affirm what I want to see – that Bermudians recognize a need for something, not just different, but better. I don’t know if the OBA can supply it or if the ‘system’ will obstruct meaningful change, but something, anything, has got to be better than what we have been getting for the last few years. Alternatively, a complete roster of independent candidates with Bermuda-as-a-whole as their primary agenda and no political parties at all would be even better.

    In any case the PLP needs to be more responsive, more transparent, and less blatantly reprehensible – or at least more willing to acknowledge error. I would have more respect for them if they just said they were wrong and apologized instead of trying to put a spin on everything.

  13. last laugh says:

    I just hope Mr. Simmons, can stand up to the same level of scrutiny when his time comes. I am not in favor of taking someone’s intellectual property without giving credit to the source. however, Carlton, must know that he is putting himself in a dubious position. He does not have skeletons in his closet he has cemeteries.

    He better be careful. Remember Glass houses…………….

  14. Cancer says:

    Other memorable quotes by a great man

    - we had to deceive you

    - they hate me now but they’ll love me later

    - and this too shall pass

    - I can assure you that within the next 2 months
    we’ll be breaking ground to build a brand new
    hotel on this site.

    • Hmmmmm says:

      Remind me again what this has to do with the great one ? Take your medication. It’ll help you stop seeing things that have disappeared.

      • Rick Rock says:

        That reminds me. We are all waiting with great anticipation for building to start on the Hyatt hotel. It’s definitely going to happen in November 2011, just a few days away now. Financing is already in place. We know this for an absolute fact, because Dr Brown said it a year ago, just before he retired as Premier, and the current Tourism Minister reiterated it earlier this year. And we know that they would not say anything unless they know it to be true. So we’re waiting for Bermudians to be hired, and for building work to begin, in November 2011. As they promised.

      • My two cents says:

        Disappeared on the surface, but still lurking underwater waiting to come up for air.

  15. pot n kettle says:

    I hate politics…………..but I know Carlton, he is a joke

    his time will come!

  16. What youth and what move says:

    I have been down to YOM for help and it is a joke, it is an organazation that is Largley about Carlton’s ego.

    one day it will all come out!

  17. Mars says:

    Not really surprise. That’s what most Politrickans do, ask you for your proposal and ideas and then say sorry, they can’t implement them and a few months later, it automatically becomes part of their campaign speech or media blitz and they take the credit calling it their own idea.

  18. Ole says:


    We are really in election mode now.

    This is my guess, and I did say that I am not sure, however here goes..that 2006 comment/ statement most likely is the work of someone other than those the purport to be the original scribes. If not in full, most likely in part.

    Nothing is original in this age of the internet so what the he_l is the big deal?

    Stop with the silly banter, we have bigger issues to solve..


    • Rick Rock says:

      Oh, that’s your “guess” is it? You defend the Plagiarizing Premier by – let’ see – “guessing” – that the place she stole the quote from from itself plagiarized the quote.

      Well, that’s quite a guess. Unless you can prove your little flight of fancy? (…no, I didn’t think so).

      So let’s go back to the facts that we know, rather than guesses.

      The Plagiarizing Premier stole the quote. Bumbling Burt allegedly tried to cover it up. Both these things are facts.

  19. 1minute says:

    It’s that called plagiarism

  20. Hmmmmm says:

    The real story here is why my Premier would quote Carlton Simmons! In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is truly king.

    • Family Man says:

      Cause your Premiere is intellectually bankrupt and can’t come up with an original idea on her own? She’s just a cog you know. Her moral and ethical standards show she has no problem stealing other peoples ideas and trying to pass them off as her own though.

      • PEPPER says:

        I am so disappointed with Paula Cox…I had high hopes for her as our leader..but I guess she learned from doc brown how to BS the public….

  21. are you serious says:


    With all the real issues that the youth are facing this is what you are championing?

    stop drinking from your sippie cup with your picture on the front, lace up your boots and man up………….. you did not get credit for a quote big whoop, your ego was hurt??? people who are truly committed to change would care less because their issue is getting a voice.

    it is always about you, your intellect, what you see, how you were wronged………

    not your movement or demopgraphic.

    Question are you the only voice of YOM? are they comfortable with you as the frontman? how is it that you remain the head of a group for so long, without a young person being trained?

    why dont you let Che’ Powell speak, he is a better representative and greater respect in the community.

    The truth is you are a double agent, that needs to pick a side………..

    I have been on the inside………many people have left YOM because of your approach and tunnel vision.

    truth is, you are can not be an advocate for that age group anymore because you are no longer relivent to that age group and you have aged out!

    few suggestions bro:

    1.practice what you preach

    2. stay out fo the lime light if you are not promoting the mandates of your organization

    3. develop young people to lead young people

    4. and pick your battles cos, being quoted and not being given the credit is wrong but at the end of the day who cares?? you have just taken time, money and resources away from the real work and issues because of your ego.

    signed: a real youth on the move… but going foward!

  22. Terry says:

    Everything leads back to the PLP. More stuff going on and this is just the tip.

    Boy..everyone is getting slighted. Termites are comming out…..

  23. pah-ha says:


    Most people stay interested in YOM for a few months tops, it is his way or the highway, he is very dogmatic and egotistical. he talks a good game, and he can swtich from a hustler to a advocate but at the end of the day, he is just a hustler with advocacy skills.

    your 15 minutes of fame is up!

    cash in and do you! (hustling)

  24. Chart says:

    It’s kind of funny – this would have been totally inconsequential if it weren;t for Dave Burt’s attempts to cover it up. He ends up looking like a doofus.

  25. Stewart Little says:

    Really all why are we making a big isssue out of this we just like to make a lot of noise about nothing quotes are used every day they should be proud but you cant please the youth today I sh

    • What ! says:

      Burt apparently gave a video of the speech to prove that it was not the same as the YOM sentence, but the press identified a skip or stutter and what was provided was different to the audio recording of the speech. The issue here is that Burt apparently lied. As you note, this is something that is not a big issue. If Burt apparently lies over something this small, is he someone that you want to trust with Bermuda.

  26. specialgirl4 says:

    Carlton I am very surprise that you sort to make this an issue. The government has stood by YOM and without government funding you would not exist. If the Premier reinforced words that helped to make our youth’s issues stand out, and acknowledge their challenges…..so what…..more people should also speak up on the youth. Premier is an intelligent individual and she can out speak on any subject matter with great fluency. There are so many issues our young people are faced with, and you choose to make this an issue to bring forward. Come on and get real, and deal with real issues, real problem, and real solutions!!!

  27. star man says:

    “There are so many issues our young people are faced with, and you choose to make this an issue to bring forward. Come on and get real, and deal with real issues, real problem, and real solutions!!!”


  28. Vote for Me says:

    I am often accused of defending the PLP but I really fail to see how this is a story. Let’s assume the qoute was made without attribution. Surely Carlton knows Sen. Burt and could have called him directly for clarification and correction if necessary.

    This is an example of the pettiness that we allow ourselves to fall into. The result is a focus on the small issues while the ‘elephant in the room’ remains.

    I trust that the relationship between YOM and the Government will continue since the ultimate beneficiaries are our young people.

    • Rick Rock says:

      So why did Burt allegedly cover it up?

      • FYI-Just A Thought says:


        Just a thought

        • Rick Rock says:

          Well, the question was serious. Vote For Me says this is a ‘non-story’. Yet Burt arranges a pathetic cover-up. Why would he do that? If the original story was a ‘non-story’, there would have been no logical reason to cover it up. Is it that Burt is a pathological liar? Is it that he can’t resist the temptation to manipulate information? Why did it happen?

          To anyone just looking at it, it is all a big confirmation of the lack of ethics of the people involved.

  29. quinton king says:

    I deem it very negative to even bring this to public light in this fashion!!!!! Surely Mr. Simmons could have approached it by trying to alert the premier of the “discrepancy”. But, to have done it like this is the type of mindset that my fellow Bermudians are stuck in…… Nitpicking, “hey look at me” type attitudes. No reason to wonder why society is as it is…. AND for ALL concerned……IT STARTS AT HOME!!!!! What we see on the streets is the end result!!!!!

  30. 32n64w says:

    Don’t the PLP know the cover-up is usually worse than the crime?

    PLP: Doing more to ensure the taxpayers know less and less.

  31. EXPress says:

    @Vote for Me says

    I am often accused of defending the PLP but I really fail to see how this is a story. Let’s assume the qoute was made without attribution. Surely Carlton knows Sen. Burt and could have called him directly for clarification and correction if necessary”

    Your correct, the real story is (From yesterdays Gazette)


    “But her chief of staff, Senator David Burt, denied she had when approached by The Royal Gazette.

    He claimed this newspaper inaccurately reported her remarks on Thursday and presented as proof what he claimed was unedited DVD footage of the speech. But the video he provided “jumped” near to the point where Ms Cox actually delivered the line, skipping to the next part of her remarks.

    An audio recording made by The Royal Gazette at the rally revealed Ms Cox did use the sentence and did not attribute it to YOM. After the sound clip was sent to Sen Burt last night, the Premier issued a statement saying: “I regret any concern caused by my inadvertent exclusion of a reference to YOM in my oral comments.”

    And now this same man has been chosen to represent Pembroke West Central in the next election……….

    • LOL (original) says:

      This is not the first and won’t be the last time Senator Burt will act something like this. He has had his hand in quite alot of the years it really boggles the mind.

      LOL that’s politicians for you. He really is the PLP’s golden boy. I’m suprised it took three times for him to oust Ms. Butterfield in the first place as it looked like a done deal to me from the get go.

  32. Somewhat of a non-story says:

    While this is pretty much a tempest in a teapot, I am surprised that someone who’s as verbose as our Premier had to crib from someone else’s work.

    Of course, this is Bermuda so we should ignore the number of individuals in the US and Canada who have resigned over equally minor incidents of plagiarism.

  33. Cancer says:

    Some of you all are asking what’s the big deal with this.. But in the end it shows just how the PLP can be by David Burt’s actions! He shud have to answer to this but that won’t happen and tell me Paula didn’t know! What you you loyalists have to say about that???

  34. leaves says:

    I can understand YOM point. People forget ideas, quotes are intellectial property.

  35. pah-ha says:

    carlton get a life!

  36. St.D says:

    At the end of the day, the PLP was born of the same past as the UBP and they need to go the same was as the UBP.

  37. LOL (original) says:


    Respectfully will you be allowing my comment?
